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At Rashita's home
10:30 p.m

The sun set and the stars shined brighter in the sky and on the ground. Lights had taken over the Republic of Korea. Rashita gazed at the stars lost in thoughts that congested her conscious mind, making her concerned about her parents whom she had left in the abroad to settle with her parents' friends in Korea.

"And suddenly the cat meowed with her head on her feet. Meoowww, give me the feet you bumblehead", Hyunsuk dramatised the lines as he twirled on his foot and sat next to her. "It's not bumblehead it's bubblehead you dumbhead", Rashita laughed while correcting him.

"If there was such a thing as terminal literalism, you'd have died in childhood," he shook his head, staring at the book.

"You better get this shitting book out of my eyesight before I kill you", she rolled her eyes as Hyunsuk looked all excited to verbalize the dialogues coming up next. "As if I'm obeying you", he retorted with a scoff.

Ignoring him, Rashita continued gazing at the stars. Time and again she drew designs and mentally conversed with those tiny luminous bodies. Hyunsuk drooled on his book one moment then continued with his proficient English. "You know, my mother and I used to look at these stars and she told me about my mate", she said with a sad smile that took over her lips.

As her words reached Hyunsuk, he was all ears looking at her with those shiny eyes. He was interested in the things that seemed unusual and fascinating. "Can you count how many stars there are?", Rashita pointed towards the sky, "If you count, in a single view, seven stars consecutively for two days which aren't in the same position, the person you think about will turn into the love of your life."

"There was a time we did it all that I have now is the memory to keep a hold of", Rashita gulped the cry that could burst out any moment. Her mind calmed the emotions which were transmitted to her friend beside.

Hyunsuk was low key, creating a pool of tears. She laughed at his actions asking for the reason behind crying. "Because your feelings activated my adrenaline rush", he sniffled.

"Oh God you're such a crybaby!", she continued between her laugher.

"Ha.ha.ha. Very funny", he mimicked her in petulance, "I am going to sleep in your room tonight. It feels stuffy down there. "

Like a secret, long hidden, had been revealed, Rashita gave a terrified look running towards her room as Hyunsuk chased her. Tom and Jerry suited best for their act. She barged inside and closed the door before he could enter the room. It took Hyunsuk by surprise. She was strangely strong.

Inside, Rashita delved into her drawer like a scalded cat. Within a minute her room turned topsy turvy with more than half of the stuff down on the floor while others dangling in the air. And after a deep search, she raised a cardboard box like a trophy with a victorious smile.

Smile prominent on her face, she hurriedly unwrapped it, not when her expressions changed as fast as a breeze. "What is this? A f*king broken piece of diamond!", she voiced in annoyance.

"Go somewhere else to do your treasure hunt! Let me sleep, man", Hyunsuk shouted in frustration as her footsteps and objects made a hammering sound disturbing the neighbour downstairs.

At the dorm
11 o'clock

Meanwhile, Haruto stared at the mirror, eye locked with his own. How can you be so handsome, he thought to himself. "Marry me boi", and then he blurted moving his finger around his chin. As he stared, Junkyu chortled at his ridiculous self talk and tripped on his feet, butt romancing with the floor.

"Junkyu hyung! When did you come?", Haruto ran to him. "I ain't here, continue with your self marriage proposal", trying hard to control his laugh, Junkyu managed to spill the words. Haruto pulled his hair in embarrassment trying his level best to clarify. But unfortunately his elder was a complex human being who knew one and only one thing, laugh.

"I'm going out", he took his ball and moved to the door when Jihoon entered the dorm and pushed him triple steps behind that he took forward. He stumbled and fell on the floor. "How many Korean phrases did you learn today? One? Two? Go study first", Jihoon ordered pulling a straight face. Who likes to study only if you're not a bookworm.

Haruto slithered back showing his teeth,"It's very late hyung. Let's sleep! Junkyu hyung will wake me up tomorrow." Asking a clinomaniac to wake him up was undoubtedly a brilliant idea.

But Jihoon didn't built his muscles for show. He grabbed Haruto's collar while Haruto struggled to get off from his grip screaming for help. Junkyu, being him, shrugged off the proposal. I better walk off than being dragged with Jihoon as it ain't no profit but a hard core loss.

"You're mastering Korean tonight", Jihoon dragged Haruto by his collar right inside his room. Tonight was a disaster call for Haruto.


The extract added as Hyunsuk's dialogue is taken from a famous novel 'City of Ashes' which is a fantasy series. I personally loved two three dialogues of Jace and Clary.

Lame chapter, sorry to disappoint you.

𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 | Watanabe Haruto|Where stories live. Discover now