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(I'm sure most of you heard that Gravity Falls is ending soon... But hey, we've had a good run and the characters we grew to love will always be in our hearts. Never forget them. This is just a little something I wrote last night after I heard about it and silently cried really hard... I wish the dream part was true... But it wasn't...)

I went to bed that night, after a good, hard, silent cry about the news... The news of gravity falls ending soon... I know it can't go on forever, that Disney will just dumb it down and the creator has a life to, he's already devoted years of it to this show. But still.. It's gonna be hard to see it go, to watch the characters I grew to love, just... Leave... It has been a good run, giving me something to hang on to and give me hope, getting me up in the morning and through the day... You know, I never thought I'd cry this hard over a tv show ending, but here I am. I fell asleep rather quickly, jumping right into my dreams, but this dream was... Different...

I was crying like mad in the middle of no where, screaming out,

"Please! You can't leave me yet! I'm not ready! You can't disappear you can't stop! Don't go! Please!! I need you more than ever!!! Dipper! Mabel! Anyone! Everyone! You completed me and now you're gonna leave?! You're just gonna go without me?! Please don't leave please!!!!"

Until I was cut off by an all too familiar voice and figure, standing right in front of me. It walked up to me and sure enough... It was Dipper.

"Shh... No more tears, okay?" He said, wiping the streams of tears running down my face.


"Hey hey, listen to me," he said in a calm, soft voice, "we may be done with our adventures on tv... But that doesn't mean we're gone, we're still with you, we'll always be with you some where in your heart, you'll always remember us, even if you don't much care for us once you get older, we're here for you. Even if it's not the same."

My heart felt like it was shattered, I took a deep, unsteady breath, and began to cry again, hugging Dipper tight as he held me close to him.

"I-I just *hic* don't want to loose you... *hic*" I sputtered out between hics and sobs.

Dipper gently rubbed my back.

"I know... We don't want to loose you either, Mikayla..." He whispered back.

We let go of each other and he was starting to fade a little.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, you're waking up." He said, with a sad expression on his face.

"N-no... Will I ever s-see you again?..." I asked quietly, trying to hold back tears.

"I'll always try to be in most of your dreams." He replied.

"I'll see you again soon!" He yelled, completely disappearing as I jolted awake, tears running down my cheeks as I smiled slightly.

"It's been a long day..."

"without you my friend."

"and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."

"We've come a long way..."

"From where we began."

"Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again..."

"When I see you again..."

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