15 - 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴

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Clouds covered the dark skies of Coruscant, the green lights from the Senate building illuminating the streets below it. Golden statues stood on guard, keeping the meeting inside quiet.

Representative Binks, representing Naboo and taking Senator Amidala's place in the Senate makes his plea for a change of power.

"It's-a clear desa separatists made a pact wesa desa Federation du Trade. Senator's, dellow felegates. In response to this direct threat to the Republic, mesa propose that the Senate give immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor." Jar Jar Binks concludes as shouts of approval are echoes through the Senate Chamber. Shouts of "Palpatine" were yelled at by delegates with applause.

"Order! We shall have order!" the Senate chairman orders.

Palpatine stands with a worried expression on his face and heavy eyes.

"It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling.

I love democracy

I love the Republic." applause fills the chamber as Palpatine continues his speech.

"The power you give me, I will lay down when this crisis is abated. As my first act with this new authority, I will create a grand army of the Republic to counter the increasing threats of the Separatist Alliance." Palpatine states while delegates give him thunderous applause.

"It is done, then." Master Windu states solemnly as he and Master Yoda watch the Senate chamber from above.

"I will take what Jedi we have to Geonosis and help Senator Black and Obi-Wan." Master Windu continues.

"Visit I will the cloners on Kamino, hmm, and see this army they have created for the Republic." Master Yoda tells Master Windu as they focus their gaze back on the Senate.


Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, blatantly refuse an order and make their way from Tatooine to Geonosis to hopefully get to their two friends in time. Their silver Nubian ship jumps out of hyperspace and continues to the surface of the desert planet. Landing close to one of the steam exhaust vents, Padmé and Anakin exit their craft and run towards the door into the droid factory. Running through the machinery and fighting off Geonosian warriors, Anakin and Padmé are separated and Anakin loses his lightsaber. Eventually getting caught by Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, droids, and Geonosians, Padmé and Anakin are forced to surrender and put into a chariot entering an arena where they come face to face with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Thea Black.


An arena filled with chittering and cheering of a million Geonosians was entered into the view of Anakin and Padmé. The two looked around the arena when they saw Obi-Wan and Thea Black, tied to huge columns in the middle, while two were left unattended. Two Geonosians brought Padmé and Anakin to the two other polls while Padmé tinkered with a pin in her hand.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message." Obi-Wan said to Anakin

"I retransmitted just as you had requested, Master." Anakin reassured, then after a pause continued, "Then we decided to come and rescue you." He finished.

Obi-Wan looked up to his handcuffs and then to Anakin and huffed out a "Good job."

"Enough Obi-Wan." Thea scolded, "Thank you for coming for us Anakin, we appreciate it." she enunciated the last part.

The cheering of the Geonosians brought their attention to a large balcony that overlooked the arena as Count Dooku, Geonosian leader, Viceroy Gunray and Jango Fett entered the balcony.

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