3-We Have To?!

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There is religious talk in this part. If you don't like hearing stuff about religion, then I suggest you don't read this chapter. The picture is Furaih. He will be mentioned in this chapter.

Andy's POV

I stood there surprised. Do they really expect me to love them, just because they're spirits?! Aberforth walks toward me and hugs me tightly. I try to push him away, but he just tightens his hold and says "Yes, our purpose is to protect and love you, but something isn't right." I ask while struggling out of his grasp "What's not right?" Phoenix walks to my side and hugs my arm. He then says "Only one of us should be the one to protect you. No one else." I nod and say "Well, maybe it was a mistake. Maybe I'm not the one you guys are looking for." Vernon shakes his head and says "No, it's definite that you're supposed to be with one of us." Sirius pulls me out of Phoenix's hold and hug me from behind. He nuzzles into me while I struggle to escape his hold. I'd be lying if I said that I hated the feeling of their fur against my skin. Anvindr then explains "You see, even spirits need to be with someone. If we were to be with other spirits, the balance between the two spirits would be off, resulting in chaos." I nod my head and Sirius continues "So we have to have a human mate. And Furaih made a way for us to find our destined." I then ask with confusion "Who's Furaih?" Vernon then hugs me from the front and says "Furaih is the Spirit of Creation." I nod a little confused. Anvindr sees this confusion and says "You know how in Christianity they have a god?" I nod my head "Well, the god that they see, don't actually exist. The Spirit of Creation, Furaih, would technically be that 'God' that they're talking about." I nod my head, understanding a bit more. Aberforth then says, after pulling me out from both Vernon and Sirius's grasp "Furaih is the one that made the galaxy, the earth, and planets. Once he made the stars Sirius was born." I nod my head again. Anvindr then explains "As soon as elements on Earth were introduced, a Spirit is born. The first wind, the first river, the first fire, and the first tree, which would be us." I nod my head once again. I think I fully understand. I then ask them "So how is this process to find your destined like?" They all smile and look at me they then say "Our destined one finds a gem. A gem with a form of jewelry." I then think "Wait a minute." I look at all the jewelry I found and think out loud "You mean these?" They all nod. I gulp nervously. I take off the jewelry. I hand it to them and say "Sorry. I'm not gay. You can have these back." They all chuckle. Each one of them takes the jewelry back, but place it back on me. Vernon then says "Sorry, but after you found the gem, you can't just give it back and say no. One of us is destined to be with you. Even if you say no." I look at them a bit scared. I take off all the jewelry and throw it out the window. However, they didn't make it far as they all glow and come straight back to the spirits. They all place the jewelry back where it was. I then say "I'm not going to be with you. Any of you." They all chuckle again and say "Sorry, but that's not your choice. It's not ours either. We have to be with you. Furaih set up this system. And we can't go against him." They all hug me again. They nuzzle into me and I can't help but blush as they did. They're all so soft and fluffy. I then ask "But didn't you say something was off?" They all stop and nod. They get off me and think. "We are destined to be with you. Or at least one of us is supposed to be." Says Sirius. They all say at the same time "Furaih chose someone that we'd think is cute and that we'd like." I blush and they continue "And you're both for all of us." I blush even more. Phoenix then says "I'll contact Furaih. We should ask him." They all nod and I ask "Wait! Can I talk to him?!" They look at me and say "We'd let you, but Furaih doesn't answer human questions. If you're asking that he changes who we are destined to be with, he'll just completely ignore you." I nod my head as Phoenix crosses his hands. He breathes in and out. He opens his eyes which have a reddish orange glow in them. Soon, a hole in the shape of a mirror appears. It's like FaceTime. Furaih looks at Phoenix and says with a smile "Ah look. Spirit of the Flame, Phoenix. It's been awhile." Phoenix nods and Furaih then asks "So, what is it you seek?" Anvindr joins in and says "Actually, it's not only him. It's the five of us." Furaih's eyes widen "Huh. Can't remember the last time I got a call from more than one other Spirit. So what do you all need?" Vernon then says "We think we found our destined, but there's a problem." Furaih then asks "And what's that?" Aberforth then says "Each of us are supposed to have one. But it seems we all have the same person." Furaih then says "Yeah. And?" Sirius then says "We're not calling you wrong or anything, but is this a mistake?" Furaih then smiles and says "Though I do make mistakes sometimes too, I can assure you this is not a mistake." They all widen their eyes and Furaih continues "The one you're all destined to be with is Andy Carson. You all have to share him." They all then shout "WE HAVE TO SHARE OUR LOVER?!?!" Furaih smiles and says "Yup. He's destined to be with all of you. And I assure you, this is not a mistake." Furaih looks at me in the background and asks "May I speak with Andy?" I gulp and they all gasp and get out of the way so I can talk to him. I nervously walk up to the thing and bow my head and kneel. Furaih then laughs and says "Come on now, don't be like that. Treat me like a normal person. I may be the one that created your kind, but I do hate formalities." I nod and apologize. "Andy, I know this is a lot to take in. Having 5 handsome spirits love you. And having them protect you." I nod. "I promise you. You will end up liking them. After all, sexuality is nothing but a myth. It's who you like that matters." I nod my head and gulp. Furaih looks at the spirits and says "Taking care of Andy is a big responsibility. I want all of you to protect and love him with all your heart." The spirits smile and hug me close to them in a group hug and say "Don't worry, we already do." Furaih then says "Good. I thought all of you would." Phoenix then closes the mythical veil and comes back to me. I then say "You're not actually going to like me just because someone said you have to, right?" They all nuzzle into me and say "Of course not." I sigh in relief and they all speak again "We already loved you from the moment we saw you." My eyes widen in horror as I struggle in the grasp. They all hug me closer to them. Soon, they all fell asleep. Their grasps on me were still tight. I knew it was pointless to fight them anymore, so I closed my eyes. I guess my new life starts here. Starting by Living with Spirits.

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