Chapter 12

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Addison smiles warmly as she completes the twins' exams. She hands Derek Jr. back to his father.

Addison: They are right on track with their weights.

Meredith and Derek smile down at their children, already feeling pride at this small accomplishment, small yet so large. Addison sighs as she looks at the happy family, an image of what she wants.

Addison: They look just like you already, Derek.

Derek smiles happily and chuckles as he runs a finger along the cheek of his son.

Derek: They do, but they have Mer's nose.

Meredith: Thankfully.

Derek: Hey! My nose adds character.

Meredith: Sure it does, sweetie.

Derek sticks out his bottom lip as he feigns insult.

Derek: I thought you loved my nose.

Meredith stands up and walks over to stand next to Derek, Maddie in her arms.

Meredith: I do love your nose, but how would your nose look on our daughter? And it is nice that they have something of mine.

Derek chuckles.

Derek: I guess you are right. I'm glad they have your nose too. I happen to find your nose adorable.

Meredith smiles at him.

Meredith: Well, that's good, seeing as how you're stuck with it for the rest of your life.

Derek: I wouldn't want to be stuck with any other nose.

Meredith: Good answer.

Addison clears her throat. They had forgotten that she was there, they were so wrapt up in each other.

Addison: You need to bring them back in about a month for their first round of immunizations.

Derek looks at his ex-wife, his face exuding with joy.

Derek: Thank you, Addi. It means a lot to me that you took care of my family. Thank you.

Addison smiles warmly at her ex-husband, the bitterness flowing away as she sees the extreme happiness in his eyes.

Addison: I was doing my job, Derek.

Derek: Still, thank you.

Addison: You are very welcome. When is your mother coming?

Panic suddenly overtakes Meredith's face as she glances rapidly between Addison and Derek. Derek looks at Meredith, apology written on his face. Meredith's mouth falls open.

Meredith: When?

Derek opens his mouth and closes it again several times before he actually finds his voice

Derek: Umm..actually...she...and sisters...they..

Meredith: Spit it out, Derek.

Derek: The day after tomorrow.

Meredith stands there, blinking and staring blankly ahead. She shakes her head back and forth a few times.

Meredith: I'm sorry. I must have passed out or something, because I thought you just said that your mother is coming the day after tomorrow.

Derek cringes.

Derek: I did.

Meredith walks over to the stroller and gently places her daughter in it. She looks at Derek.

Meredith: Put Michael in the stroller.

Derek: But..

Meredith: Put Michael in the stroller Derek or so help me God...

Derek walks over and places Michael in the stroller. Once he has done this he straightens up and looks at Meredith, concern now written across his features. Meredith looks at Addison.

Meredith: Addison, do you mind watching them for a moment while I have a few words with my brainless brain surgeon?

Addison chuckles as she knows that Derek is about to be reamed for his stupidity. Derek runs his hand through his hair as Addison nods at Meredith.

Addison: Of course. Go ahead and use my office.

Meredith grabs Derek's hand and drags him out of the exam room. Derek shoots Addison one last look as he is pulled out of the exam room, fearing the inevitable freak out from Meredith.

Meredith jerks open the door to Addison's office and pushes Derek in. She turns around and faces him, fire in her eyes. He can't help but cower away slightly. She's intense when she's pissed.

Meredith (in a loud voice): Derek Michael Shepherd!!

Derek takes a hesitant step towards her. She holds up her hand.

Meredith: Don't!! You are an ass!! Do you know that??? You are a first class ASS!

Derek: Meredith...

Meredith: No! You say Meredith and I yell remember?? Your family is coming the day after tomorrow and you didn't even tell me!! ASS!!

Meredith paces the length of Addison's office a couple of times before she stops and spins on her heel to face Derek.

Meredith (in a low, threatening voice): How long have you know?

Derek clears his throat.

Derek: Umm...since..yesterday morning.

Meredith throws her head back and her arms up in the air.

Meredith: Seriously?! Seriously?!

Meredith steps forward and starts hitting him in the chest with her tiny ineffectual fists. Derek is a bit taken aback.

Derek: Ow. What are you doing that for?

Meredith: Because, you are an ass! Ass! Ass! Ass!

Meredith accentuates his assedness by hitting him each time she says the word. Finally, Derek grabs her wrists and stops her hands mid-air.

Derek: Meredith, stop it.

Meredith: No! Don't you tell me what to do, Derek Michael Shepherd. ASS!

Meredith struggles in Derek's arms, attempting to break his hold on her.

Derek: Meredith, stop!

Meredith stops struggling against his hold and he releases her wrists. Meredith crosses her arms against her chest, effectively shutting him out. She looks at him, the fire still burning in her eyes.

Meredith (in a fierce voice): Fine! Your family is you see them while you are staying at the trailer.

Derek's mouth falls open. He wasn't expecting this reaction. He knew that she would be mad, but he didn't expect her to refuse to meet his family and to kick him out.

Derek: Mer...

Meredith: No! Your family wants to meet your children, so you can take them out to dinner with you or something, but I'm not going since I'm not important enough for you to mention that they are coming.

Derek sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

Derek: Meredith, that is not how it is. Not at all.

Meredith: Well then, how is it Derek, because I'm rather confused? Why don't you enlighten me?

Derek: I just forgot. I got so wrapped up in you and the twins that it slipped my mind. I love you, Meredith. I want my family to meet my future wife.

Meredith: Well, you have a hell of a way of showing it.

Derek reaches out and grabs her shoulders. Meredith throws her arms up, trying to break his hold on her, but she fails. He tightens his grip.

Derek: Damn it, Meredith.

Derek is frustrated with this fire ball standing in front of him. It turns him on. It really turns him on. He can't resist any longer. He crashes his lips down on hers, taking her completely by surprise. Meredith tries to push him away at first, but eventually gives in to his persistance. She bites down on his botton lip, hard, eliciting a gasp of pain from Derek. He breaks the contact and looks at her. Her lips are swollen, her breasts are heaving. She is turned on. He can see it.

He grabs her shoulders and turns her around so that her back is now facing the door. He pushes her forcefully back against the door, causing Meredith to gasp in surprise. He reaches down and locks the door with one hand while he works on the button on Meredith's jeans with the other. Meredith moves her trembling hands down to Derek's belt and quickly and expertly unclasps it. Meredith can feel Derek's erection as he pushes her harder against the door. She runs her finger under the waistband of his boxers causing him to groan with intense need.

Meredith: Hurry!

Derek harshly pulls Meredith's jeans and thong down before quickly dropping his own. Meredith gasps as Derek grabs her ass and lifts her off of her feet. She instinctively wraps her legs around his waist. This is going to be some angry sex. Derek leans forward and captures Meredith's lips again. Meredith bites him again.

Meredith: Ass! Hurry up!!

Derek doesn't need her to prompt him again and he thrusts into her quickly and harshly. She bites down on his shoulder to stifle her screams, causing him to thrust harder and faster. With each thrust her back pounds into the door. She digs her nails into his back, creating crescent moon shapes on his skin through the fabric of his shirt.

Derek: Shit...shit...damn it....shit...I'm...shit...

Meredith: Ahhh...mmm...shit...ohhhhhhhh...god...shit..

Derek feels her walls begin to clench around him and he loses it. He increases his pace even more, sending here over the edge, him following right behind her. Derek groans into her neck as his body shudders with his orgasm.

He holds her against the door as he tries to catch his breath. He is shocked when she begins to hit his chest.

Derek: What the hell?

Meredith: You are still as ass!!

Derek smirks.

Derek: I am the ass who just made you cum.

Meredith pushes his chest. He places her feet back on the floor and steps away from her, pulling up his pants. Meredith puts her thong on and is in the process of pulling up her jeans when she looks at him.

Meredith: I really hate you sometimes.

Derek: You love me.

Meredith rolls her eyes as she buttons her jeans. Suddenly her mouth falls open and she glares at him.

Meredith: I can't believe you!!!!

Derek: What the hell did I do now?

Meredith (in a harsh whisper): We just had sex against the door of your ex-wife's office door!

Derek chuckles.

Derek: It was some hot, angry sex.

Meredith glares at him.

Meredith: And it will be the last sex you have for a very long time, ASS!

Derek: You say that now, but I happen to know that you have no self-control. It's sad. Really.

Meredith's mouth falls agape as she stares at him.

Meredith: Have a great time with your family. I'm going to go get our children from Addison and go home, to my house.

Derek: What are you saying?

Meredith narrows her eyes at him.

Meredith: I'm saying that you can find somewhere else to stay until you stop being such an ass, seeing as how I have no self-control and all.

With these words Meredith storms out of Addison's office, leaving Derek standing there, shocked at her intense anger.


It takes a moment before Derek realizes what just happened.


He repeats to himself before rushing out of Addison's office. As he steps out of the doorway he runs into a body. He staggers a bit before regaining his footing. He looks up and he meets the face of a smiling Chief.

Chief: Shep! How are you doing??

Derek runs his hand through his hair as he sighs loudly. The Chief's face falls.

Chief: What the hell did you do? Less than an hour ago you two were on cloud nine...

Derek grimaces as he thinks about the sudden change in the situation.

Derek: My family is coming to visit and I kind of forgot to tell her...

The Chief's mouth falls slightly agape. He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before any sound escapes.

Chief: When?

Derek: The day after tomorrow.

Chief: Stupid. That was stupid.

Derek sighs frustratedly.

Derek: I know. I know. Trust me, I know.

Chief: Do you? Do you have any idea who important this is to her?

Derek looks at the Chief pointedly.

Derek: What do you mean?

The Chief sighs and he motions for Derek to follow him. Derek glances down the hall to see if Meredith is still there, but she's not. She's gone.


He has to fix this. He needs to fix this. He loves her so much and he knows that his family will love her. His family will love her because he loves her. His family will love her because she has given him his own family. His own family. With Meredith. His feet feel heavier as he follows the Chief into his office. The Chief motions for him to sit down in a chair across from his desk and Derek silently obeys.

The Chief sighs as he runs his hand over his face and leans back in his chair.

Chief: Now, this conversation is just between us. Understand?

Derek nods as he leans back in the chair, mimicking the Chief's actions.

Chief: Now, you know about Meredith's mother's disease, but what do you know about her family life?

Derek: Not much. I know that her mother and father were both absent. I know that she considers the interns more her family than anything else.

The Chief nods.

Chief: That's right. Her father left when she was five and her mother, well, her mother was never motherly. Your children and you, you guys give her the chance to have a real family of her own and as much as she may play it down, it is really important to her. It is also important that your family accept her. She needs your family to accept her because she loves you and she is afraid of losing you.

Derek starts to interrupt the Chief, but he holds up his hand, effectively keeping Derek silent.

Chief: She is freaking out. She has lost control over the situation and she is freaking out. I suggest you work your ass off to get back in her good graces and to make her feel comfortable and accepted into your family, because she deserves it, Derek. She deserves to be a part of a big family that is going to love her like their own.

Derek stares at the Chief, his mouth slightly agape. He is completely shocked by the Chief's words. Not so much the words as the fact that it is the Chief who is speaking them. He knows that he is right. He knows and he wants nothing more than for Meredith to be both a part of his nuclear family and his larger family. He wants that. He really wants that. He wants that for himself. He wants that for his children. He wants that for Meredith. He loves her.

Derek: You're right.

The Chief chuckles.

Chief: Of course I'm right.

Derek starts to stand up, but stops and looks at the Chief, his brow furrowed.

Derek: How do you know all of this?

The Chief sighs as he leans forward and places his hands on his desk.

Chief: Meredith is like a daughter to me. I changed her diapers when she was a baby and I helped her assemble the cribs for the twins. She is the daughter I've never had. Just like I consider you the son I never had. You two really love each other and you deserve to be happy. So, make her happy Derek. Give her something no one else has ever given her. Give her the family she deserves.

Derek smiles at the Chief as he reaches forward and shakes the Chief's hand.

Derek: Thank you. Thank you for taking care of her. Thank you. Thank you for everything.

The Chief smiles warmly at Derek.

Chief: Your welcome, Derek. Now, go fix things.

Derek starts to walk out of the office but stops with his hand on the doorknob. He turns back around to face the Chief.

Derek: What about the contract?

Chief: I know how much it means for you to have her here, so you can sign some other time.

Derek smiles at the man sitting before him. The man who had filled the role of his father figure when he was just an intern.

Derek: Thank you.

Chief: Now, go.

Derek chuckles as he leaves the Chief's office. He needs to find Meredith. He needs to fix the mess he has created. He sighs as he begins searching the hall of Seattle Grace for the love of his life and his children.

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