Mabels Poem

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(The pic above is not my art, but I forgot the artist)

Dipper pines,

10 ways he tried to commit suicide
9 times I saw him cry
8 times he died a little inside
7 times he told a lie
6 moments I caught him alone
5 senses turn to stone
4 excuses on why he ran away
3 attempts to try and stay
2 times I've seen him melt
1 way I could've helped

Mabel wrote down her poem on dipper that night and cried, worried on what her brother might do next. The next day, she had forgotten that she put the poem in her back pack and before she got to the school, walking next to her brother, the note slipped out and she didn't notice, a few minutes later after the crowds of kids flooded out of the buses, a group of kids who bullied dipper found the note. On the play ground she turned around to find dipper was surrounded by the bullies and they were saying horrible things to him, then one of them pulled out the note.

"Oh I see you're suicidal? I guess that explains how stupid you are!! Hahaha!!!" One bully said then he passed the note around and kicked dipper in the stomach.

That was it, Mabel ran so fast over to them she felt like she was flying! Mabel came straight up behind the guy who kicked dipper and kicked him in a place she shouldn't mention. He fell down in pain and Mabel looked up at the others, fire igniting in her eyes. As they started high tailing it out of there Mabel got beside dipper, crying and apologizing.

"DIPPER IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KN-KNOW I HAD LEFT THE POEM IN MY BACK PACK I DIDNT- I-" she continued crying but her words were cut off by a warm embrace, dippers embrace.

"It's okay Mabel, it was an accident." He said gently, but pain still filled his words.

Mabel continued to cry while still hugging her brother. She continued to apologize and scold her self for what happened. But dipper took no offense to this doing and continued to comfort his broken sister.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, I pinky promise, that I won't do anything to harm myself ever again, okay?" He said gently, holding up his pinkie to lock a promise.

"O-okay..." She replied back in a shaky voice, bringing her pinky up and wrapping it around dippers, sealing his promise to her, to never purposely hurt himself again.

The recess bell rang and the twins helped each other up and walked inside, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders and smiling. Both had redness around their eyes and runny noses from crying, but they were gonna pull through the day, just like they always do.

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