Twins No Matter What

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(Sorry for the graphic pic above, also I was taking a bath when I thought of this short story... Don't judge you don't know my life)

Mabel was searching all over the house for her grappling hook so she could explain it to her friends, don't ask why, they were bored and dipper was out monster hunting. After looking every inch of the downstairs, she finally went up to her bedroom and searched there, even rummaging through dippers bed thinking maybe he hid it. though he did not take her grappling hook, she did find something surprising and a bit, disturbing. there were two giant paper towels, one laying on his bed sheets and one covering... Something. There was red spots all over which made her all the more afraid to lift up the sheet, but her curiosity got the best of her, and in all honesty, she's glad it did. There lay in front of her laid a sandwich bag full of abused, bloody razors, all different sizes and types. Then she noticed neatly folded and not bloody papers next to the mess and looked at them, she almost cried. They were drawings, some extremely gory and graphic and some just dark and depressing, but they were all drawn by dipper, he signed his signature and everything. She had very mixed feelings until she heard the door open and close downstairs, she scooped up the bag of razors and ran out of the room and stood behind the corner of the hallway before dipper got upstairs. once dipper closed the door to their bedroom Mabel walked back up and waited at the door for dipper to come back out. it took a few minutes for dipper to open up the door to exit the bedroom but he was immediately stopped by an angry Mabel, who was holding the bag out in front of her towards dipper. His face went from normal to fear in a second and he started to stutter badly and very soon had tears filling up his eyes and rolling down his cheeks as he tried hard not to cry in front of his sister, but there was no use, she knew now and there was no sense in holding in his pain.

"M-Mabel I-" he started but Mabel cut him off.

"DIPPER WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She yelled, causing dipper to flinch and look away.

"WELL?!" Mabel asked once more, dipper cowering before her.

"I-I-I..." Dipper tried frantically to wipe away his tears but they just kept falling and he started to sniffle.

Mabel realized that she had caused dipper to break down and started feeling guilty for yelling at him when she should've been comforting him. she knelt down in front of dipper and gave him a big hug, in which he quickly returned, squeezing tight and sobbing into her shoulder.

"D-dipper, I'm sorry for yelling I'm just... I'm just really worried about you and I care too much to loose you." Mabel finally said when dipper calmed down.

"Come on bro bro," Mabel took dippers hand and they both sat on his bed, "tell me what's wrong, I can help"

After dipper told Mabel why he did this and explained his pictures, dipper broke down again and kept apologizing. Mabel felt bad that he continued to apologize when he didn't need to, Mabel even cried a little bit along with her brother. When they settled down, Mabel got right to helping her brother get better.

"Alright, first off, we're gonna get rid of these razors." she said to dipper holding up the bag.

"H-how?" He asked.

"Like this," Mabel pulled dipper into the bathroom and lifted up the toilet seat, "now just dump the razors in the toilet and flush."

"That works?" Dipper asked, a bit confused.

"Just trust me." Mabel answered.

"Okay..." he sighed and dumped the razors in and pressed the handle, watching his razors disappear.

"Good, that was all of them right?" Mabel asked in a stern voice, making sure dipper told the truth.

"Yup... all of them..." he said still frowning and looking at the floor.

Mabel smiled slightly and gave him another hug.

"Hey bro bro, I'm proud of you for doing that," she let go and patted him on the shoulder,"you're already doing awesome!" Mabel reassured him.

He smiled slightly back, then Mabel took care of his cuts, which were almost everywhere, all around his arms, legs, and even around his stomach. Mabel was a bit alarmed on how bad his cuts were, but she was going to do whatever she could to heal them.

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