The Worst Day At School

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Today is the Last day of school (Thank god). I've never been good at school. My Mom and Doctor say I'm different in a good way but I don't see what is good about D's. I think everyone at school could tell too because I had no friends except for Alena.

As I was writing a note I blew a brown piece of my hair out of my face.
"Pass this to Alena" I told the person sitting behind me. His name is Jacob and I swear he is out to get me.
"Ok Kirsten" he said chucking it at Alena.
The note was asking if she was staying for the water fight. Today we were having a water fight for the last day of school. I wasn't excited though, I knew it meant me getting soaked by the other kids.

Once we were excused to go to the field my whole class bolts out of here leaving me and Alena. We stand in unison except she wips up here blonde hair, exposing here gray eyes. I always wondered where those came from because I have never seen her mom and her dad has brown eyes. It was so intriguing.

Our teacher Mrs. Deklar explain the rules. I wasn't listening too well but I caught that the driest one at the end win.
I form an alliance with Alena and this weirdo Mathew because it is a free for all.
There are buckets in front of everyone filled with water toys we are suppose to throw at each other.
"Ready" said Mrs. Deklar
A horn went of and we were off. Stayed close to Alena while Mathew got us some Toys. He handed me a foam football that was soaking with a capital S.

"Kirsten go right I take left"Alena always had a plan. I thought she was a genius until a big group came towards me with dozens of toys.

I knew then to brace myself for the hits. I walked a bunch of them out of the way but then Jacob came along with a bucket. I knew this was over. I was gone.
He tipped the bin over my head and the water flowed out. But how could it have come out? I didn't fell the stream trickle down my crouched body.

I opened my eyes and Alena was staring at me along with Jacob. When my eyes met the ground I was entirely dry and there was a dry circle around me.
I blocked the water?
"Kirsten we have to go" Alena grabbed my arm and dragged me off the field.
"Why" I asked

Alena pulled up her t-shirt revealing a dagger. It was golden and had some weird writing on it but somehow I could read it. I could read it? I might be dyslexic but I swear it said Hydra slayer.
I looked behind me and there stood a giant Cyclops. Yes I know I might be going crazy but the thing had only one eye. Jacob was now where to be seen so that only meant one thing. That monster was him.
"Daughter of the sea!" The thing yelled.

"What?" I asked "Who are you talking to"
Alena Charged at the thing and slashed at it with her knife. I couldn't believe what was happening. None of the Teachers really even noticed.
The Cyclops tried flicking Alena off which extremely annoyed me. No one was suppose to hurt my Best friend.

I clenched my fists and before I could move water came out of all the buckets and blasted the Cyclops. Alena then stabbed it in the eye and jumped off.

"What is going on" I asked Alena as she dragged me away. We bolted outside of the school "But Jacob?"

Alena took out some weird coin I had never seen and flicked it into the street. She mumbled something that apparently summoned a gray cab. Inside the cab were three ladies that Alena told our destination. we were going to some place called Camp half blood?

Alena started talking really fast "Okay you are apparently the daughter of Poseidon,which I thought it was Ares. I'm the daughter of Athena, these are the gray sisters, and we are going to camp half blood a place were half bloods can train. Any Questions?"

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