I was let Down Entirely

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I slept with my head on Dominic's shoulder. It fit perfectly between his head and shoulder. Although the car ride was bumpy, most of us slept. We arrive at noon roughly.
The big city of Philadelphia was so familiar, I was home.
"Sorry Kirsten I can't take you any farther. I already drove you farther than normal, so bye guys". Argus exclaimed.

"Dom wake up we are going! Alena, Kai, its morning!" I yell.
"What? Where? Are we here?" Dom asks.
"Kai we are in Philadelphia wake up" Alena leans forward and taps him on the shoulder. With her touch he is instantly aware.
"Thanks Argus" we all say.

I grab my backpack then go onto the sidewalk. Everyone else does the same. Argus zooms away without a warning. Now we are all alone with me in command. Uh Oh.

" Okay Kirsten where are we going, and why would the mirror be here? This isn't really equivalent to any place in the stories. Where are we headed?" Alena Questions.

"I'm doing my best and this is my first guess. Let's head to the Liberty bell"

"A guess? Fine, I hope you have a back up plan" Alena starts walking towards it.
"I have a plan don't worry" I question my response.
"Yeah let's just try this wisey" Kai catches up to Alena.

It is a two mile walk, great. We walked passed a lot of my favorite places. If this fails I would really want to visit my Mom. She might even be at work at the bakery. They make the best blue cake, I always get it for my birthday.

I need to stop thinking about food.
The liberty bell hangs up there on its post. It has the same crack that runs up it's side. It looks a little different than in my dream. This one is too new, well not new of course but more golden and not brass enough.

"That's it Kirsten, what are we trying to find?" Kai says.
"Look for what's hanging inside it, or any Greek writing" I had a bad feeling about this
( Ha Star Wars Quote, I'm so white and nerdy, Ha now Weird Al, I'm on fire).
I look at the Plaque in front of the bell, there is no Greek writing.
"Shoot!" I mumble.

"Bang! I got you" Dom laughs.

"That's not helping electro" I say.

"Hey good one. Don't worry we will find something" He hugs me. His arms fill me with relief.

I bend over and look into the bell. A piece of paper hangs where I thought the mirror would be. While no one is looking at me I pull the note down. It was a tight squeeze but I managed to fit my hand up into the bell.

The writing was all in Greek, good thing I could read it. It said 'keep it from her, the bell is really in the fresh lake of the Sierras, beware for the door closes on the longest eve'.

Why does the entrance have to close on the summer solstice, the Sierras are all the way across the country. Its too far.
"Kirsten we have a problem" Alena grabs my hand.
"Ya I know we don't have enough time to get the mirror" I keep my eyes on the note.
When I turn around there is a horrific snake lady. She has two serpent tails instead of legs, and don't get me started on there ugly faces.

"Damn girl you should go to the dermatologist more" I am on fire so much I should just fist fight it.

"Kirsten that's a Dracaena, don't joke with it" Alena says.

I pull out my Trident and Alena whips out her daggers. Dominic and Kai are farther and are running up to us to help.
The dracaena goes in for a punch. Alena and I duck in sink. Kai jumps from behind and slashes the beast's head off.
"Everyone run!" Kai yells.

Police heard all the action and are now sprinting towards us. All the citizens stared at us because of the "mist".

"Kids drop the guns" a officer yelled. So that's what they are seeing. One Girl runs behind us. What is she thinking. She looks Percy's age.

"It is okay guys you did the right thing we have to get moving, oh my bad, I'm Rachel and I can see through the mist" She whispered.

"Wait a second" Alena grabbed Rachel's wrist "Your the one that kissed my sister's boyfriend aren't you. After we hide your gonna get it".

Rachel Kissed my Brother? "Wait Alena we are talking about Annabeth right? That sister?"
"Ya I am!" Alena snaps.

Rachel slows a little so she can be more behind us."Turn here guys" Rachel states. A BMW is parked down this alley.
"Get in" She commands.

I don't think, I just open the door, then sit down. Once everyone is in, we drive away.
" Huh, okay. Whay would you do that to Annabeth?!" Alena starts.
"Ya why are you making my brother a cheater?!" I join in.
"Now now girls let's not fight, Kirsten where are we going next?" Dom cuts in.

"Ya Kirsten where are we going?" Rachel says.
" Well um, I don't know how to put this" I didn't want Rachel to feel that she had to take us, but I can not, will not, fly there. "Can you drive us to Lake Tahoe?"
"What are you Crazy she is not going to drive us across the country!" Alena says.

"No. I will drive you, anything for Demigods on a quest" Rachel answers.

We drive out of Pennsylvania quickly.
Her car goes faster than normal. She said a kid at Camp made the car for her so she can go anywhere really fast. It was a sweet ride.
We leave the place where the mirror wasn't in a flash.
goodbye home.

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