15- Tyler's Spirit

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Tyler's POV~

I look at Andy as they all shouted out at the same time "FURAIH?!?!" I look at my spirit in confusion. He said he was the spirit of illusion, so I don't know why they said the name of the spirit of creation. I then ask him "Are you using an illusion to make yourself look like Furaih to them?" He looks down at me with a smile. He picks me up in a hug and says "Nope. This is the real deal. My name is Furaih." My eyes widen. He looks at me happily as I look at him in amazement. I stumble on my words as I try to speak. "T-T-the spirit of c-creation?!" Furaih nods his head and hugs me. "Sorry I lied." I just nuzzle into his chest and say "It's fine." He changes into his normal, Japanese style clothing and then says to Andy and the others "Yup, Tyler is my destined." Aberforth then says "We didn't think you could even get a destined! I mean, you created the world, why couldn't you just create your destined?!" Furaih laughs and hugs me. With his new clothing, part of his chest is still revealed. I lay my on that spot. He then continues and says "True, I could have easily made my destined, but then I'd know what they are like. I don't want to be with someone I made. I want to be with someone who's made for me. And that is Tyler." He pets my head and I continue to nuzzle into his chest. I am pulled out of his grasp by Andy. He pulls me into a closet. "Dude, I am very happy for you, but do you know how much responsibility is needed for taking care of Furaih?! I mean, he's the freaking spirit of creation!!! He made our kind, he made the world, the universe, the galaxy, everything! You think you're up to the challenge?" I sigh and say "You're right. It is a big responsibility. I don't think I'm good enough for the spirit of creation. I'll go return his necklace. I walk out of the closet, despite not listening to Andy. I hand the necklace to Furaih and said "As much as I want to be with you, I don't think I'm worthy of being your destined. I'm sorry." Furaih looks at me with a cute head tilt. He starts to laugh loudly. The spirits chuckling with him. Andy walks beside me and I ask him "What's going on? Why are they laughing?" Furaih walks over and puts the necklace back on me. "Being my destined isn't a choice." He holds my cheek with his paw. "And of course you're worthy of being my destined. Just because I have a superior role in the making of life, doesn't mean you aren't worthy of me." He hugs me real tight and says "I love you, Tyler. You're my destined. I can't let you go. My love for you won't allow it." I hug him and he hugs back. He pats circles on my back as I continue to nuzzle into his chest. I look and see his tail wagging really fast. I look at Andy and he says "If only you listened." I then ask "What?" Andy sighs and keeps a straight face. "I tried to tell you. You can't just give back the gems and say that you're not interested. I already tried that. But they wouldn't allow me to throw them away. I assume you already know about the barrier." I nod my head and remember that I tried to leave the necklace on the table, but I couldn't make it far. I then ask Andy "Why would you want to escape from them? They're protecting you, loving you, and keeping you safe. Why would you want to give up that?" It didn't take long for all of them to have jumped hug Andy. Andy just sits there as they all nuzzle into Andy with their tails wagging and Anvindr purring. "This is one of those reasons." I then say "But they're so cute. Why wouldn't you want them by your side?" I feel a gloomy aura as I look to see a jealous Furaih. I nuzzle into him and pets his head, which quickly changes his mood. Andy then says "Because it's so much. I mean, I'm the first human to ever have more than 2 spirits love me. It's so much to handle." I nod. "But didn't it get a little lonely when they weren't around?" Andy sighs. "Yeah, you're right about that. It did get pretty lonely at home, living with no one and all." I smile and say "But now you have five lovable spirits by your side. Aren't you a little happier than you were before?" Andy smiles slightly. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." Aberforth decided to take over Andy for cuddling rights. Anvindr didn't like it as he pulled Andy back in his hold. It soon became a tug of war battle for Andy cuddling. Me and Furaih just sweatdropped. I yawned and lied my head against Furaih's soft chest. It didn't take long before I was out like a light.

Andy's POV~

I was being pulled from different directions as they all say different things like "Let me cuddle him!" Or "I want him!" And finally "He's so cute! Give him to me!" Furaih cleared his throat. All the spirits stopped and held me close to then. Furaih then said "Be aware of Curse season." I tilt my head and ask "What's curse season?" He then explains. "Every now and then, the spirit of destruction releases his fallen angels and spirits out to make things bad for people. Normally they like setting curses on people. However, some have killed before too, which gives us all a chill." I nod my head and gulp. Aberforth grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. Anvindr does the same with the other. I guess they act as my personal body guards. They all say "Don't worry. We'll protect him with our eternal lives! And promise that he'll forever be safe." Furaih nods and continues to pet Tyler's head. "You're so cute, I will keep you safe from the evil spirits." I gulp nervously and ask "When does this 'curse season' end?" Furaih then says "It takes about a week. All the fallen angels go back to the chamber's of the spirit of destruction. However, you still need to be careful. Sometimes, fallen angels or spirits that act as leaders will stay out longer. They do that for one extra day. After that, they go back." I nod my head again. Furaih then looks at Sirius. "Canis, you must keep Andy safe. You're the strongest out of all of them, so be sure Andy is safe, alright Major?" Sirius nods and I look at him in confusion. "Canis? Major? What the heck is Canis Major? And why does it sound familiar?" I decide to drop it and ask Sirius later. Furaih then says "You should go home now. We don't want any fallen angels going in the house or Andy's." I nod and they all head out. I walk up to Furaih as the others stay at the door and wait for me. "Furaih, May I ask you something?" Furaih smiles after me and asks "Sure, what is it?" I sigh. "Tyler's my best friend and I'd hate to see him get in trouble. Please, take good care of him." Furaih smiles and hugs me. "Of course. He's my destined, I care for him a lot. I'd give him a new planet if he wanted." I nod as we all leave to go home.

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