Chapter 11

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Meredith grabs Derek's hand as they walk through the sliding glass doors of Seattle Grace Hospital. He looks down at her and smiles proudly as he feels that he is displaying his family to the world for the first time, ever. He plans on walking these halls with them often and he can't help but allow the excitement to produce a huge, goofy grin on his face.

Meredith: You look happy.

Derek sighs happily.

Derek: I am. I am very happy. I didn't think it was possible to be this happy.

Meredith giggles as she leans into Derek's body as they wait for the elevator. He inhales deeply, breathing in her intoxicating lavender scent. Her scent. His favorite scent. He could say with certainty that Heaven smells like lavender, if he even believes in Heaven. He falters on the religion front quite a bit. Derek chuckles as the elevator doors open and they walk in, receiving many glances from the other occupants.

Meredith: What?

Derek: This is our first elevator ride as a family.

Meredith smiles happily to herself.

Meredith (sighing): Yeah, it is.

Derek leans in, his mouth dangerously close to her ear.

Derek: You know, I have a thing for elevators.

Meredith giggles as his warm breath sends chills down her spine.

Meredith: Do you now? I thought you had a thing for ferries?

Derek: Oh, I do. But this thing I have for elevators, well, the love of my life started that one.

Meredith decides to play along with him.

Meredith: And how did she do that?

Derek: Well, one day I was standing in one, minding my own business, when she pushed me up against the wall and begin to ravish me with her mouth.

Meredith: Oh really?

Derek chuckles.

Derek: Yeah, one minute she was talking about drawing lines and the next...well...let's just say ever since then I have had a thing for elevators.

Meredith: And this it intense?

Derek: Like you wouldn't believe.

Suddenly a voice from the back of the elevator interrupts their playful banter.

Cristina: Seriously, you guys are making me want to McVomit.

Meredith giggles as she turns around and meets the amused eyes of her person.

Meredith: I didn't even know you were in here.

Cristina: Well, you wouldn't would you? You two are too wrapped up in each other you probably wouldn't even notice if the elevator shut down.

Meredith just shrugs. The doors open and Derek and Meredith step off of the elevator and onto the surgical floor. They step out of the elevator, Derek beaming proudly, his chest sticking out slightly, and his hand gripped firmly in Meredith's. She honestly doesn't know what people will think. She doesn't know how they will feel about her letting him back in so quickly, but honestly, she doesn't give a damn. It is her life, her happiness, her family. They all saw how broken she was. How broken she was without him. She needs him and if they are too blind to see that, then whatever. She needs him. She loves him. A shrill voice cuts into her thoughts.

Voice: Oh my, they are sooo cute!!!

Meredith rolls her eyes.

Meredith: Izzie, you just saw them not too long ago.

Izzie: I know, but still, they are just adorable.

Derek couldn't contain himself.

Derek: They are, aren't they? Probably the best looking babies this hospital has ever seen.

Meredith giggles at Derek's excitement and Izzie smiles warmly at him. It was nice to have him back. She knows that Meredith needs him, even if George didn't see it that way.

Izzie: I would have to agree with you, Dr. Shepherd.

Derek: It's Derek. I'm not here as a doctor right now, I'm here as a father.

Derek felt his heart soar as he finished his sentence. Father. Him. Derek Shepherd. It feels so good. Izzie bends down over the twins and begins to talk baby talk. Meredith wraps her arm around Derek's waist and pulls herself closer to his body, leaning in as they both gaze down at their children.

Chief: Well, if it isn't the Shepherd Clan...or know...Grey and Shepherd and their children...

Meredith giggles at the Chief's rambling.

Meredith: Shepherd Clan is fine Chief.

Derek looks down at Meredith and kisses her on her hair, the smile seeming to be permanently fixed to his face now. Meredith looks up at him and their eyes lock. Their gaze so full of love and desire and passion that everyone around them can see it.

Meredith (whispering): Should we tell them?

Derek is happy that she wants people to know. His heart feels as if it has grown wings and is fluttering about in his chest. This day just keeps getting better. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and squeezes them gently, encouraging her to continue as he nods gently.

Derek (whispering): If you want to.

Cristina: Just spit it out already.

Neither of them had noticed the growing crowd that now surrounded their blossoming family. Meredith looks around and sees all of her friends, the Chief, Bailey, and a few nurses. She notices George standing behind the Nurses' station, still looking perturbed.

Meredith: Well, Derek and I...well....we are engaged...we are getting married!

Meredith's voice raises slightly at the end of this sentence as she almost sounds too much like Izzie. Her excitement is evident in her voice and the large smile that graces her features. Bailey's voice is the first to cut through the stunned silence that has overtaken the hallway.

Bailey: About damn time. Congrats, Grey, Shepherd.

Bailey leans over the twins and says something that is unintelligible before straightening up, shooting a brief smile at Meredith and walking away. Richard is the next one to move. He immediately envelops Meredith in a hug.

Chief: I am truly happy for the both of you. Congratulations.

Meredith: Thank you.

The Chief then shakes Derek's hand.

Chief: I expect to see you in my office shortly.

Derek: Of course, we will be there right after the twins' appointments.

Chief: Okay. See you then.

The Chief shoots them both a big smile before turning and walking away, leaving the couple to face Meredith's friends. Alex walks up and pats Meredith on the back.

Alex: Happy for you Grey.

He looks pointedly at Derek before bending down over the twins and speaking to them, much to everyone's surprise. When he leans back up he notices the looks of surprise.

Alex: What? I am Uncle Alex. It will definitely attract the ladies.

Everyone rolls their eyes.

Derek: Karev, you are not using our chilren to pick up "ladies" as you so put it. So don't even think about it.

Alex just shrugs before stalking off. Izzie smiles happily at the couple.

Izzie: I really am happy for you guys. Welcome to the family Derek.

Izzie bends down over the twins and speaks in baby talk, very characteristic of her bubbly personality. She straightens up when her pager goes off.

Izzie: See you later. Congrats, again.

Derek and Meredith: Thank you, Izzie.

Derek heart melts at Izzie's words. He is a part of their family now. The intern family. Meredith's family. The only family Meredith has really know. He is a part of her family and he can't wait for Meredith to be a part of his family, to meet them all. She is already his family, but his big family. Meredith will have so many families she won't know what hit her.

Next Cristina walks up to them.

Cristina: I don't do fluffy things, so yeah. Whatever. About time is all that I'm going to say.

She turns to Derek.

Cristina: And if you ever hurt her again like you did when you left, I swear to a freaking aortic dissection that I will kill you and make it look like an accident...and it won't be a pleasant death will be slow and torturous...

Derek just nods. He doesn't plan on ever hurting Meredith again. He knows that they will fight and they will hurt each other, but never again like he hurt her when he left. He will never leave her again. Never. Even if he hadn't already promised himself that already, Cristina's words would prevent him from hurting Meredith again. Cristina is scary and he would never admit it, but she does scare him a bit.

Cristina rocks back on her feet as she looks down at the twins.

Cristina: Cute rugrats, or whatever. Look, I have surgery, so yeah...I'm maid of honor right?

Meredith: Of course.

Cristina: All right then. See you later.

Cristina walks off leaving them virtually alone. Virtually alone with the exception of a few nurses and George. George shoots her a disgusted look before walking briskly away. Derek notices the change of Meredith's expression and he pulls her closer.

Derek: Don't worry about him, Mer. He will get over it or he will just have to learn to deal with it.

Meredith just sighs.

Meredith: Yeah, you're right.

Derek: Of course I'm right. I'm always right.

Meredith: So cocky.

Derek: You love it.

Meredith just rolls her eyes as she giggles and they begin to walk back to the elevator to take the twins to their check-up, Meredith finally feeling as if she has a family of her own.

Meredith and Derek step off of the elevator and onto the OB/GYN floor. Derek holds his head high as he pushes the stroller down the hall, eliciting several "awws" from passing nurses and patients. His babies are cute. His babies are cute and he knows it. He turns to a now giggling Meredith and raises his eyebrows.

Derek: What?

Meredith: You are a proud daddy.

Derek smiles at her use of the words daddy. He puffs his chest out just a little more.

Derek: Damn right I am. Our babies are the cutest babies that have ever graced the halls of Seattle Grace. I mean, how can they now be? Look at their parents....

Meredith giggles and nudges him with her elbow.

Meredith: You are so cocky.

Derek chuckles.

Meredith: I mean, I'm amazed that your head fits in the elevator. Seriously. Seriously.

Derek wraps his arm around Meredith, pulling her closer while placing a quick kiss on her hair. A smirk evident on his face.

Derek: We have already established that you love the cockiness.

They reach Addison's office, where Meredith wraps her arms around Derek's waist and leans her forehead agains his chest. Derek runs his hands up and down Meredith's back.

Meredith: Derek?

Derek: Mmmhmm?

Meredith: I'm glad you are here.

Derek places his hands on Meredith's shoulder and pushes her back slightly, so that he can look in her eyes. Their eyes meet and everything else seems to fade away, to become insignificant.

Derek: Listen to me. There is no where else I would rather be. This, right here with you and the twins, this is where I belong. This is the spot I have been moving towards my entire life and I never plan on leaving your side again, Meredith Grey. I love you and I love our children more than I ever thought possible. I am here. I am in this.

Meredith nods as her eyes fill with tears. She notices that Derek's eyes are also glistening with unshed tears. Just as she opens her mouth to speak, the door to Addison's office open and the redhead stands there in all her designer glory, smiling.

Addison: Derek, Meredith, why don't you and the twins go ahead and step into my office.

Meredith nods as Derek navigates the stroller into Addison's office. They sit down in the chairs across from Addison. Meredith has to admit that she is a tad uncomfortable. Addison looks amazing, while she looks...blah. Well, how is she supposed to look? She just squeezed two freaking watermelons out of her vagina a month ago. She would like to see Addison try that. Seriously.

She glances nervously at Derek. Not sure how he will handle the situation. She is surprised when he seems to take the high road. He clears his throat to speak.

Derek: Addison, I just...I wanted to thank you for taking care of..of Thank you for being there when I wasn't...I just....Thank you.

Meredith grabs Derek's hand and squeezes it. It seems that he is having as hard of a time concerning not being here as she is about not having him here, but she knows. She knows that if they want to move forward they can't dwell so much in their past. She knows that, but that doesn't make it easy. Easier said than done, isn't that the saying?

Addison smiles warmly at Derek.

Addison: It is my job, Derek. No thank yous are necessary.

Derek opens his mouth to speak, but Addison cuts him off.

Addison: So, how are the twins doing?

Meredith smiles and seemingly glows as she begins to talk to Addison about all of the progress that the twins have made. Derek looks at her amazed. Motherhood has made her so...different. Different in a good way. Different in a way that makes him love her even more. He listens to her brag about the advancements of their very young children and he sees the same pride in her that he himself feels. She is amazing. Simply amazing. Addison's voice breaks through his internal session of admiring his beautiful fiance.

Addison: Okay, well it sounds like everything is going well. I will have a nurse lead you into an empty exam room and we will check their growth.

Meredith and Derek nod and exit Addison's office. A nurse leads them to an empty exam room, all the while checking Derek out. Derek is completely oblivious, but Meredith notices. Meredith notices and then notices Derek's oblivion. She can't help smiling to herself. The nurse leaves them in the exam room, alone.
Derek smiles at Meredith as he places his hands on her hips.

Derek: I love you.

Meredith looks up at him and smiles.

Meredith: I love you too.

One of the twins makes a noise and both parents turn their attention to their children. Derek bends down in front of the stroller and reaches out his hand to Derek Jr., who is now wide awake. The infant looks at Derek's hand intently, as if he is trying to focus, before he reaches out and grabs one of Derek's large fingers in his tiny hand.

Meredith looks down on the two men in her life, tears building in her eyes. She sees the smile on Derek's face. How could she ever think about not telling him? Derek leans forward and begins to talk to his son in a hushed voice.

Derek: You know, slugger, you and your sister were conceived in a room very similar to this one.

Meredith gasps.

Meredith: Derek!

Derek chuckles and he turns his head to look at Meredith.

Derek: What?

Meredith: I don't think you need to be informing our children about the night of their conception!

The smile on Derek's face melts her heart a little and she can't help but allow the corners of her lips to turn up.

Derek: Why not?

Meredith: Because! That is exactly the kind of thing that can cause serious damage! Trust me, I know!

Derek straightens up and grabs Meredith's waist, pusing her against the exam room bed. He looks deep into her eyes.

Derek: Seriously??

Meredith: Seriously! How do you think it felt for my mom to tell me my dad had to get her drunk to knock her up?! Seriously, Derek!

Derek is chuckling now and Meredith hits him lightly on the shoulder. She feels his hot breath on her neck, sending electricity down her spine. He leans forward, his lips only millimeters from her ear.

Derek (in a low husky voice): I can't be in an exam room without getting turned on, Meredith.

Meredith shivers at the intense sensations running through her body. Her breathing becomes labored as the temperature of her core increases rapidly. She wants him. She wants him right now.

Derek places light kisses along her cheek and jawline, the sensations created by his moist lips and tongue mingling with those created by his hot breath caressing her skin. He places his hands on her ass and lifts her up onto the bed with a small grunt. She runs her hands through his hair as she looks deep into his now indigo eyes. Their hot breath hits the other in the face as their breathing has transformed into panting. Panting with need, panting with desire. Derek quickly leans forward and captures Meredith's lips with his own. She moans into his mouth at the pleasurable sensations coarsing through her body upon the contact. She wraps her legs around his waist and feels his growing erection against her thigh. God, she missed him. All of him. Every single inch of him.

He lightly grazes his tongue along her bottom lip, begging for entry into her mouth. Needing to taste her, needing to be close to her again. Needing her. Always needing her. He runs his hair through her tendrils. Her tendrils. His mind wonders back to last night and their marathon of lovemaking. He thinks about the way her silky lavender-scented hair fell across his chest as she rocked her hips back and forth on top of him. The way her scent filled his nostrils, allowing him to feel alive again. Feel alive again inside of her. Inside of her where he belongs. Home. Home with her, inside of her, where he belongs.

Meredith opens her mouth slightly, granting his tongue access and he hungrily thrusts past her teeth, immediatel seeking out her tongue, wanting to participate in an intimate mating dance. A dance that they both know so well, but hadn't participated enough in lately. But it is like riding a bike, something you never forget. With Meredith, it isn't something you can forget, nor do you want to. She is his heroine, his cocaine, his morphine. She is his drug, his painkiller. He can never get enough of her.

Meredith pulls his body closer to hers, digging her heels into his ass. They finally break apart when oxygen become necessary, but Derek doesn't stop. He moves his attention from her mouth to her neck. He pulls back on her hair, granting him more access to the column of her neck. She moans and squirms a bit as he pays special attention to the spot that only he knows about, that only he can work.

Just as Derek begins to move down her neck and the front of her chest, the door opens and his ex-wife, her doctor, steps into the room. Meredith and Derek immediately seperate. A blush spreads across Meredith's face as Addison clears her throat and Derek readjusts his pants in an attempt to hide his obvious arousal. Addison raises her eyebrow at the pair.

Addison: Well, it's good to see that having children hasn't taken away your sex drive.

Derek chuckles as he looks at his blushing fiance.

Derek: You're telling me.

Meredith's mouth drops is shock as she looks at him.

Meredith: Derek!

Derek just shrugs and smirks.

Derek: She is an OB/GYN, Mer, sex talk doesn't embarass her.

Meredith squints her eyes at him.

Meredith: Yes, but she is also your ex-wife, Derek. I highly doubt that she wants to hear about our sex life.

Addison chuckles at their banter and steps further into the room.

Addison: Meredith is right, Derek. Unless you have any pertinent questions, I really don't want to hear about your sex life. It is just a little too...

Meredith: Weird.

Addison: Yes, weird. So, do you have any pertinent questions?

Meredith bites her bottom lip as she looks at Derek under her lashes before turning to Addison.

Meredith: Umm...

Addison: What is it?

Meredith: Well....I...was...just wondering...if you...could...uh....givemethemorningafterpill.

Meredith runs the last of the sentence together and Addison looks at her for a few minutes in confusion as she tries to decipher Meredith freak out. Finally, it dawns on her what Meredith needs.

Addison: need the morning after pill?

Meredith just nods as she bites down on her bottom lip.

Meredith: I'm just...I'm not....I can't...I just...

Addison interrupts Meredith's incoherent rambling.

Addison: It's okay, Meredith. You don't need to explain it to me. I will just weigh the twins and write you the prescription.

Meredith: give me one for birth control??

Addison just smiles and nods.

Addison: Of course.

Derek walks over and rubs Meredith's back as he kisses her hair, showing his support and making Meredith feel much better. Addison notices the effect that one simple touch from Derek has on Meredith and she can't help but smile to herself. He really loves her. She didn't really see it before, but now she sees how much they need each other.

Addison: Well, let's get these guys through their first doctor's appointment.

Meredith and Derek both light up. Their children's first doctor's appointment. Sure, it seems like no big deal, but to them, to them it is a very big deal. It is a very big deal because this is the first thing of many that they will ever do as a true family.

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