16- Curse Season

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Andy's POV~

It's been a week since Furaih and Tyler got together. It's kind of funny though. Even though Tyler has his own spirit, a strong one at that, he still comes over to cuddle. He even has Furaih join in. Furaih likes to tease the spirits, so he sometimes cuddles me and keeps me away from the spirits, which puts them in a sour mood. Tyler and Furaih both find it amusing though. This 'curse season' or whatever is supposed to be over by now, so thank go- Er Furaih for that. Furaih and Tyler went home as usual. I was currently walking home from the grocery store, which is about a 3 mile walk. I would just use Tyler's car, but his car is currently under inspection. So I have to walk. All the spirits are at the house, except for Sirius. Sirius is apparently the strongest spirit out of all of them, though I can understand why. I mean, spirit of the stars? That has to be a strong spirit. Sirius likes to keep me close to him when we're alone. We weren't even halfway home yet. Luckily, no one was on the road or anything like that. It's pretty weird, to be honest. Me and Tyler live in a small area, that doesn't have a lot of people around, and the city is only 3 miles away. Yet, as soon as you leave the city, it's nothing but country. But I like it that way. The country is quiet, peaceful, and the sound of spring peepers is relaxing. I was talking to Sirius about random things. He smiles at me and pets my head a lot. Have I mentioned that we've been walking for about an hour and are only 1/6th of the way home? This is mainly due to Sirius hugging me tightly for like 5 minutes at random times. He's very sweet. We continue walking home and I feel a furry hand touch mine. I look down and see Sirius' hand touching mine, as if asking to hold it. I can see a slight blush on his face. I smile and hold his hand. He is surprised, but relaxes after a few minutes. I smile widely as we continue to walk peacefully. We get pretty far, not half way, but further than 1/3rd of the way there. However, as we were getting to the halfway point, Sirius suddenly stops. I thought it was to give me another hug, but I see seriousness(no pun intended) in his face. I ask him what's going on. He says "Stay here." He starts running around the woods, and the overall area. I gulp, a little nervous. I look at the road ahead and see someone walking this way. I assumed it was a normal person. I look the other way to see if I can see Sirius. I look back and come face to face with that person. I fall back in fright. This person isn't human. He was far away a second ago. He smiles at me and says "It's been awhile since I've seen one of you." I tilt my head in confusion. It's then that I see the white wings with black edged feathers. This thing was a fallen angel. I try to back away and cry for Sirius, but I'm paralyzed. It's not like I was actually paralyzed, but it's more of a thing where it feels like I'd die if I were to move. I'm paralyzed in fear. He smiles evilly. He puts his hand on my cheek. I gasp and tears start to leak. He looks at me in the eyes "You're a very cute one." I couldn't move. I'm trying so hard, but I can't. I can't even call for Sirius. I feel a dark energy enter my soul. I'm scared. Why can't I use my voice? Why can't I move? More tears leak out of my eyes. The fallen angel licks my tears. I try to call out to Sirius, but I can't. It's then the distance between me and the fallen angel is split by Sirius himself. He has his swords out, each glowing brightly. He looks at me and asks "You okay?" With tears still leaking, I nod my head. Sirius nods and points the blue sword at the fallen angel. "Leave him alone, Nirvanous." The fallen angel smiles mischievously. "Oh, if it isn't the puppy dog spirit? What are you doing to do? Kill me?" Sirius tightens his grip on his swords. "Leave. Go back to hell." The fallen angel smiles and continues. "Why? Is he your Orion? Are you going bite me with your baby pupper teeth?" I can see so much anger in Sirius' eyes. He swings a sword at the fallen angel. The fallen angel, dodges it and flies into the air. It chuckles and say "Look at the puppy. Wanna play fetch?" Sirius is beyond pissed. He throws his swords at the fallen angel and jumps up and scratches a wing. He catches the swords and tries to slash at him, but misses. "The puppy is losing his touch. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Sirius eyes burn a bright blue color. Literally. Star shaped shurikens form out of nowhere. Most of them blue, and some that are white. They hit and burn some of the fallen angel. Sirius then yells with pure rage "SUPERNOVA!!!" Each of those stars blow up into nothing and burn the fallen angel, quite a bit too. The fallen angel smirks. "The puppy is strong when angered, isn't he?" I don't understand. Why is Sirius being called a puppy? That reminds me what Furaih said before. He called him Canis, and Major too. It sounds familiar, but I can't remember why. The fallen angel then says "Well, these burn quite a bit. Guess I'll soak them in subzero mist. See ya." He than fades into a dark hole as Sirius tries to rush after him. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!" I hold Sirius' shoulder. "Sirius, forget it. What matters is that I'm fine. Forget about him." Sirius nods his head and sighs. He pets my head. "You're right."

Sirius's POV~

I couldn't control my anger. Not when these cases happened. He could've hurt Andy, and that's the last thing I want. I hated when he taunts me. It makes me angery. I pet Andy's head, glad that he's fine. Suddenly, Andy hugs me tightly. He starts crying into my chest. "I was so scared. I couldn't even call out to you." He continues to cry as I pet his head. "Shhh. It's okay. I'm here now. Shhhh. You're alright." Andy continues to cry. After he calms down a bit, I lift him up bridal style, that way I can hold him close and not have to stop and hug him constantly. I finally made it home. Andy had fallen asleep the rest of the way home. The others rushed over to me and asked what happened. I told them the situation. I look at Andy and say "The good thing is that Andy is fine. He wasn't hurt, so that's good." They all nod. We decided to stay up and make sure no other demons or fallen angels came around. We stayed up till morning. Us spirits don't need sleep, so we weren't tired. We were all alarmed as we heard Andy's voice scream out from inside the house.


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