7- The Power of the Weapons

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Andy's POV~

Because of a few events that happened, the spirits weren't able to show me the power of their weapons. Tyler was here too. He keeps telling me how much he wants a furry husband. Okay Tyler, we get it. You're gay, and you're a furry. Anyway, we were walking behind the spirits to a place that's secluded. We finally got to a place. It was a field. Vernon used his forest abilities to grow a giant tree in the middle of this field. I then ask, "Sooo, who's first?" They all look at each other and shrug. Tyler then says "Can I pick?" I nod and he says "Ummm. Spirit of the Ocean!" Aberforth looks at Tyler and says "It's Spirit of the River." Tyler rubs the back of his head and says "Sorry, still trying to remember what each resembles." They all nod and Aberforth summons his staff. He spins it around in a neat kind of way. He throws it up in the air. He jumps up and catches it and swings it towards the tree. Out of the top of the staff, Water rushes at the tree. We see smoke, or is it mist? Whatever, once it all clears, we look and see that it nearly cut the tree in half! I then ask "Is there more you can do with your staff?" He nods. He grabs my arms and uses his claw to cut it and draw blood. I squint in pain and he grabs his staff. Water droplets start to float around him as he does what I think is a ritualistic dance. All the water droplets land on my cut and the cut slowly disappears as if it was never there. He then says "I do have more moves. Including ice." He then focuses again. The water droplets appear, but this time they become frozen. The droplets all connect to the top of the staff. Soon, he swings that staff, which causes a bunch of ice spike out toward that way. They hit the tree, causing it to fall. Aberforth looks at me and says "I can do more, but we'll save that for when we actually need it." I nod my head. I then think for a second and look at Vernon. He nods and summons his bow. He creates another tree and focuses on the target. Flowers start to grow and bloom around him. He takes aim at the tree and shoots. A bunch of arrows head toward the tree, but they soon shape thorny vines with roses on them. They hit the tree and once the smoke clears, we notice a big hole in the middle of it. I then ask "Like Aberforth, can you heal?" He shakes his head and says "I can make pollen that makes people poisoned or sleepy." He focuses and the flowers grow on his bow this time. They all move to the point of the arrow and he shoots. He shoots up towards the air and a powdery substance is released. It floats down and the pollen makes flowers grow.  I look and see Tyler is asleep. I didn't feel sleepy though. I then ask "How come it didn't affect me or the other spirits?" He then says "I choose who it affects. Since you're observing and the others would be pissed, I decided that Tyler was the best candidate." I nod my head and wake up Tyler. He does one more move. He focuses and Rose vines come out of the ground. They all move towards the point of his arrow. He released and the vines wrap around the tree and spin around it. Soon, they cut the tree like a chainsaw. Vernon let's go of his bow and it disappears. Tyler then says "COYOTE MAN!!!" I look at Phoenix and say "I guess it's your turn." He nods and summons his spear. Blue flames start to spiral around him. He starts to run toward the tree and disappears. Soon, all we see are slashes of Fire. Soon, the tree has multiple scratches and the top is on fire. He reappears in front of us. I then ask "Anything extra?" He nods. He spins his spear and catches it. He throws it like a throwing spear and it disappears. Suddenly, the sun's light feels a lot warmer. Soon, a lot of plants start to dry up or light on fire. Aberforth then summons a rain to rehydrate the plants. Phoenix spins around the spear again, but this time he plunged it into the ground. Soon, cracks started to form in the ground. Once they reached the tree, a large fire broke out of the crack, burning the tree into a crisp. Aberforth then summons a rain storm and Sirius hands me his jacket. I put it on and look at Sirius. He nods and summons the twin blades. He runs toward the tree and prepares himself. He suddenly disappears and cuts form on the tree, but you can't see where they're coming from. Soon, Sirius reappears. It doesn't seem Sirius does that much damage to the tree. However, he points at the tree using his swords. Soon, you can see multiple lights slashing at the tree. One being blue and the other being orange. We look and see the tree in pieces. Even more interesting, the patterns in the tree changed into suns and moons. I then say "I thought you were the Spirits of the Stars." Vernon then explains "He is. However, the sun is a star and the moons light is just sunlight being reflected off the moon. Sirius' Power isn't really to controls stars. It's a more light and spiritual power. Sirius is actually probably the strongest among us." I nod and ask "Can you do more?" He nods and crosses the swords. He focuses and it seems little specks of dark and light start to float around him. They are soon released into the sky and spread into dark and light dust. The dust touched my skin and it feels cold with the dark and warm with the light. I then ask "What is this?" Tyler then says "I don't know why, but I feel stronger or more active." Sirius then says "Reduces exhaustion and slowly heals wounds. Can revive the dead too." I then say "Really?" He nods and says "Only after they die." I nod and he does one more move. He holds the swords in a stabbing position and tossed them. Soon, a lot of needles form and all hit tree, completely penetrating it. You can see the dark and light energy of the needles from inside each of the holes they made. He walks over to the needles and picks up a dark and light one. Soon, the rest of the needles come back and reform the swords. He walks over and pets my head. I look at Anvindr. He nods and summons the sword. I then say before he continues "No summoning tornadoes, or hurricane, or anything deadly and wind related." He nods his focuses on the power in his sword. A few things that look like feathers show up around him. He starts to slash at what appears to be nothing, but I look at the tree and notice slashed appearing. The slashes altogether look like they're able to cut down the tree entirely. I then ask "Any extra abilities?" He nods and puts the sword down. He kneels down and puts his head on the handle of the sword. Soon, a breeze starts to blow. In that breeze, feathers appear and float down. The breeze stops and the feathers all glow. Tyler touches one of the feathers. He all of a sudden starts to float a bit. When he touches the ground, he looks at me and says "I feel lighter." Anvindr then says "The feathers make you feel lighter, provide more flexibility, and increases speed." Tyler then does a bunch of dance moves he hasn't been able to do before. Tyler then says "This is awesome!" Tyler then goes to do a backflip, but falls on his back. Anvindr then says "Depending on which feather you get, the time lasts only a little bit." I nod and he then says "I have one more move I can show you. At least one that won't destroy this place." I nod he brings the sword up to his face. He focuses as the air around us becomes thin. He brings the swords down to it's side. He suddenly disappears and we see what looks to be a miniature tornado quickly strike the tree. Soon, the tree is broken into pieces. Anvindr comes back and says "One more thing, I'll need the spirits help for this." He takes off the circlet on my head. He takes out the gem and puts the band on the tree. He looks at Phoenix and says "Make a fireball." Phoenix does as told and Anvindr makes a small tornado in his hand. They both release at the tree and it envelopes it. Anvindr throws the gem and it hits where the circlet was. He looks at Vernon and he nods and wraps the tree around the circlet and gem. Sirius walks up to it as if knowing what was going on. He places his hand at the center of the tree and a blue and red light shine around the tree. Anvindr then asks Aberforth "Care to make it rain?" Aberforth sighs and makes it rain. After the short shower stopped, Anvindr walks up the tree. He places his hand in the center and uses his wind ability to cut open the tree. He takes out a ring

He hands it to me and says "This is your circlet replacement

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He hands it to me and says "This is your circlet replacement. It's okay, right?" I nod my head and he hugs me. He kisses my forehead and says "Good." We all walk home and Tyler follows.

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