1- The Jewels of Life

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Day 1- Andy's POV

I was with friends at the moment. We're in the woods camping. This forest we're right now is famous for it's fresh air and overall beautiful nature. It's something to admire. We were setting up camp and enjoying the scenery that was currently around us at the moment. Once we all got set up, we all sat down and relaxed a bit. My friend Tyler sit next to me. "So, how you liking the forest so far?" I smile and say "It's relaxing. I really like it." He nods. After a bit of relaxing, I get up. I tell the others I was going on a walk through the woods. They all nod and set up stuff for lunch. I walk through the woods, enjoying the nature around me. This place really is beautiful. I walk up ahead and see a tree, however, something was odd about this tree. It was glowing with a bright forest green color. My curiosity got the best of me as I approached. When I got close enough, the glowing stopped. I looked inside the hole of the tree and saw a necklace. It was silver and had a green gem on it. I picked it up and looked at it. I wonder if it belonged to anyone. I heard my friends call me back for lunch. I put on the necklace and ran back.

??????'s POV~

I sense it. Someone has it. My gem, my destined to be has my gem. I look around to see my future mate. I looked at him from a tree. "He's so cute. Such pretty eyes." I used my enchanted forest vision to see where he lived. I smile and wait. "I can't wait to meet you."

Day 2

Today, we are going to the river just out of the woods to go swimming. I really liked to go swimming and it's been forever since I have. My friends and I ran straight into the river. It felt really nice. While we swam around, we spotted a few fish and even some crayfish. We found some deeper water. I dove down and saw a rock glowing. It was weird. This rock glowed with a sort of sapphire blue. I dove down deeper and grabbed the rock. I put it in my pocket and we all left back for camp. I opened the rock and found a single clear blue earring. It couldn't have belonged to anyone, it was in a rock. I put it on and looked at the necklace from before. "A necklace, now an earring?" I sighed and went to sleep.

?????????'s POV~

I feel it! My long awaited time to find the one that I'd protect and keep to myself! They found my gem! I get out of the water and look at the direction of my gem using some enchanted water to point the way. I look into the window of a tent and see him. "He's handsome. I want to kiss those lips, right now." I then tossed up some water. The water started to drift into a direction as I followed, going to his home where I'll make him mine.

Day 3

I've been wondering about these two pieces of jewelry. A necklace and an earring. I was walking around as we hiked up a trail. We were walking a path up this mountain. Once we reached a certain point, we set up camp. I was in charge of making a fire pit. I started to dig at the ground. Once it was deep enough, I set down some coals and some wood to start the fire. I watched the flames. The others set up the tents and we cooked our food. Once we were done eating, we all went to bed. I woke up a few hours later. It was midnight. I look at the place of the fire and saw a red glowing light. I gulped and looked to see a gold ring with a red gem. I picked it up. It felt warm, but not hot. I put the ring on and it fit nicely. I took off my earring and picked up the pendent. I looked at all three pieces of jewelry and wondered "What is going on?"

???????'s POV~

It's happened. My gem, it's been found. I need to find the person who found it. I get up and look around. I can see the light from the gem. I pull up a flame and look at the direction it faces. I follow the flame until I find a camp. I look at the glowing tent. I look in and see my gem on this human's hand. I look and see his face. I look at his neck. He found another one. I look at his face, but see he also has another one. "How is this possible?" I make a mythical flame and look deep into it. I look and see a house. I start to make my way there. I know he's the one I need to protect.

Day 4

I was to think. What was it with these types of jewelry? I mean, the necklace was in a weird place, the earring was enclosed in a rock, and this ring showed up in the middle of our coals of the fire. I wonder if there's more to this. Anyway, we continued our traveling and went to the windy plains. The wind is almost always blowing here. It's also a tourist attraction. There's this Japanese style shrine where people pray for luck. We decided to do it as well, which is another reason for this trip. My friends all went and prayed for the usual. Luck, fortune, and so on. I went to the shrine, but I like my friends, I made an offering. I took out a coin. It's not yen or anything, but it's still something. I toss the coin into the booth and lowered my head and prayed. I prayed for protection. As if my wish was denied, a huge gust of wind blew all around me. I felt hear something and a glow of mint green filled my eyes. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I did anyway. There I saw Circlet. I'm not a girl, there's no way in hell I'm wearing it. I go to leave, but a very strong gust of wind blew me right back to it. Assuming it was coincidental, I try and leave again, but the wind knocked me back again. I grumbled and picked it up. I walked off and headed to my friends.

???????'s POV~

Come on, you seriously think I'd let you go that easily? I see you with the rest of the gems. If that's the case I have to be the one to protect you. After all, you asked for protection. I didn't even summon the wind. The gem knows that he's mine. And I knew it too. I was hopeful the moment I laid my eyes on him. And I was right.  I watched him leave wearing my gem. He looks so cute in it. I watched him leave and went to find out where he lived. I used my winds to guide me to his home. Where I will stay and keep him out of trouble.

Day 5

Today was the last day of our trip. After tonight, we will head home. I was excited for tonight. There's going to be a meteor shower. We packed up camp and watched the sky, waiting for the meteor shower to start. It was the last day of our camping trip, so I'm sure I won't find anymore jewelry. We waited and then it started. It was so beautiful. It's the first time I ever saw one live. My favorite one that I see is one that looked like it had a purple glow. The next thing I realize is, THAT IT'S HEADING RIGHT TOWARD ME!!! I get hit by the impact and my friends look at me in worry. It didn't hurt all that much, but it confused me. A meteor would crush me, not knock me back. I get up off the ground and dust myself off. I move the hair out of my eyes and that's when I see a bracelet. One with a purple gem. I sighed. Another piece of jewelry. I can't think of any more fashion related types of Jewelry, so I think that's the last of it. I don't know what the hell is going on. This whole camping trip, everyday, I'd find another type of jewelry. It's kind of scary. Anyway, we continued to watch the meteor shower. No more hit the ground, so that's good. We soon went to the car and headed for home.

??????'s POV~

I opened my eyes from my slumber. I could feel it. The gem has chosen the one I need to protect. The one that is destined to be with me. I look down over the land and see the purple glow of my gem. Staying as far from sight as I can, I got a close up of the face of the one holding it. He looks amazing. The gem chose a good one. I used my power to set up a wormhole that would send me to his home. The place we will live in together.

Andy's POV

I got dropped off at my house that I bought a little bit ago. The place isn't big, but it's not small either. It's in between. I go up to my door. I unlock the door, and there I see it. Or rather... them.

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