Fairytale AU Part 1

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This is a Halloween special. And since it's a special, I'm also giving each character a different personality. You'll see what I mean here soon
(Part 1- Into the Guardian of the Forest)

Andy's POV~

I was wandering the forest I was currently lost in. You're probably wondering who I am. My name is Andy, and I heard a voice call out to me. It was a gentle voice of a man, but I didn't recognize it. It would call out to me, over and over. I finally decided to follow it, and it lead me to the enchanted woods. And now I'm lost.

I continued to wander around aimlessly, the voice wasn't being heard right now, and I was hoping that I'd hear it soon. Maybe then I'd be able to get rid of it. Honestly, I feel like some sort of chosen warrior for something. As for what that something is, I don't know. I feel, however, that it meant something important.

I continued to walk around the forest, and tried my best to listen for that voice. However, I was getting tired of walking, so I walked over to a stone and sat on it. I sighed and gazed up at the sky, purple and pink leaves falling down. It was most definitely a beautiful sight. I sighed out and relaxed myself and enjoyed the beauty of nature.

After about 5 minutes, I decided to get up and journey forward even more. However, before I could even do so, I felt tree roots wrapping around my legs. I then fell tree roots growing behind me, forcing me to stand, me leaning back into them. I was so scared as to what was happening. Suddenly, a creature of some sort falls down and holds a spear to my throat.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?!" I raised my hands in surrender. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! My name is Andy!" He looks into my eyes and puts his spear down. "State your business." I sighed in relief and cleared my throat.

"As strange as this may sound, I was hearing a voice call out to me. I was searching for that voice to see what it wanted. And it led me here." At first, he didn't seem convinced, but he soon nodded. "Okay, I believe you." I looked at him surprised. "Really?" He nods again. "We're in the enchanted woods you know. Many things can happen around here. If your trying to find that voice, I think I can help you."

I looked at him in surprise. "Really?! You can?!" He nods and smiles. "But first, I think an introduction is needed. My name is Vernon, I'm the guardian of the enchanted woods. I make sure no one tries to harm these trees. And trees that are wounded are healed by me, by my special gift." I looked at him curiously. He chuckles and the grip from the roots go away. I look down at my ankle and find a bruise there from the roots.

He crouches down to my ankle and I sit on the stone again. He sighs out and breathes, then I notice a green glow coming from his hands. I look down at my bruise, only to see it disappear like the sun evaporating water. He stands up and I'm speechless. "Wow, that's an amazing ability. Do you also control the trees?"

He tilts his head and chuckles a bit. "I don't control the woods, I ask them favors. And if it means protecting them, they'll do as I say." I nod my head. "So you asked them to use their roots." He nods his head once again. "Nature has a voice, and a soul. If you listen carefully, you may hear the voice of nature calling to you. That could be what you've been hearing."

I get curious and ask him something. "What kind of voice does nature have? Is it feminine?" Vernon nods and I sigh. "I believe it cannot be nature that's calling me then. The voice I hear is a masculine voice. He puts his hand on his chin and thinks. "I have one other possibility, so let us go and see if the other voice I know of is the one you're looking for."

He grabs my hand and starts dragging me into a random direction. I catch up with the speed of his walking. Sometimes, I'll see him look back and smile at me, but there's something about the way he looks at me that makes me a little worried. However, I shrugged off the feeling and continued walking with him. We finally stop and I look up to see a giant tree. This one was the biggest I've ever seen in my life. This one also had an unusual color to its leaves.

The leaves were a variety of red, orange, and yellow. Mostly red though. It was still beautiful to look at, and I feel happy to see this mixture of color in one place. I see Vernon kneel down on his knee and look up at the tree. "Father Red, I request for you to show your face."

The ground started to shake and I see a face form on the giant tree. Vernon gets up and holds me close as the ground stops shaking. "Vernon, it's been a little while hasn't it." Vernon nods and responds. "Indeed it has, Father Red."

The tree looks at me with blank eyes. "And who might this child of the prairie be?" Vernon pushes me closer to the tree. "This is Andy, he has been searching for a voice that continues to call out to him. He says it's not nature since it's a masculine voice." Vernon then walks in front of me and asks "So, is Father Red the voice you've been hearing?"

I sigh again and shake my head. "I'm afraid not. The voice is a higher pitch, and sounds younger." Vernon nods and sighs. He looks back at the tree and speaks loudly. "Father Red, you think you can help this lost soul find that voice?" The giant tree says in a low voice "I believe I can."

Soon, a huge hole in the bottom of the tree shows up. A slight hill of wood leads to it. "Come inside, and I shall show you where this voice may be." I gulp nervously. Vernon takes my hand and leads me inside. As soon as we were fully inside, he look at Vernon. He pats the side of the hole. "Thank you Father Red, I deeply appreciate this." I hear the tree talk back, but in a dark voice. "No problem, Vernon."

Immediately, the hole closes and the room lights up brightly. I look at Vernon who walks close to me, smiling very creepily. I get scared and back up. "V-Vernon, what's going on?!" He closes the gap between him and I and he deeply stares into my eyes. "Oh, Andy, I'm so glad you made it here." My eyes widen.

"V-Vernon, what's going on?! Tell me, please!" He pulls me into a deep, very tight hug. "I've waited so long for you! My cute little Andy! My lovely Andrew!" He nuzzles his cheek into mine as I push him away from me. "Father Red, I'd like to go now!"

The tree chuckles darkly and doesn't do anything. Vernon approaches me once again. I dodge his attempt to tackle me into a hug. "Vernon, what's gotten into you?!" Vernon smiles widely. It was then I saw the hearts in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Andy, but I can't contain myself! You're so adorable, and my heart just screams for your touch! Come here and cuddle with me!" He approaches me again and I'm cornered.

I claw at the tree. "Please Father Red, release me! I need to find that voice and go home!" He just chuckles more. "That tickles." I look back at Vernon and realize it's too late. "Got you!" I struggle in his hold as he hugs me tightly and continues to nuzzle into me. I try to push him, but he's so much stronger. "Vernon, let go of me!"

Vernon chuckles and forces my head against his chest. "Shhhh, I'm going to protect you. And from now on, we'll guard the forest together." I struggle more, but in vain. "I can't! I have to find that voice and get back to my family!" Vernon chuckles once again and starts to stroke my head. "Oh, Andy. That wasn't an offer, that was a demand. You're staying with me, forever." I try and struggle more, but the more I did, the more tired I got. I breathed heavily and I grew tired.

Vernon continued to stroke my head, forcing me to listen to his heartbeat. "Sweet dreams, my little Andy. I love you, forever and ever~"

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