Chapter 22: Sophie

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Sophie was pacing back and forth on her carpet. It seemed like hours since Keefe left to talk to Grady though it had probably only been about ten minutes. She was just so worried about what Grady would say to Keefe.

Keefe was already dealing with so much and Grady had a tendency to be a bit... hard on Keefe when it came to... stuff.

Actually he was always hard on Keefe.

After Keefe had left Sophie to live with the Neverseen, Grady started calling him "that boy" because he didn't trust Keefe at all.

Which really wasn't fair considering how hard Keefe tried to make up for his mistake.

Well... mistakes.

Of course Grady was fine with Sophie dating Fitz, but when it came to Keefe he went from "overprotective Dad" to...

A total terror.

Seriously... he was scary.

And that was why Sophie was feeling very nervous while waiting for Grady to be done.

A few more minutes passed.

This was not going to go down well.

Finally someone opened her door and quietly stepped into her room.

It was Keefe, and he had a slight smile on his face.

"What did he say?!" Sophie exclaimed as she quickly stood up and walked over to where Keefe was standing.

Keefe's smile grew brighter, "He said yes."

Sophie felt like a million Alicorns had been lifted off her heart. She responded with a smile of her own and moved closer, "How did you manage to do that? Grady hates you!"

"Not anymore! Let's just say that Lord Hunkyhair's handsome looks definitely played a part and he will bother us no MORE!" He faked an evil laugh then put his arm around Sophie's shoulders.

Sophie snorted, "You're unbelievable."

"And that's why you love me, Foster."

Sophie blushed and shrugged.

Keefe's voice lowered as he shifted his arms to wrap around Sophie's waist.

"But Sophie, I just wanted to say something. While I was talking to Grady, I realized that every time I've been gone, I've just left you to imagine the reason why I've... left. And I just want to say that yes, it was a major mistake to ever think that I could change anything by leaving. I was wrong. But I want you to know that I've done it for you. And never for any other reason."

Sophie smiled and reached up to stroke the side of his cheek.

"I know Keefe. I mean I kind of guessed after reading your letter. But... Thanks for telling me that. To my face."

Keefe started leaning down, angling his face towards hers.

She knew what he was going to do.

And she was all for it.


"I never gave you my permission to kiss her!" Grady interrupted.

Sophie sighed and pulled away from Keefe.

"Seriously Dad? You did give him permission to date me so..."

Grady interrupted her, "But I never said anything about kissing!"

Maybe it was Grady's expression on his face or the tone in which he said the words but when Sophie took one look at Keefe, they both burst out laughing.

And it felt so good.

Sophie has been stressing about so many things, that it felt amazing to just let loose and...


Not that she wasn't doing that before...

But, this felt different. In a good way.

"And now you laugh at the same time. What's new," Grady muttered when they stopped giggling.

"So what did you come and bother us for?" Keefe teased, not looking the least bit annoyed that Grady had interrupted their kiss.

Sophie smiled. Fitz would have never acted like Keefe just did.

Fitz would get very annoyed and Keefe... just let it go.

To be blunt, being with Keefe was so much better than with Fitz.

Honestly, Sophie just felt way less pressure knowing that really whatever happened, Keefe would always be at her side, ready to fight with her.

If Grady had interrupted Sophie and Fitz, she knew that Fitz would be way less chill about it.

And that's why Sophie was just friends with Fitz.

Well, she didn't know if that was even true anymore...

Grady finally replied to Keefe, "I came to tell you that Team Valient is waiting for you downstairs."

Sophie gave a start of surprise. "Wait, they're downstairs? Like right now?!"


"I have to go! They might have some new information for me about the goblins!" Sophie started heading for the door but Keefe blocked her.

"Hey, do you want me to leave? I know it's all confidential but I want to help you guys out. I don't want to feel useless anymore." Keefe whispered the last sentence.

Sophie hugged him and whispered, "You are not useless. And actually... I'd love it if you came with me. I might need your help. More than you realize."

Keefe nodded against her then pulled away and took her hand. "Well then, let's get moving."

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