17- Short People Problems

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Warning: This chapter is going to be really, and I mean REALLY weird. Like, very weird. So be warned. It's also a pretty long chapter. So be aware of that.

Aberforth's POV~

We ran into the room after hearing Andy scream. However, when we went in there, no one was there. The door wasn't open or anything. The window wasn't either. We hear him scream again. "GUYS!!! SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENED!!!" We all heard it, but we can't see him. It wasn't until we looked under the covers. And there he was.

"ANDY!!! WHAT HAPPENED!!!" We saw Andy. The height of a small doll. So about 10 inches in height. He somehow shrunk. I gently picked up Andy. "What happened?" Andy just looks at us nervously. Probably intimidated. "I-I don't know! I woke up like this!" We all think.
Vernon then says "I think we should call Tyler and Furaih. We all nod as I hold the little Andy in my hand.

As they all go off to call Tyler and Furaih, I just look at Andy. I smirk and get an idea. "Aberforth, whatever it is you're going to do, don't do it!" I chuckle. "Too bad." I place him in between my chest muscle and flex them so he stays in place. He may be small, but I can see the blush on his face. "A-A-Aberforth!!! This isn't funny!" I chuckle again. "I know. But I love you. So I placed you so you're close to my heart~" I wink at him. He moves around to get out, but I flex them tighter so he doesn't fall. I smile and lick his small head. It's not long before he's taken out of my little chest crevice by a certain tiger spirit. "Are you stupid?! He could fall and break a few bones!" I smile and say "I was keeping him close." Anvindr hugs the small Andy close his chest.

Andy's POV~

Oh my gawd, that was weird. My face is still red from it. God damn it Aberforth. I was in the tight grip of Anvindr as the both of them argued until Anvindr hugs me close his chest. And by close, I mean he accidentally did the same thing Aberforth just did. I squirm around a bit. He releases the hug, but I'm stuck. He blushes as red as I am and takes me out. "I'm so sorry Andy! I didn't mean to!" I just let out a "I know." He brings me up to his face and starts to nuzzle into my now very small body. I try getting away from the huge tiger's face, but don't make it far

. I was suddenly grabbed by someone else. I look and see Aberforth holding me again. "I'll take care of you, Andy. Until we get this problem solved." He places me back there and bounces his chest a bit, making me blush more so than before. I can see he's toying with me! I can tell with that little smile on your face, Aberforth! Soon, it became war as both Aberforth and Anvindr started to argue over who would take care of me.

Just when I was about to shout at both of them, I was grabbed and put into Sirius' hood. He turned his jacket around so that the hood itself is facing towards the front. It's like I'm a Joey in a Kangaroo's pouch. I then hear Sirius talk to both of them. "The both of you are annoying. We'll keep him in here since you both can't seem to stop arguing and embarrassing him."

I mean, this is better than being stuck between the pecs of a furry. I look above at Sirius as he looks down at me. "T-thank you, Sirius. I'm sure they would have crushed me." He smiles. "As long as you're safe and comfortable." He then licks the top of my head. I should get used to this. I mean 3, maybe 4 out of the 5 of them are dogs, in a way. Though I still don't know what Sirius is. It still makes me think. Especially with all the star I've been hearing.

I was kind of snug in this hood. It was fun whenever Sirius would walk. We all just sat and wait for Tyler and Furaih to come. I just peeked out of the hood like a meerkat peeking out of a hole. Vernon and Phoenix were having a lot of fun petting my head as if I was a small hamster. They would just smile and continue to say I was cute as they pet my head. This isn't as bad as I thought it was. I wonder why I really did become this small.

After about an hour and a half of waiting, Furaih and Tyler arrived and have entered. Tyler looked around and asked "So, where is shorty?" This made me a little irritated. "Just because I'm already was short doesn't mean you can make fun of me for being shorter!" He looked around. "Where is he? I heard him, but I can't see him!" I rolled my eyes. Sirius points into his hood and opens it more. Tyler and Furaih both look inside to see mini me.

Furaih gently takes me out of the hood and Tyler looks at me. "Wow, he really did shrink. How did this even happen?" Furaih just gives me an intense look. I swear, he was about to throw me on the ground. However, instead I got put into his pocket. He smiles at the spirits and says "He's mine now." The spirits then say in unison "No, he's not!!!" He just laughs and says "I'm joking. I would never take someone else's destined." The spirits continued to glare at him for his little joke. 

Furaih takes me out of his pocket and puts me back in the hood. He smiles and says "He's cute like that." The spirits all nod in agreement as I just roll my eyes. Vernon finally speaks after a bit of silence. "So, what caused this?" Furaih then says "It's a curse. Only temporary though." I sigh in relief. I then ask out from the hood, "So, how long will it be till I'm back to normal?" Furaih thinks and says "A D-class fallen angel did this. Be lucky for that. D-class fallen angels and demons usually only last for about a few days. My best guess would be 5 in this case." I gulp nervously. "I'll miss 3 days of school! Being that today is the first day of this."

Tyler gets curious and asks "What's the difference between the tiers?" Furaih then says "The tiers of fallen angels and demons depict how dangerous they are. I'll explain the tiers." Me and Tyler both nod. I assume the spirits already know about the tiers. "There are 6 tiers. F-class, D-Class, C-Class, B-Class, A-Class, and S-Class." Me and Tyler nod in understanding. "I'll explain examples of curses that can be done by these tiers." We both nod.

"F-class tiers only cause unfortunate events, such as failing a test someone studied hard for, losing a pencil, typical everyday thing." We both nod. "D-class do stuff like.... Well, Andrew's situation and other non-horrible, but unfortunate things." We nod, ready to hear more. "C-Class makes people hate them. However, they will make up after about a week or two. B-Class causes deaths, such as disease and coming across poison. A-Class and S-Class are terrible though. A-Class can makes a curse that's pure terror to the mind. Usually a curse like losing a lot of people you care about, over and over. Even worse, it can last half a lifetime." Tyler and I both gulp nervously to hear about last curse. "S-class, by far the worst. They are the aftermath of a horrible incident. They cause people to become serial killers, and will make it so that people will kill everyone that comes across the cursed person's path. They can also make people insane. This can last up to a full lifetime, and even worse, it can spread." Tyler and I were shivering at this point. Sirius held me close to him, knowing I was scared.

Furaih then smiles and says "But seeing a A or B tier fallen angel and demon is extremely rare, so you don't have to worry about that." I nod nervously. "As for your current situation, the best thing to do is just wait till it's done. I would have the spirit of purification do it, but he wouldn't do it unless it's from a B-class and above." I nod.

"Sooooo, what will I do until then?" Furaih just shrugs and says "Well, as far as eating, I guess you'll just have to eat out of Phoenix, or whoever's food." I nod. "As for who will carry you around I think we all know how that will be." We nod as Sirius smiles and licks my head. Furaih then says "I think your best bet as far as sleep would be either Vernon or Phoenix. Both are more gentler than Aberforth and Anvindr." Anvindr and look Aberforth just look away from us with nervous smiles."

Tyler looks at Furaih and asks "Is there anything we can do?" Furaih just hugs Tyler and says "You can be his little 'nurse'." Tyler then asks what he means. Furaih just says "It's flu season, so let's just say that Andy has the flu. You'll go to class on Monday and tell the teacher. Then the next two days, we'll spend here, making sure none of them slip up. Specifically wind and river over there." Aberforth and Anvindr just fiddle around with their fingers. Furaih stretches and says "I'm hungry, so let's make some lunch." Tyler nods and they both head into the kitchen. Sirius sits down and looks down at me.

"I'm so sorry Andy." I look up at him and ask "What?" He rubs the back of his neck. "If only I stayed by your side to protect you." I just reach up to his chin and scratch it a bit. I mean, that's the most I can really do at this height. "It's fine, Sirius. I'm okay, and that's what matters. At least it wasn't an A-Class." He nods. "But still what if it was? Then what would we do?" I pet him more. "It's fine. Don't worry about what happened and worry about what will happen. I'll be fine, so don't worry." Sirius nods. "Now, let's wait and eat. I'll be eating some of your food, I hope you know." He just smiles and says "I'm okay with that." We both smile. I can't wait to be back in normal form.

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