Chapter 15

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Meredith opens the front door to her house, anxious to see her children. She has never spent a night away from them.

Meredith: Izzie?!

She feels Derek's hand on the small of her back as she steps over the threshold.

Derek: You missed them, didn't you?

Meredith glances up at him.

Meredith: No...I just...

Derek starts chuckling.

Meredith: Fine. I missed them. I have never spent a night away from them. Is that a bad thing?

Derek leans down and kisses her on the forehead while caressing her cheek with his thumb.

Derek: I think it is a great thing. You are such a great mother.

Meredith smiles at him and opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by Izzie's voice.

Izzie: You're back.

Izzie then spots Derek behind her.

Izzie: You found her.

Derek smiles broadly as he wraps his arm around Meredith's waist.

Derek: I found her.

Meredith: How are the twins? Did they give you any problems? How many tmes did they wake you up last night? Did..

Izzie (laughing): They are fine, Mer. They are lying down in the bouncy chairs in the living room.

Meredith sighs in relief as Derek's heart swells with pride. She really is a great mother. Meredith rushes past Izzie and into the living room.

Meredith: Hello, Maddie. Hello, Michael. Were you guys good for Izzie? Yes, you were. You are mommy's little angels. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

She hears Derek chuckles and turns around to look at him. He is leaning in the doorway and his arms are crossed across his chest.

Meredith: What?

Derek: You are amazing.

Meredith blushes slightly.

Meredith: Why don't you come say good morning to your children while I go get us a cup of coffee?

Derek smiles and nods as he walks into the room. He brushes his fingers through Meredith's hair before kissing her briefly on the lips.

Meredith: I'll be back in a minute.

Derek: We will be waiting for you.

Meredith smiles at Derek before walking out of the living room and into the kitchen. Izzie is sitting at the counter, flipping through the latest Cosmo as she sips on a cup of coffee. Izzie looks up and smiles at Meredith as she enters the kitchen.

Izzie: So, I'm glad that everything is worked out.

Meredith sighs.

Meredith: Everything is fine.

Izzie arches her eyebrow.

Izzie: What is it?

Meredith: I told him that I wanted him to take the twins by himself to dinner with his family tomorrow.

Izzie: Why did you do that?

Meredith: Because, I think that his family should be the twins before they meet me. I mean, normally, the family would meet me before the kids...but the kids are already yeah..I just..

Izzie: You're rambling.

Meredith: Just tell me that I'm doing the right thing.

Izzie sighs.

Izzie: You and Derek's relationship is anything but ordinary. I think that you want them to meet the twins before they meet you so that they will be sure to like you. I also think that you want Derek to be the one to introduce your children to his family. And I get that, I do, but you are his family now too.

Meredith sighs.

Meredith: Just tell me that I'm doing the right thing, Izzie.

Izzie: You are doing the right thing.

Meredith smiles weakly at Izzie.

Meredith: Thanks.

Meredith grabs two cups of coffee and heads back towards the living room. She stops in the doorway and listens to Derek talking to the twins.

Derek: I love your mommy so much, I'm just scared that I'm going to sc..mess up again. I can't lose her. I need her and I need you guys. You all are my family now. If I have you guys, I don't need anything else. But maybe we can build a house out on my land, right next to the lake. We could build stables for horses, if that's okay with your mom, and we can build you guys your own little park. I want you guys and your mommy to have everything you want, because you guys are everything I need.

Meredith clears her throat at the door as she tries to blink back tears. Derek turns to look at her.

Meredith: You are all that we need, Derek. You are all that I need.

Derek stands up and walks over to Meredith. He takes the two cups out of her hands and sits them down on the coffee table. He wraps his arms around her waist.

Derek: I love you, Mer. I love you so much.

Meredith: I love you too, Derek.

Derek leans in and kisses Meredith briefly. Meredith runs her hands through his hair as she stares into his eyes.

Meredith: About your family..

Derek smiles warmly at her.

Derek: It's okay. I get it. I talked to my family and as much as they want to meet you, they understand. I thought that I would take the twins to dinner with them tomorrow night and then maybe you and I could have lunch with my mother on Thursday. Just the three of us. That way you don't get the entire family thrown at you at once.

Meredith smiles at Derek as she traces his jawline with her forefinger.

Meredith: Thank you.

Derek: For what?

Meredith: For being so great about this, for finding me last night...just...thank you...for everything...

Derek smiles at Meredith as he lowers his lips to hers. Their kiss starts off soft but quickly intesifies as Meredith intwines her fingers in Derek's hair and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss. Meredith moans as Derek's tongue meshes with hers.

The cooing of one of the twins causes them to seperate. Meredith and Derek smile warmly at each other before Derek grabs Meredith's hand and they go to sit with their children, both content with just spending time with their own little family. Derek wraps his arm around Meredith's shoulders and she feels herself relaxing in his arms, knowing for certain for the first time in a very long time that everything will be okay. Everything will be okay because she has everything that she needs right here in her living room

Meredith runs her finger along Maddie's cheek after she places her in her car seat. Why is this so hard? Derek places his hand firmly on Meredith's lower back as he leans over and kisses her on the cheek.

Derek: They will be fine.

When Derek speaks, his mouth his next to Meredith's ear and his hot breath tickles her neck. She leans into his body as he wraps his arm around her waist.

Meredith (sighing): I's just...

Derek: You hate being away from them.

Meredith just nods.

Derek: You know, you could still come if you want..

Meredith shakes her head.

Meredith: No. You are their father. You should be the one to introduce them to your family. I should be okay with you taking them...I am okay with's just...

Derek chuckles as he kisses her hair.

Derek: You hate being away from them.

Meredith (sighing): Yeah. I know it's stupid but..

Derek: It's not stupid. It means that you are a good mother.

Meredith looks up at him and smiles.

Meredith: Thank you.

Derek: For what?

Meredith: For being so understanding...for being you...just...thank you.

Derek (wiggling his eyebrows): I know another way you can think me.

Meredith elbows him in the ribs as she giggles.

Derek: Ow! What was that for?!

Before Meredith can answer, Derek's cell phone rings.

Derek: Hello? Yeah...We're about to you there...bye.

Derek looks at Meredith as he talks, almost as if he is willing for her to change her mind. Meredith tears herself from him as she turns to their children.

Meredith: Mommy is going to miss you guys. Be good for daddy. I love you.

Meredith then turns to Derek.

Meredith: Their bottles are in their bag if they get hungry. Maddie has a tendency to be quiet unless she is hungry, so you need to watch for when she needs a diaper change. Michael on the other hand, well, he cries about everything. So the problem there will be figuring out what is wrong. His loudest cry is when he is hungry. He is very demanding about his food...

Derek chuckles as he leans in and cuts Meredith off by covering her lips with his.

Derek: We will be fine, Mer. My sisters have tons of kids and my mom raised all of us. We will be fine.

Meredith: If you need anything, anything at all, just call me.

Derek leans in and kisses Meredith on the forehead before picking up one of the twins' carseats.

Derek: Don't worry. We will be fine, but if, IF, I need anything I will not hesitate to call.

Meredith just nods as she bites down on her lip, a stray tear escaping and trailing down her face. Derek cocks his head to the side and smiles as he wipes away the tear.

Derek: Mer...

Meredith looks at him and smiles.

Meredith: I'm fine.

Meredith bends down and picks up the other car seat.

Meredith: We better get you guys on the road.

Derek sighs as he follows her out of the door.

Derek: Mer..

Meredith: I'm fine.

Derek places both of the car seats in the back seat before turning back to Meredith.

Derek: We will be fine. We should be back by ten. If we are going to be later, I will call you.

Derek runs his finger down Meredith's cheek as he leans in and kisses her softly. He rests his forehead against hers.

Derek: I love you. If you feel the urge to check-in, don't hesitate to call.

Meredith stares into his deep blue eyes, getting lost in the depth of his love for her.

Meredith: Thank you.

Derek smiles at her.

Derek: No problem.

Derek sighs as he runs his hands up and down Meredith's back, not wanting to let her go, but knowing that he really needs to leave.

Derek: I love you.

Meredith: I love you too. Have fun.

Derek sighs as he releases her.

Derek: It won't be the same without you.

Meredith (smiling): That's nice to know.

Derek climbs into the car. He rolls down the window after he shuts the door and waves out of the window.

Meredith: Drive safely.

Derek rolls his eyes as he chuckles.

Derek: Bye, Mer. We love you.

Meredith: I love you guys too.

Meredith watches Derek drive away with their children, wishing that she was sitting next to him. She loves them all so much. Her entire life is in that car. Her entire family is in that car and she loves them all so much.

She sighs as she hugs herself, attempting to displace the cold that has settled around her since Derek removed his arms from around her. He hasn't even been gone for five minutes and she already misses them. Five minutes and she already feels completely alone.

She turns around and walks back into the house, trying her hardest to not pick up the phone and call him. He deserves this. He deserves to introduce his children to his family. He deserves time alone with his children. He deserves it.

She sighs as she plops down on the couch, alone for the first time in so long. She should be enjoying this time. But she's not. She's not. She is missing her children. She is missing her Derek. She is missing her family.

The ringing of the phone brings her out of her reverie. She jumps up and answers it.

Meredith: Hello?...WHAT?! Oh my God...I will...Oh God...I will be right there!

Meredith hangs up the phone with tears running down her eyes. This cannot be happening. Not now. This cannot be happening. She grabs her keys and runs out of the front door as the tears continue to run down her face.

Meredith isn't sure how she gets there, but there are tears running down her cheeks as she rushes through the familiar front doors of Seattle Grace Hospital. The doors slide open, but instead of feeling the familiarity of the place, she feels completely lost.

She scans the area in front of her, not exactly sure what she is looking for. She doesn't notice the five heads of dark, curly hair as she rushes past them in a frenzy. She doesn't even notice the skinny Asian approach her, not until that Asian is speaking her name.

Cristina: Meredith!

Meredith jerks her head to the side as she stifles a sob.

Meredith: Where is he? Where are they? Are they okay? Oh my God!

Cristina grabs Meredith's shoulders as she tries to calm her down, but before she can say anything, a familiar head of dark, curly hair invades her peripheral vision. She turns from Cristina and throws herself into his arms. He wraps his arms protectively around her as she sobs into his chest. He looks over his head and sees his family, but quickly turns his attention to the tiny woman in his arms.

Derek (in a soothing voice):'s okay...we're okay...

Meredith raises her head and looks up at him. She runs her fingers over her face before pulling his face down to her and crashing her lips against his. Derek can taste the salt on her lips. When she finally pulls away, she is struggling to maintain a regular breathing pattern.

Meredith: I thought...oh God...when you were pulling away...all I could think was how everything was in that are my and the are all I are all I need...I can't...if I lost you...I couldn't...

Meredith is reduced to sobs once again as tears begin to run down Derek's cheeks as he attempts to comfort the woman in his arms.

Derek: It's okay. I'm okay. The twins are okay. It was just a little fender bender. I only brought them in to be sure. But we are all fine. I promise. Everything is fine.

Meredith starts to hit him in the chest with her tiny ineffectual fists.

Derek: Ow! Mer...what..

He grabs Meredith's wrists stilling her motions.

Meredith: You...scared...the...shit...out of' can't...

Derek (in a shaky voice): I can't what?

Meredith stops fighting against Derek and looks up at her, her face plainly expressing her vulnerability.

Meredith: You can't ever leave me.

Derek sighs as he pulls her body into his.

Derek: Mer...I will never you leave...

Meredith: But you have before...

Derek pulls back from Meredith a bit so that he can look into her face.

Derek: I know I have. I was an ass, an idiot. But there is no way in hell that I am every leaving you again. You...Meredith are my everything too. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I don't want to be anything. I love you. I love you so damn much.

Meredith nods as she wraps her arms around Derek's torso and breathes him in. His scent calms her nerves as it intoxicates her blood. She feels herself relaxing in his strong arms. She is unaware of the small group of people staring at them, all of them with tears in their eyes. She is unaware until she can feel Derek's body tense in her arms. She looks up at him.

Meredith: What is it?

Derek clears his throat as he nods towards his family.

Derek: Meredith, I would love for you to meet my family.

Meredith's mouth falls slightly open as she turns in his arms. Her green eyes scan over the five pair of bright blue eyes staring back at her before she turns to his pair of matching eyes. She opens her mouth to speak, but stops when she sees Addison walking down the hallway. Meredith breaks free from Derek's arms and walks quickly to Addison.

Meredith: How are they? Are they okay? Are they crying? Can I see them? Please tell me they are okay. Oh God let them be okay.

Addison smiles warmly at everyone before turning her attention back to Meredith. She places her hand on Meredith's forearm.

Addison: Everything checks out. They can both go home. They are a little fussy, but I think that may be because they don't like people poking them.

Meredith: So, they are okay?

Addison smiles as she nods.

Addison: They are in perfect health.

Meredith breathes a sigh of relief as she leans back against Derek's chest, allowing him to be her pillar of strength. Derek wraps his arms around her as he kisses her hair. A feminine voice interrupts the silence.

Voice: So, Meredith, why don't you and my son take me to meet my grandchildren?

Her voice is warm and when Meredith looks at her she sees that same warmth in her eyes. She suddenly feels comfortable. She now has no idea why she was so scared. She reciprocates the smile before glancing up at Derek. He is watching her closely, worry etched on his face. Meredith reaches down and grabs his hand.

Meredith: We would love to.

Derek smiles broadly down at her as his heart swells. He follows Meredith and his mother down the hall, watching in complete surprise as the two chat and laugh with one another. Suddenly, it feels like everything is falling into place. It amazes him how a car crash could knock things into place and make things instantaneously seem so perfect.

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