2 - 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦

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𝟑𝟖 𝐁𝐁𝐘

Thea Black went to sleep in her bed, multiple blankets covering her tiny body as she fell asleep soundly. A change in the temperature awoke Thea as shivered slightly and hugged the blankets closer to her body. Only when a dreadful feeling stirred in the pit of her stomach, she sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes tiredly. The moon from outside her window peeking through her curtains and onto her white walls, making it almost pitch dark in her room. Trying to shrug off the feeling of darkness she closed her eyes again and tried to fall back into a blissful sleep.


The dark figure forced the guards out of his path and set off to find Alexandra and Arcturus Black, to fulfill a debt they had long ignored. He again, forced, himself into the room. His hand hovered over his lightsaber as he watched the two sleep, holding each other as if knowing it was for the last time. The figure ignited his lightsaber as it released a humm, the blood-red light of the lightsaber illuminated the white walls of the bedroom. Arcturus Black woke with fright once hearing the noise but was quickly silenced by a deadly slash to the chest which the figure swiped onto the neck of Alexandra Black, thus ending the leadership of the Royal Black Family.


Thea had been forced awake, almost by a feeling. She sat up in her bed, more aware this time, and glanced around her room in alert. She slipped her slippers which matched her dark blue sleeping dress and crept out of the room, the door closing with an echoed click. She walked through the lightly lit hallways of the palace towards her bedroom when she heard a distorted echo coming from their room. Running as fast as her tired and wobbly feet could take her, she made her way to her parent's room and froze.


The dark figure turned when he heard hurried feet running on the floor and saw a girl looking at him in slight fright and in slight fascination, not yet realizing her parents were lying dead on the bed behind him.

He deactivated his lightsaber and hid it in his dark robes, diminishing the minimal light that it gave off and leaving the room in pitch black with only the peeking lights of the moon left in stripes on the wall.

He slowly and tentatively approached the girl while she stared at him with wide-eyes. He knew who she was, the girl, 10-year-old Thea Black. The next in line, the Calèstians new hope. She took small steps backward as he approached her, hiding her trembling hand.

Once he got close enough to knock the smaller girl out, her senses came back to her and she ran away screaming. Awaking all the guards and her younger brother. The figure, angered by her appearance and reaction, fled through the windows and returned to his ship. Ignoring the muttering and cries of the girl he failed to acquire.


Thea's cries woke up the staff and alerted the guards to her presence while she dropped to her knees, her head in her hands as she cried into her hands. 

"Princess, what happened?" asked a guard in a frenzy.

All the girl had to do was point in the direction of her parent's bedroom and the guards all went running, only to find the King and Queen, killed in their own bed. Slash marks on their bodies and scorch marks on the mattress below them. The King's lifeless eyes stared at one of the guards as he closed the King's eyes. 

Thea glanced around in confusion and fear while the feeling of cold and malice left her gut. She felt a little and weak tap on her shoulder and turned to see her 8-year-old brother rubbing his eyes in confusion and holding his stuffed toy tightly. She quickly dried the tears off her face and hugged him tightly as though he would escape if she would let go. 

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