Fairytale AU part 3

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(Into the Werewolf)

Andy's POV~

Waking up the next morning, I hear the same voice calling out to me. I was currently being held tight by Phoenix, and as much as I appreciated all he's done, despite keeping me hostage, I have to leave.

I carefully got out of his grip and quietly walked out of the cave, making sure not to wake Inferno. I got out and started to quietly walk the direction that the voice was coming from. My fear spiked up suddenly when I see Vernon looking around the forest. I quickly hide in a small hole and peeked my head out to see him looking around. From here, I could hear his voice.

"Andrew couldn't have gotten too far, nearly all mortals get lost in these woods. I'll find you Andy. Then we'll be forever bonded~"

He then ran off in a different direction. Once I found it safe, I started to walk off a different direction. It was then my fear spiked again as I hear a loud, familiar roar. I look up at the sky and see Inferno, and on his back was Phoenix. I could hear Phoenix yell to Inferno. "He couldn't have gotten far Inferno. Let's keep looking for him before he gets hurt. We don't want to risk that chance."

I looked around for a place to hide and started running. I can see the both of them looking around. At this rate, they'd find me real quickly. I keep running and I saw a lake up ahead that had a river going out of it. I didn't have much choice, so I kept running and jumped into the lake. I looked above through the water to see the two of them continue on.

After I was sure they were gone, I got up to the shore of the lake and pulled myself out. As soon as I started walking, a bunch of ice spikes rose out of the ground and I felt something grab me and pull me into the lake again. I held my breath open and find a werewolf?! I tried to get away, but I was pulled close to him and I felt him kiss my forehead, causing me to blush. I needed to breath, but he wouldn't let me go.

I knew it was too late for me as I took in a breath, only to find I was fine. I checked my surroundings to find that I'm still underwater. I was breathing fine though. The werewolf grabs ahold of my arm and starts to drag me further down into the lake until we reach an underwater cave. We got inside and I felt my arm get cold and look to see I was chained by ice.

The werewolf sat down on an ice chair and looked at me. "What are you doing in my waters, mortal?" I gulped nervously. "I'm searching for a voice. It's been calling out to me and it seems to be in these enchanted woods." He glares at me a bit. "That doesn't explain why you came here. Why jump in these waters? These are sacred waters and only the purest of souls may drink from these. So, state your purpose of being here."

I nod my head nervously. "I was escaping some beastman. You see, when I first came to these enchanted woods, I found a forest guardian. He insisted on keeping me with him forever. After I escaped him, I came across a dragon tamer. He insisted on having me live with him. He wanted to protect me, but I couldn't just stay still while that voice continued to speak out to me. As I left his cave, he and his dragon were on the lookout for me, causing me to come here."

He listens and thinks about it. "Okay, I believe you." I sigh in relief. I look down into the cave and see a lot of creatures come out. They look like dogs with fish tails. They went to the werewolf and the werewolf smiled and made ice cubes and they chewed on them. The one jumps onto my lap. "W-What are these? They're adorable." The werewolf chuckles. "These are aqua-fairies. A kind of fairy that resembles a canine. They're majestic, magical beings. Each are a reincarnation of my kind."

I looked at him hoping for an explanation. "You see, you already know I'm a werewolf. But there's more to it than that, considering I can control water and who all can breathe it." I nod my head and he continues. "I'm not what I was originally. I lived in a normal werewolf pack, but these hunters came in and started to annihilate my pack. Everyone was gone, all except for two. Those two were me and my sister." I nod. "We came to this lake and were granted powers to keep us living forever. And we defended ourselves with the ability the sacred entity of this lake gave us. The power to control water and ice. And these aqua-fairies were reborn from members of our pack."

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