After Summer Break

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(I didn't draw the pic above but credit to the artist who did)

There was a boy at my school, he had hazel brown hair and always had on a light brown hat with a star on it, a navy blue vest, an orange shirt, and grey shorts, with shoes of course, but that's not important. He never really hung out with anyone or talk to anyone other than his twin sister, I've talked to him a couple of times, he seemed really nice, in fact I kind of liked him. I started to talk to him more and more, we became friends but what he didn't know was that I developed a crush on him. It's just his smile, the way he looked, stuttered, laughed... In all honesty he was the first friend I've ever had, oh and I forgot to mention, his name is Dipper. He was always happy and positive, not to mention brave and strong, kind and willing, also protective, but in a different way. He had this group of bullies who would pick on him and tease him, often saying mean negative things about him and then making it a rumor, I didn't believe the rumors though.

After a long summer, it was time to go back to school, I couldn't wait because I just wanted to tell dipper how much I missed him and loved him. But on the first day of school he looked... Different. He was wearing a blue and white cap with a pine tree on it, he had on grey-ish pants, he was wearing an almost black sweatshirt and... An eyepatch? He was walking through the hall ways, and he never looked up, never smiled, never even said hello even though he knew I was there, I wonder what was wrong? It's been almost a month into the school year and he has been doing the same thing every day, look down, not smiling, not once. The only time he looked up was to pay attention to the teachers, and to listen to Mabel when she checked up on him. There was something going on, and I was going to find out what it was, I decided I would get to the bottom of this when we get let out for lunch.

*ding dong*

The lunch bell rang and everyone piled out of the class rooms, I searched frantically to catch dipper before he got to the cafeteria. I cut through crowds of people, shoving and pushing my way to find the poor boy. I finally found him just exiting a class room and I ran to him as fast as I could, running into three people and knocking someone down in the process. I finally got to dipper and looked him in the eyes... Or, eye.

"Dipper, what's wrong?" I asked sternly and sympathetically.

He stared back up at me for what seemed like forever since he actually looked at me, bags under his eyes, and heavier than before. He sighed and his breath was unsteady, I looked at him with concern and he tried to walk past me but I wouldn't let him, not until he told me what was wrong.

"I c-can't tell you." He murmured.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because, you'll probably leave me." He said, sounding a bit broken.

"Dipper, I would never leave you, just tell me what's wrong, I'll help you." I pleaded.

Dipper took a second of thinking, he looked at me and seemed to be giving me his trust.

"Follow me." He started walking and gestured for me to follow, I did so.

We rounded a corner and he faced me, first he unzipped his sweatshirt and lifted up his orange shirt, his chest was wrapped up in gauss but I could still see the black and blue surrounding the wound. I stared in shock at the wound and the bruises surrounding it, then he bent down and lifted up his pant legs and there were cuts and scars, and on the side of his left leg was a big, stitched up gash. I was on the verge of tears, he pulled up the sleeves of his arms, also revealing cuts, bruises and scars.

"Dipper-" he cut me off by lifting a finger to my face.

Then he went and lifted the eye patch, he started to lift it up, hesitated, then lifted it up all the way, his eye was closed. He seemed nervouse, then he slowly started to open his eye, I couldn't believe what I saw, his eye was yellow and his pupil was a line, instead of a dot. I could tell tears were building in his eyes to. He held up a fist, and opened it, releasing blue fire and after a moment, extinguishing it, then he looked at me, still holding the same broken expression.

"H-how?... How d-did this h-happen?..." I stuttered, trying to find my words.

Dipper looked to the side, avoiding eye contact, his lip started to quiver and I could tell he was trying his hardest not to break down in front of me. I had almost forgotten what he showed me and I gave him a big bear hug, holding him gently, making sure I didn't hurt him. He started to breathe heavily, and I could hear him sniffle and I felt him wrap his arms around me, returning the embrace. I couldn't help it, the tears started falling from my eyes and I began to sniffle, he was full out crying now, gasping for air, we started kneeling down until we were sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. This went on for a while until lunch was over, kids started to pour out of the cafeteria going on all directions. Only a couple of kids stopped to help me and dipper to the office, after a few minutes dipper was picked up by his parents and brought home, I stayed behind in the school office, trying to balance my emotions. I got back to class, and I didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the day.

"Get better soon dipper..." I whispered to myself.

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