2: Make it Work

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"I was convicted cuz your love never wavered. I know you love me more than me. And you vowed to love through anything. I never had a kind of love that was forever."
-Anthony Hanilton

"Daddy, please don't move. I'll be right back."

Charity spoke before running off with the rest of the children in Chuck-E-Cheese.
I wasn't really surprised with the way she was acting. She missed her daddy and I if I was her I wouldn't leave his side either.

"She loves you so much, Phonzo,"
I spoke looking at her with her big smile as I heard the smile in his voice.

"I love her too, so much, but when are you going to tell me that you love me too, Geniese?"

My fingers fidgeted with each other under the table as I too looked down at my white and black polka-dot stiletto nails.

"You gone look at your nails the whole date, Geniese, or are you gone talk to me, shawty?"

I looked up at him and rated my throat while licking my plump purple lips while pushing my hair behind my ear like away a because of a habit I had.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I, I uh, I'm just not use to going on dates. What do you want to talk about?"

Nothing about me was shy. I just had problems with relationships. I was scared of them and I had never been in a real one in the course of my life.

"You good, shawty. You can start with the basic shit like your home life and shit."

"Well, I'm actually from Florida instead of Atlanta. I moved down here this year. I come from, a, uh, home of my mom and stepfather and my brother. My father died when I was like two."

He smiled. "How did your father die?"

I cleared my throat once again and decided to take a sip of my water. Talking about my father was a difficult thing for me to do sometimes, especially to somebody I barely knew.

"Why are you so worried about how my father died? I barely even know you and your questioning me like it ain't shit. Exactly, what do you want from me? If your expecting me to give myself to you, or better yet use me for other things then your wasting your time!"

I then proceeded to turn my head away from him when I felt his hand touch the side of my cheek, it felt like time stopped, it felt like I was a piece of ice turning to heat. His touch was everything I imagined it to be at the moment and as he turned my face, and looked me into my innocent, sulky brown eyes; I felt like he was looking into my soul. Like he was taking all my insecurities I ever had away, and even better like he was bringing my father back to were I could hug him until the end of time.

"I'll never do none of that shut to you, shawty. I only asked because I was being sincere. Just like you ain't use to this shit, I ain't either, but when you meet someone beautiful and you can tell she had her flaws that need to be healed you can either make a mistake and be a punk ass bitch to walk away or you can ask that lady on a date and make something work with her."

I tried to avoid looking in his eyes then. Maybe I tried looking through him, at his soul, but through his forehead, then his lips since I was avoiding his eyes. I couldn't avoid them though, I tried. And the only way that I could truly avoid them was by closing mind and the only way I could truly deep through his soul, or like he said, make it work, was by kissing his lips.

"I don't need you to tell me 'cause I know you love me, Gene."

Lord knows I do.

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