After the Northwest Mansion Party

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(The edit above is mine, I even put my user on it so please don't try to steal, thanks. Also, I'm gonna see how I do at a one shot with this one, yay!! :D)

You, Mabel, and dipper were walking back to the mystery shack in the rain after the crazy party at Northwest Manor, you guys were soaked and were trudging through mud most of the time so you guys were gonna need a bath when you got home. You guys finally got back to the shack, dipper took off his shoes and socks while you and Mabel took off your muddy fancy dress shoes. You guys took turns taking a quick shower and after words you set your bed up, your (F/C) sleeping bag laid in the middle of the twins bedroom and you were to tired to get under the covers, so you flopped down on it instead.

All of you fell asleep right away, but only for a little while. You had a nightmare. You were back at the mansion and everyone was turned to wood except for you, dipper, and Mabel. You looked up at the giant lumber jack, his glowing outline and bright blue flaming beard. Dipper and Mabel were hiding behind you, but for some reason, you weren't scared. You marched up to the level 10 ghost and looked him in the eye. Dipper and Mabel pleaded for you to come back but you didn't listen, the lumber jack struck you, you slowly started turning to wood, but it stopped halfway up your body.

"(Y/N)!!" Dipper shouted at you, making you loose your concentration.

You realized that the wood continued up your body, but it was to late to stop it, you screamed to the twins, but it was no use, the wood had already consumed you. You were gone.

"AHHHHH!!!" You heard the twins yell, that's the only thing that woke you, you never really shot up and screamed after a nightmare.

They both looked at you and they had tears in their eyes. You guessed they had the same nightmare. It took them a minute to make their way down next you, they were shaken pretty badly, poor things, you thought to yourself.

"A-are you okay?" Dipper asks, mumbling a bit.

"Yes, I'm fine, I take it you guys had the same nightmare?" You smiled slightly, looking at both of them as they nodded.

"It's gonna be okay, I won't turn into wood, and I won't let you guys turn into wood either." You told them, trying to reassure them that it was a dream, but they continued to stare at you, the poor twins lips quivered.

You hugged both of them tight while they hugged back and started crying, but you didn't mind, they had a rough night. You rubbed their backs and comforted them, telling them it was okay. Mabel was the first one to settle down and crawl back in bed to go to sleep, but dipper continued to cry. What was wrong?

"Hey, what's wrong?" You whispered gently.

Dipper took a couple of deep, unsteady breathes and sniffles. He stopped hugging you and sat in front of you, tears still rolling down his cheeks. You gave him a worried look, he seemed to be trying to avoid eye contact. After a few moments he finally looked at you.

"Well... I... I-I..." He kept hesitating.

"What's wrong? You can tell me anything, you know that." You told him, he nodded, finally gathering up his words.

"Well, I've wanted t-to tell you something for awhile n-now..." He trailed off, looking down at the floor.

"What is it?" You asked.

"I... I-I l..." He hesitated, you knew what he was trying to say, but you were gonna let him say it.

"You what?" You asked again, he took a deep breath.

"I... I l-love... I love you (Y/N)..." He finally said, his cheeks heating up as he continued to look back down.

You smiled big and your cheeks became red, you've always had a crush on dipper but you were afraid he didn't have a crush on you, but now it's okay.

"Dipper I, I've always loved you!" You finally blurted out.

He looked back up, eyes widen, and he smiled back.

"R-really?" He asked.

"Of course! How could I not? You're amazing, kind, brave, strong, willing, cute, and manly..." You trailed off now, gazing into his deep brown eyes.

You and dipper both found yourselves leaning in closer to each other, your eyes slowly closing and lips puckering, until your lips met. You two kissed for a few moments until you had to break for air. You looked at each other, cheeks flushing and eyes widened. You started smiling, and so did dipper.

"Y-you wouldn't mind doing that again... So I don't have another nightmare?" Dipper asked, smiling mischievously, you smiled back.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to have another nightmare." You kissed him again, you had your arms wrapped around his neck while he wrapped his arms around your waist.

You broke once again and dipper invited you to sleep with him, you accepted the offer and fell asleep cuddling in his arms that night.

(Sooooooo how I do?)

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