24 - 𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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Commander Wolffe wakes up in his barracks aboard his ship, he looks up at the same monotone colors of the walls of the ship. The beds stacked on top of one another, most of the beds made. He puts the rest of his chest armor on and steps outside the barracks and heads towards the bridge of the ship. When he gets to the bridge, he sees his girlfriend on the holo table in the middle of the bridge, talking to his General. He smiles a little at her and walks up to his General and salutes him.

"Commander Wolffe, Senator Black. I hope you remember each other." General Plo tells them, smirking under his mask.

"Yes, it's good to see you, commander," Thea tells Wolffe and smiles at him, the smile that makes his heart melt. Wolffe bows his head in response and replies with a simple, 'senator'.

"Yes, so are you available to come with us?" Plo asks the senator, making Wolffe's head tilt in question.

"I should be, I don't have any major meetings that someone else can't take care of." Thea replies and looks down at her agenda, "Senator Clovis has requested my presence... but he can wait." she mutters.

"I'll have commander Wolffe pick you up from your office. He'll take you to a gunship and come aboard the ship." Plo tells her and gives Wolffe his orders.

"I'll be waiting for you, commander," Thea tells him to which he smirks lightly.


"Commander!" a voice calls out to Wolffe to which he curses under his breath.

"Yes, Sinker?" Wolffe questions annoyed.

"We heard a senator is coming aboard." Sinker says excitedly.

"You heard correctly." Wolffe says in a monotone voice.

"You know who it is?" Sinker questions.

"Yes, and I'm late to pick them up. So move." Wolffe says angrily and walks away.


Wolffe lands on the ground and is greeted by the Coruscant Guard who escorts him to Senator Black's room. Wolffe and Fox make small talk on the way, Wolffe mainly telling Fox about things on the front lines. Fox soon points to a door which he informs is the senator's and leaves Wolffe alone. Wolffe knocks on the door and tells the guards in front of her office why he's there before they let him in. Wolffe walks in and sees his girlfriend in a dark grey slim pantsuit and a white blouse under the thin top piece of the suit. She wore her hair in a simple straight ponytail that started at the top of her head and went down to about her shoulders. She wore simply grey flats that were covered by her fitted pants. She wore light blue earrings and all her rings. He noticed that she hadn't heard him come in until he cleared his throat and removed his helmet.

She looked up at him and practically jumped from her chair and walked into his open arms and wrapped her arms around his neck, he lifted her slightly from the floor and spun her around before putting her down and laying his hands on her waist.

"Hello, princess," he tells her in his rough voice that she adores.

"Wolffe." she greets back and stands slightly on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. She pulls away and his lips follow hers until he pulls her against him and captures her lips once more. Her arms wrap around his neck loosely and her hands tangle themselves into his hair. He groans in delight but pulls away from her and holds her in his arms. He runs a hand down her arm while she rests a hand on his face, him nuzzling into it.

"Are you ready to possibly go to the front lines?" Wolffe questions worried and pauses, "I don't want you to come, it's dangerous." he tells her, afraid.

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