4 - 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦

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The lights shone on the planet of Coruscant as the Jedi Temple towered over the crowded streets. The Jedi council gathered once more in the council room, deciding the fate of Anakin Skywalker as the comforting presence of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi stood behind the curious boy.

"The Force is strong with him," stated Master Mundi.

"He is to be trained then?" Qui-Gon asked hopefully.

"No, he will not be trained." Master Windu said bluntly.

Qui-Gon looked at Master Windu in slight astonishment considering the answer that the council gave him while young Skywalker had a look of betrayal and anger on his face.

"He is too old." Master Windu justified.

"He is the Chosen One, you must see it!" Qui-Gon exclaimed.

"Hmm, clouded this boy's future is," added Master Yoda.

Qui-Gon took a couple steps forward and rested his hands on Anakin's shoulder while confidently telling the council he will train the boy. His padawan, Obi-Wan now held a look of betrayal on his face as his Master blatantly discarded him in front of the council.

"I take Anakin as my Padawan learner," Qui-Gon said while looking at the other Masters in the room.

"An apprentice you have Qui-Gon. Impossible to take on a second." reminds Master Yoda.

"The code forbids it." Master Windu added.

"Obi-Wan is ready," said Qui-Gon.

"I am ready to face the trials," Obi-Wan said confidently.

"Our own council we will keep on who is ready." scolded Master Yoda.

After justifying and trying to convince the council of Obi-Wan's readiness to take the trials, the council ignored the debate for both Obi-Wan and young Skywalker and tasked them with going with Queen Amidala to Naboo to draw out and identify the identity of the Sith Lord.

"May the Force be with you." Yoda told them before they left.

"We must speak with Senator Black before she leaves with them, perhaps she has clues to the mysterious Sith," suggested Master Plo Koon.

"Yes, call on her we must." agreed Master Yoda.


"Master Jedi's, you requested my presence?" questioned Thea Black.

"The night your parents died, you said you saw a Sith. Can you please re-explain?" asked Master Windu.

Thea took a visible deep breath and her demeanor changed in the eyes of the council as she had not thought of that night in 4 years. The cold. Darkness. The red hue reflecting off the walls and the faceless figure over her parent's quiet bed.

"It was a normal night, we went to bed as we usually did." Thea started to explain in detail.

"It was warm that night but I woke up to being cold. Unusually cold, like the warmth was suddenly drained. I felt afraid and upset, emotions I did not feel often at the time. I did not think much of it, I had a nightmare that night-"

"What nightmare?" Master Mundi interrupted.

"It was dark, there was a planet, lava-covered, it was red in contrast to the black ash and soil. A man stood over a figure laying on the ground but then I woke up," she explained.

The council looked at each other in worry and some tried to piece together what her nightmare could have been and meant.

"Once I went back to sleep there was a gnawing feeling in my stomach that felt sinister, almost like I could hear an evil laugh play through my memories. I decided to get up, to explore, I felt that I had to go to my parent's room. So there I went." Thea continued as a shiver ran down her spine from the memory.

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