19- Answers

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Sirius' POV~

I was currently at home with Furaih and the others as we all waited for Andy and Tyler to come home. Phoenix and Vernon were in the kitchen making dinner. I'm still curious as to how they even know how to cook, but I won't question. Aberforth was sitting at the dining table watching them.

It makes sense for Aberforth to do so, considering he almost burnt the house down. Or so I've heard from Vernon at least. I can understand Aberforth's commitment to keeping Andy happy. Even if he is a huge flirt, he has a kind heart. I respect that part of him.

Part of me still feels guilty that Andy got cursed, even if it was a minor one. I look down at myself to my shirtless form. I can't stay shirtless forever, not in front of Andy. I then used my own power to trace a design on myself and soon a new hoodie formed. I really like where humanity went with their clothing. Especially these hoodies. So uniquely designed and very cool looking.

I walked outside and looked at the sky, waiting for Andy and Tyler to come back. Furaih has been kind of watching over us after they left. Soon, Furaih came outside and stood next to me as I continued to wait for those two to come back.

"Don't blame yourself for what happened to Andy. You know demons are sly and will appear at unknown times. I wouldn't have expected one to show up so late either. Just be glad he's okay." I nod my head lowly, still upset at the thought. Furaih smiled at me and patted my back.

Not long after this, Tyler and Andy finally came back from town. I went down and hugged Andy tightly as he just awkwardly returned the hug. I nuzzle my cheek against the top of his head, happy he's here again.

He looked at my hoodie and got a sad expression on his face. I tilted my head in confusion. "Is there something wrong, Andy?" Andy sighs and takes a bag out of the car.

"I got you some hoodies to thank you for taking care of me when I was cursed. And to apologize for your hoodie ripping entirely when I went back to normal size. Though I guess it didn't matter."

I took the bag from him and looked inside to see a few designed hoodies that I liked more than the one I had. I took off my hoodie I was currently wearing and pulled out the rose one. I really liked it, the design is so good!

I hugged Andy tightly to me. "I love them, thank you!" Andy smiles and hugs back. We went inside and saw dinner was almost done.

Andy's POV~

I'm so glad that Sirius liked the hoodies I got him. I knew he'd like that rose one! I'm so proud of myself for getting it. We went inside and I saw Phoenix and Vernon making dinner, Aberforth watching them do so. Anvindr was on the couch watching something on the TV. The spot beside him was soon replaced by Tyler and Furaih as those two started to cuddle.

Suddenly, I remembered what Tyler said at the mall earlier. Talking about Canis Major. I poked Sirius' shoulder to get his attention. He looked down at me with a smile. I grabbed his hand and took it to my bedroom, Anvindr following, probably to make sure Sirius doesn't make a move on me, even though he wouldn't. Anvindr leaned against the wall and watched us.

It's not like the conversation had to be private. Plus, I had questions for Anvindr too. So having him here isn't an inconvenience at all.

I sat on the bed and Sirius sat next to me. "I've been meaning to ask this to you, Sirius, so now is a good time." Sirius nods his head in response.

"I've heard something about a constellation called Canis Major. And one of the stars that make up Canis Major is named Sirius. Do you have something to do with that? Being you're the spirit of the stars and all?"

Sirius smiled at me and put me on his lap, hugging me close to himself. He nuzzles his face into mine and his tail starts to wag. "I am Canis Major." My eyes widen. He is Canis Major?! I'm the destined of a constellation?!

Sirius smiles and explains more. "I am Canis Major, but my soul is connected to the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. I like the name Sirius more, so please refer to me as that. And just treat me the way you've always been, okay?"

I nod my head and he smiles before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading into the living room. Anvindr was about to leave the room, but I quickly stopped him and asked him to come over.

"Anvindr, I have a question. And I don't know if you know how to answer it or not, but I want answers." Anvindr smiled at me. "Sure, what do you want, Andy?"

I took a deep breath. "I noticed that you are in a feline form as the rest of them are in a canine form. I don't know if you know this, but why is that?" Anvindr just stayed silent for a bit and sighed. He hugged me close to himself tightly.

"I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not, but there's a possibility I can think of. Just, please don't be scared..." I gulped nervously and hugged him tightly in hopes of making him feel safe talking about what was on his mind.

"Andy.... I used to be a demon." My eyes widen when he said that, but I didn't move. I don't want to hurt his feelings with the idea I'm scared of him. "I was once a demon under the direction of the spirit of destruction. I was originally given the power to bend nature to do what I want. All of nature, including the wind, water, and everything you see on a daily basis."

I nod my head as I stayed where I was. I continue listening to him. "One day, I was ordered to cause a mass of destruction on earth. So, I put a curse on the earth, back when time was before humanity's existence."

I nod my head.  "I... I made what you humans call natural disasters... Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Dust Devils, and so on. I... I made those. It's a curse I set on earth when I was a demon."

I hugged him. "I'm not too upset. Sure, natural disasters are dangerous, but at the same time, I think they're really cool. So, what caused you to change sides and become who you are now?"

He hugs me tightly, glad that I still accept him. "After I set that curse, I started to notice the damage I have done. Seeing people crying over their loved ones, people being hospitalized, I felt terrible. The worst one was a young girl who saw her dad get crushed by a giant rock. All that's left was his arm sticking out from underneath the rubble. And all she could do was cry. I felt awful, so I did the one thing I'm not supposed to do as a demon."

I tilted my head at what he said, making me curious. "And what is that?" I held him tightly to me. "I showed myself and picked up the rock that crushed him. I took out his body, and revived him. I felt happy to see his daughter and him both happy to be alive. It was then I found my wings turned slightly white. At that time, I became a Rising Demon."

I nod my head. "I see. So what happened after that?" Anvindr lied down on the bed and held my head against his chest as he hugged me close. I just nuzzle into his chest and wait for answers. "After that, I was sent to the realm of peace. The realm where peaceful spirits, angel, and rising demons go. I was sent to Furaih, because as a demon, I've committed a huge crime to them. Instead of punishment, Furaih recreated me into what I am now. The spirit of the wind. Now I only use my power to defend those and entertain children with their kites and stuff. And I couldn't be thankful enough for Furaih for making me who I am now."

I nod my head and we both heard that the food was done. We both got up off the bed and headed over. Before we got to the dining room, I stopped Anvindr. "I'm glad you understood the damage you've done. And I thank you for saving those people. Even if it was forbidden." Anvindr chuckles and pets my head before we head over and eat dinner with everyone else.

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