29 - 𝘳𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥

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Her heart beat calmed down. Wolffe thought he heard most people let out a quiet sigh of relief. Her vitals were steady once again. He held her hand tightly in his, running his thumb gently over her knuckles, memorizing every line and crease.

Thea gasped out as she sat up, lightning-fast, in the bed. Her body trembled and reached for the first thing she felt. Wolffe held her tightly but gently as she shook, making sure not to make anything look suspicious. Obi-Wan's face relaxed and he gently took hold of her other hand.

She was safe

He repeated in his head like a mantra.

Thea looked around, breathing erratically, gripping Wolffe's hand in a tight death lock. Her eyes scanned past the rest of the troopers and Plo, looking for the same cape. She released a small slow breath when she realized the man she was looking for wasn't there. She turned into Wolffe's chest, sobbing softly while he patted down her hair. She felt relief for the first time in months, this was her Wolffe, holding her safe in his arms for the first time in months and she wanted more than anything to kiss him like nothing happened. For the first time in months she felt safe and happy, the small sliver of hope and love was returned with his arms locked around her.

"Secure the perimeter," Plo said, his voice somber, and a chorus of Yes, Sirs' echoed in the chamber.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan asked, breaking Thea out of her haze.

"Yes, yes... where are we? Where am I?" she asked.

"Mustafar," Obi-Wan said back.

"Oh..." Thea said, not having any other response.

"Here," Obi-Wan said and took off his Jedi cloak, wrapping it around Thea's shoulders.

"Thank you," Thea said, snuggling into the fabric and covering her thighs and legs. She looked awkwardly at Plo, Obi-Wan, and Wolffe, not knowing what to say or do. For the first time, no, the second, in her life, she had no idea what to do. Her life felt like it had fallen apart yet been rebuilt by the smallest interaction.

That Sith

That Sith seemed so familiar she thought, his eyes were recognizable to her, his lightsaber. She couldn't help but take another sweep of the room, Wolffe's eyes following hers.

"Senator," Wolffe said and then indicated he wanted to lift her. She nodded in approval and stared into his eyes, hoping that somehow he could hear her relief and her love and her anger and guilt. She hoped he could look into her eyes and read her into being, explore her soul and set it free from the torment it endured.

But he didn't, or he couldn't, she didn't know.

She wrapped her arms around his neck while one of his went to support her back, the other under her knees. She allowed herself to submerge into his hold, melt into his arms. He lifted her up effortlessly, holding her closer and tighter than professionally expected, he couldn't help it. For the first time since that evening, he was able to hold her, feel her, see her, and he would kill himself all over again if he threw away that opportunity.


A horse voice whispered and she gasped to turn her head to the source of it. She saw the outline of a large figure on the cold walls of the room but no physical figure for it to belong to. She began to shake in Wolffe's hold and he turned his body to the area she was looking at, he saw nothing.

"I got you," he said to her in a whisper, so only they could her as he walked to the ship. She wondered if he did have her, if he deserved to have her, and he wondered if he had her, if he truly had her or if he lost her forever.

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