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𝟑𝟒 𝐁𝐁𝐘

The middle rim planet of Calèstè was a beautiful sight to see. It had peaceful waterfalls like Naboo, soaring mountains like Alderaan, dormant volcanoes like Mustafar, and exceeding architecture like Coruscant.

The Royal Black family had ruled over Calèstè for thousands of years, passing on the crown from one generation to the other. With this responsibility often came secrets, dark secrets, their ancestors wished to bury. Information the Black Family had not wished to know, but were burdened with the knowledge of the past.

Dooku Serenno, Alexandra, and Arcturus Black watched as their 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son played under the bright sun, on the grassy gardens behind the castle. Running after one another and chasing colorful butterflies that sat on the bright flowers. Absolute tranquility. 

"So tell me Dooku, how is Jedi business?" Asked Alexandra Black, not being able to wipe the lively smile off her face. 

"Jedi business, as you call it, is going very well. My old padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn is training his new padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is now 15-years-old. Qui-Gon believes-"

Dooku was interrupted when an energetic 6-year-old Thea Black ran up to where he was sitting and crashed into his legs. Panting heavily from chasing her brother but never missing the thrilling and adventurous stories Dooku had to tell.

"Who's Obi-Wan Kenobi?" asked young Thea with a big toothy smile on her face. 

"Thea it is rude to interrupt others while they speak." scolded her father, Arcturus with a serious expression.

"Sorry father," mumbled embarrassed Thea as she looked down. Dooku frowned slightly and patted her shoulders while standing up from his seat.

"It's quite alright, why don't you and I take a walk and I can tell you all about being a Jedi?" asked an amused Dooku.

Thea Black nodded eagerly at her parent's friend and took his hand and walked further into the garden while her parents watched her and shook their heads at her enthusiasm, and her brother with smiles on their faces.

The flower-covered arcs stood above Thea and Dooku as they walked on a pebbled path towards a glorious multi-leveled water fountain that stood in the center of the circular area. Thea skipped towards the fountain and sat down, eagerly patting the space next to her for Dooku to sit. 

"So what is it like being a Jedi?" Thea asked excitedly.

"Being a Jedi comes with certain rules, codes, but provides great knowledge and a special bond with the Force," answered Dooku.

"Do you ever question the Jedi code or the rules?" she asked curiously.

"No, my little star, sometimes the ways of the Jedi are difficult to understand and imply to one's life but I devote my life to the Jedi Order," answered Dooku honestly but with slight hesitation. 

"Are you allowed to get married and have little children or even a family?" she asked excitedly.

Dooku looked at the child with a hint of sorrow in his eyes when he answered "No little star, Jedi are forbidden to form attachments."

"But... but we're your family, right? Well, you're mine. Right?" Thea stuttered out nervously with hope and love in her eyes as she looked up at him. 

"Yes, Thea, I will always be your family, just as you will always be mine. Jedi or not." Dooku answered the girl reassuringly. 

As Thea grew, she had continued her plan to become her planet's senator while her brother would become King. She delicately studied the laws of the Republic and the Art of Negotiation while taking an increasing interest in science, more specifically, biology.

Her brother would be crowded by her mother while her father was off on Coruscant, doing what a senator does while she read and reread all the books in her library.

Over the years, Thea had grown closer to Dooku and looked up to him for knowledge, advice, and sometimes a shoulder to cry on, and never once did Dooku reject her.

38 BBY, the entire Royal Black Family had gone to their quarters and off to bed. Oblivious to the dark and sinister figure descending off his ship with intentions no 10-year-old could understand. 

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