2- Meeting the Spirits

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Andy's POV

I stood there, just looking at the sight before me. Five furries, arguing over something, but I couldn't tell what. One of them saw my gaze and said "Hello Andy." I quickly closed the door and pulled out my phone. I decided to call Tyler. I dialed in his number and waited for him to answer. Once he did, he said "Hey buddy, what do you need?" I then say in the phone "Tyler, it might sound crazy, but call the police." He then asked in a concerned voice "Why? What the hell happened?" I then say "Five fursuiters have broken into my apartment and were argu-" before I could finish, the one with the hood took my phone and turned it off. I then say "HEY!" He just smiled and hugged me. I wonder what expensive equipment this person used to make his fur suit able to smile. He pushed me in my apartment and the other four just smiled at me.  They all jump at me and hug me tightly. I struggled to get out of their grips. It's so hard. What the hell is wrong with these people? Whatever equipment they use, it's working pretty well. The facial sequence is incredibly realistic. It's like it's actually their faces. The reason I say this is because it's like they all just glared at each other. I was pulled away from the rest of them by the fox fursuiter. He then said "He found mine first! So he's mine!" I then say in great confusion "WHAT?!" The wolf looking fursuiter grabs me and says "That don't matter! He's mine!" The one with the hood grabs me and says "The best is last. He found mine last, so that means he is mine!" The black and grey pulled me away and said "It don't matter what you think. He's mine." Finally, the tiger one pulled me into him and said "I'm going to protect him. All of you can just go back home. He stays with me." They all start pulling me and then my rage builds up and I shout out "HEY!" This caught their attention and they let go. I then calm down a bit and say "For one, who the hell are you guys? Two, why are you in fursuits? And finally, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!?!?!" The tiger then said "We're sorry for not introducing ourselves. I'll introduce myself." I nod. He then says "My name's Anvindr. I'm the spirit of the winds." I gave him a weird look and looked at the fox fursuiter. He then said "My name is Vernon, spirit of the forest." I look at the wolf. He then says "My name is Aberforth. Spirit of the River" I sigh and look at the black and grey one. He then says "Phoenix. Spirit of the flame." I look at the one with the hood. I then say "Let me guess. Your the spirit of the sun." He shakes his head and says "My name's Sirius, the spirit of the stars." I roll my eyes and say "So, you all claim to be spirits?" They one apparently named Sirius says "We don't claim to be, we are." I roll my eyes again. I then say "I don't believe it for a second. You're all just fursuiters who broke into my home. Now before I call the police, I suggest you get out." The one named Vernon then says "We're not lying! We're serious!" I then give him a doubtful look and said "Prove it." He looks at a plant that I have. He walks over to it puts his hand on one of the leaves. I then see a GREEN AURA?!?! It surrounded him. He breathes and the plant begins to grow flowers. I didn't know it was a flower plant. He then smiles and looks at me and says "See?" I gulp. This can't be real. The one wearing a wolf suit holds his hand up. The water in the sink begins to float. I notice a sea blue aura around him. He moves the water around freely. What the hell is this guy? A water bender? He goes outside with a bit of the water and launches it up in the air. Soon, it started to rain. He looks at me and winks. These guys' fursuits are really cool. I look at the black and grey one. He moves his hands together and focuses. I see a orange aura form around him and soon flames form out of nowhere. He moves them around freely and dances around a bit, the flames following his feet and arms. Soon, he stops moving and the flames spin around him before disappearing. He smiles at me. I'm starting to get scared. The tiger looks at me with a smile. He walks outside and a mint green aura forms around him. He lifts up his hand and flicks it outward. A huge gust of wind blows from the way he flicked his hand. He flicked his hand another way and it blew me straight into him. He holds me and smiles. I quickly push myself away from him as he continues to smile. I look at Sirius and he then says "I'm sorry, but I can't do much at the moment. It's not night yet, so I can't do much." I nod. He then crosses his arms in front of his chest. A purple aura appears around him. Something that looks like a star map appears in front of him. He takes his hand and sets it over the constellation Leo the Lion. Soon, what appears to be a purple lion appears in front of me. It looks at me with eyes that have what appears to be hearts. It approaches me and I back up. I'm against the wall and it jumps up, pinning me to the wall. I could only close my eyes and wait for the pain, but instead, I feel a lick on my face. I open my eyes to see the lion licking me. Sirius then says "He likes you."  Sirius puts his hand on the lions head and it disappears. Sirius smiles and says "I can use other constellations too. They each have a different power." I nod and gulp at the same time. They all stare at me with hopeful looks. They all say at the same time "Do you believe us?" I gulp and nod saying "Y-yes, I believe you." They all smile happily and hug me tightly. They all glare at each other again. They then pull at me again and then I yelled "YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED EVERYTHING!!!" They all let go again and I said "Why the heck are you wearing fursuits?" They all look at me confused. Aberforth then asks "What's a fursuit?" I then say "What you're wearing." Anvindr looks at me confused and says "You mean our clothing?" I start to get irritated. I pull at his fur and said "No! This!" I continued to pull and he started to say "Ouch." I continued to pull and he kept saying it louder. I then say "Is.... Is this your actually fur and skin?" He then says "Yeah, what else could it be?" I start to feel the fur. I start to feel vibration. I look to see a slight pink on Anvindr's face. He was blushing. I continue to pet his stomach and he just lays on the floor. I think he's purring. I didn't think tigers could purr (A/N, They don't actually purr.) Vernon got jealous and hugged me. I felt his fur. It's so soft. Soon, all of them were all over me and trying to get me to pet their fur. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like petting their fur. I then thought of something. "Why are all of you here?" They all smile and said "We're here for one main reason." I then ask "And what's that reason." They all smile and say "To protect and love you with all of our hearts." I then think about what they said. It takes me a moment to process what they just said "WHAT?!"

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