Chapter 18: Sophie

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"What are you doing here!?" Grady demanded.

Probably looking at Keefe.

Sophie was too busy staring at the ground, not really wanting to see any of the two people in front of her though Sophie couldn't tell what was worse, Grady being there or Fitz. She dared a small peek up.

Grady was standing there, arms crossed, glaring at Keefe and...

Fitz was looking down at his feet, not saying a word.





Sophie started counting the seconds, waiting for it to be over.

When she got to forty eight, Keefe jumped in, "So how are you doing there Grady? You don't look that happy to see me! And wait, is that the Fitzter? I definitely didn't expect to see you here!"

How was he so good at pretending everything was normal?!

But everything was normal! Kind of...

Nothing could really describe the past minutes with Keefe.

It was kind of...


And amazing.


Grady cleared his throat again. "So, I guess it's Sophie's first real boyfriend."

Fitz muttered under his breath a lot of things which sounded suspiciously like how if things would have gone his way, he would still be Sophie's boyfriend.

Sophie felt the knot of anger in her stomach tighten.

Fitz knew why they weren't dating anymore! Why did he have to make everything about him?

"What did you say?" Keefe questioned with a smirk.

Sophie looked up just in time to see Fitx let out an annoyed grumble about best friends.

"So would you rather Sophie not learn about her biological parents just for your sake, or have the two-maybe three- alicorns die just for your happiness?" Keefe questioned angrily.

"I would have prefered not finding out who my biological parents were," Sophie stated, reminding them all that she was here.

"Anyways, out of all of your friends, I would NOT have chosen Keefe as the ideal "boyfriend" for my daughter," Grady exclaimed.

Grady then gave Sophie and Keefe a cold stare.

Why? Why? Why? Sophie thought.

This was her decision. She was a little confused, all the people who had supported her had suddenly gone cold except for... well except for Keefe.

Abruptly, Fitz raised his crystal to the light and disappeared.

Was he seriously leaving now?

They had already broken up, if they ever really were together. Though Grady didn't seem to count it.

Grady did discount what she felt for Keefe, so his judgment was NOT the best to follow for boy trouble. But now was not the time to deal with her overprotective father...

Of all times that Sophie wanted to shrink and disappear, she wished more than she thought was possible that she had her iPod, where she could listen to human music and not have to worry about what Grady was about to say...

"Soooo, I guess I should let Edaline have her say as well." Grady remarked.

Edaline was the only mother she had that currently loved her, her human one had no idea she existed, and Oralie well, she did NOT count. Though this was something she never thought Grady would say, especially in the circumstance.

Sophie was astounded by the gentleness Edaline gave her when she arrived in front of her with a twirl.

She then politely invited Keefe to leave-and to Sophie's surprise- Keefe gave her a hug then glittered away the same way Fitz did, only different.

She knew Grady was her father and cared but she still felt tension between them, and the boy trouble was definitely still there.

But Grady made it easy for her, "Just, get some rest okay kiddo?" Grady asked tiredly.

Sophie nodded and headed inside to her bed.


Five minutes later, Edaline came up to offer Sophie some Slumberberry tea. She didn't actually come up to give Sophie some, knowing Sophie would decline.

She came to talk.

"I know you're a teenager, started a war, thought Keefe had left you forever, confessed your feelings for Keefe-in doing so kissed Keefe, and almost imploded Grady's mind on all his thoughts of your boys.

You also almost got Keefe killed by Grady though I think that's it. I just want you to know that no matter who you choose, you will always be my brave little girl and I want you to know that I love you."

She kissed Sophie's forehead and left the room.


The next few days were hard for Sophie, and it confused her. Shouldn't everyone be happy?

She thought she would feel happier.

Keefe had finally come back but she felt like Biana and Fitz had been gone for what felt like twelve times the length of Bronte's life.

Sophie knew she couldn't keep on ignoring her duties but she never thought she would be worrying about boy trouble.

She was the Moonlark, who was she to keep getting caught up in this?

Suddenly, Sophie heard a knock and immediately went to the door. She peeked outside to see... Dex.

Sophie hoped he hadn't seen her.

Wondering whether to open the door or not, she closed her eyes and started counting.

By the time she made it to one hundred eighty nine, she looked outside to see Dex about to leave. Sophie knew she couldn't lose another friend over this fight, so she opened the door and exclaimed, "Wait!"

Dex let out a smile as he slowly turned around to face her.

"Hello," Sophie called, waving her hand in front of her.

"So, umm, Biana told me what happened," Dex said nervously.

Sophie stood, a little embarrassed and said, "Oh. Well, okay."

Silence stood between them. "Well, I'm glad to have a friend who... umm. Who doesn't care about all this nonsense." Dex gave Sophie a nod.

The silence continued for a second.

"Doesn't care?" They both heard someone say. Sophie turned around and gasped to see Grady behind her. Just when things had started to become a little better, she knew her father would cause even more tension.


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