4- Getting to Know Them.

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Andy's POV

I wake up from my slumber as I look around me, seeing the spirits still here. I sigh and think to myself "So it wasn't a dream" I gently push them off me and notice one of them was gone. I count and named them one by one. "Anvindr, Aberforth, Vernon, Sirius..." I then realize "Where'd Phoenix go?" I head into the kitchen and see Phoenix using the stove to cook. He looks at me and smiles saying "Breakfast is almost ready." I nod awkwardly and go back to my room. I look at the calendar as I sit down. College starts up again here in a few weeks. I sigh and look to see if I have all my college stuff ready. I have my stuff all ready, so I cross off my list of things I need. I hear Phoenix call my name, so I head over to the kitchen. I look at the dining and see a plate of waffles, bacon, and eggs. I sit down and Phoenix sits next to me. I eat a bit of the eggs and tried a slice of bacon. It's really good. I get up to get the syrup, but was pushed back into my seat be Phoenix. He opens the fridge and hands me the syrup. I thank him and he just smiles a bit and watches me eat. After I was done, he asked "Did you like it?" I nod my head and said "I never knew you could cook." He nods his head and says "Though it was a bit tricky making the dough, using my flames makes cooking so easy." I nod my head. He hugs me tightly. He nuzzles his face on mine a bit before getting pushed off me. I look to see Aberforth looking at me with a smile. He lifts me up and sits on the chair. He sits on it himself and lifts me up and onto his lap. He hugs me and licks my head. It doesn't take long for the others to wake up. Once Anvindr woke up, he grabbed me and hugged me tightly. Aberforth got a little mad, so he hugged me from behind. I was literally trapped between a muscular tiger and muscular wolf spirit. Their fur is so soft though. Vernon and Sirius both pulled me away from the two. They pulled me onto the couch and laid their heads on my shoulders, nuzzling into my neck. I couldn't help but blush a bit at the action. Soon, every one of them were huddled around me, giving me a kiss on the cheek, or nuzzling into me. I tried to get up, but I'd just be pushed back down. I mean, it's actually not that bad. If you could have some of them lay on you and have you lay on a few of them, it'd be the perfect bed. But that'd be weird just thinking about it. I really don't know much about them, I should probably ask. I then ask them "I hope you don't mind me asking, but could you explain your powers in more detail?" They all nod and Vernon goes first. "As you already know, I have the power to make things grow." I nod my head. "I can also do a lot of other things though. I can make seeds, make pollen, and change the color of flowers and other plants." I nod my head. Aberforth then says "You already know, I can make it rain and move water freely." I nod. "I can also do this." He makes water come out of the sink again. He shows me the water bubbles that he took out. He closes his eyes and opens them. His eyes have a snow-blue glow in them. He blows on the water and it becomes ice. My eyes widen in amazement and curiosity. He smirks at me and asks "Impressed?" I nod my head. "Show off." I look to see Anvindr. Aberforth looks at Anvindr with a bit of a glare. Aberforth looks back at me and says "I can also make river waters run faster. If we were at an ocean, I could do a small amount of things, but not a lot." I tilt my head in confusion and ask "Why not?" He just smiles. Anvindr then hugs me and holds me on his lap. He then says while hugging me "I have the power of making wind blow. You already know that though." I nod. "I can also make tornadoes and hurricanes." I nod my head and ask "Can you do anything more mild?" He nods and makes a slight breeze in the room. It's a breeze you'd feel on a cool summer day. I smile and say "You can be my new AC." He smiles and says "Sure. Whatever that means." I just chuckle and look at Phoenix. "I make flames out of nowhere." I nod and he continues. "I can also cause volcano eruptions. For the mild side, I can change the color of flames. Some of which have a different effect." I nod my head. I look at Sirius. "Cause meteor showers, summon constellations, and can change the amount of light shining off the moon." I nod and say "Each of you have really impressive abilities." They all smile and nod. I then think to myself "What do they do for defense?" I then ask "Do you guys have any enemies or weapons?" They each nod. I then ask "What kind of enemies do you have?" They then say "Fallen Angels and Demons." I then say "Wait, you said that God don't exist and that it's Furaih." Vernon then sighs and says "Yes, but there is actually an equivalent to Furaih." I nod my head and Aberforth explains "You see, Furaih, as you already know, is the Spirit of Creation." I nod my head and Phoenix continues "They're opposites, but equal in power. His equivalent is the Spirit of Destruction." I nod and say "So where do the Fallen Angels and Demons come in?" Anvindr then says "The Spirit of Destruction is the one responsible for the demons and fallen angels. He also has a few spirits on his side too." I then ask "If demons exist, do angels too?" They nod and Anvindr then says "How can you get a fallen angel without an angel in the first place?" I nod my head. I then said "Furaih must be outnumbered, huh?" Sirius then says "I wouldn't say that." I look at him and ask "What do you mean?" Vernon then hugs me and explains. "Well, sometimes, a demon can go the bright side." I then say "So they're reverse fallen angels?" He smiles and says "Yeah, they're called Risen Demons." I then say "Talk about opposite." They nod their heads. I then ask "What do they look like?" Phoenix then says "Unlike is Spirits, who take the form of an animal, they take on the form of humans." I nod and Phoenix continues. "A demon had black wings. Angel's have white, sometimes yellow or a slight blue." I then ask "And what about Fallen Angels and Risen Demons?" Aberforth then says "Well, Fallen Angels and Risen Demons look very similar. Both of them have a wing of each color." I nod my head and he carries on "The difference is that a Risen Demon's black feathers have a white tip. The opposite goes for a Fallen Angel." I nod my head. I would like to know more, but I decide to leave it at that for now. I then ask "Don't you guys have weapons too?" They all nod and ask "Would you like to see?" I nod my head and say "Just don't ruin anything in the house." They all nod. They all breathe and move their hands in certain ways. Their eyes become the color of their element and their weapons form. Vernon has a bow, Aberforth has a staff, Sirius had twin blades, Phoenix has a spear, and Anvindr has a normal sword. I look at the weapons in amazement. I then look at Aberforth's staff. I then say "I'd expect you to have a trident." He chuckles and says "No. I'm the Spirit of the River, not the Spirit of the Ocean." I nod my head and ask all of them "How many spirits are there?" All of them say at the same time "Many." I then ask "How many?" They just say "A lot." I'm assuming that there's a lot out there I don't know, so I'll just leave it at that. I lay down on the couch and they each put away their weapons. I lay down and Sirius asks "Want to see the power of our weapons?" I nod my head and he cuddles into me. They all then say "Tomorrow." I nod my head and pet theirs as I just relax.

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