Alena sees the light

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"Oh no Wet head I am not going in there" Dominic stares at all of us as we tread water in the lake.

"You have to Dom this is our Quest, you have to come with us" I say, he stands on the shore unsure of swimming.
"But I can't swim, your dad always drowns me. Don't make me do this" Dominic might be stubborn but no one is more stubborn then Alena.

"Dominic! You come over here right now or I'll slit your throat in your sleep, please" Alena pulls the 'evil then angel' trick.
"Come on dude, it's in the prophecy. Only four can open the door. That includes you, do you think I like this" Kai is so convincing.

"Dom I'll help you swim and I'm making sure my dad doesn't kill you guys" I walk up onto the shore and grab his hand. He can't resist this face.

"Fine but if I have to go under that's it"
Dom eases into the water.

I focus and pull the warm currents towards us because I am a baby when it comes to the cold.
Then there's Dominic, I have never been so annoyed. I basically have to drag him to the middle of the lake.

"Alena why can't I have a boyfriend like yours that will actually cooperate and swim?" I bet Dom will get ticked with that comment, I said it aloud to so he could hear.

"Okay let's see you...wait...did you just call me your boyfriend?" Dominic says.

"Yeah and you think me and Alena are together?" Kai adds.

"It's Alena and I..." I cut her off.

"Stop trying to change the subject..." I say.
"Well if you want to..." Dominic interrupts.

"Dominic not now, we need to find the door. Sorry to kill your chance bro" Kai concludes.

I dive down in search for this door in the prophecy. Normal people could never hold their breathe this long or handle this pressure or even see through the water, but I got my gifts and you have yours.

Rocks line the floor of the lake. Nothing, absolutely nothing stands out in the water. I can hear Dom and Alena bickering above me, it always seems that Kai is smart to stay out of this stuff.

Lake Tahoe Is huge and I'm just looking for a door in it. I focus harder, slowing my heart beat and taking bigger breathes. Pulling all my energy into my hands, I hold in the power.
So much energy courses through my fingertips.
I never knew I could do this, but when I release the power my vision blurs. An image comes into my head, I don't know what it is. The image zooms to four kids swimming to a location in a lake, us. Then it goes to the location, a stone slab that is very large and flat has a glowing Greek Phi on it. The strange part is that there aren't any key holds or handles, just a little slot in a shape I can't make up.

All at once my vision disappears. I'm back at the rock bottom (ha that's funny) of the lake. I push off the rocks and zoom up to the surface.

"Kirsten I saw this weird glowey thing over there and your the only one that can hold your breathe..." I'm sorry for cutting you off but this is important Alena, wait a glowey thing.

"Wait a glowy thing? Show me" I comand.

"See it's right over there" that was it, that was the Phi sign.

"Oh my gods Alena you did it in so proud" I hug her as she struggles to be released.

"Okay now wet head and wisey, can we go now?" Dominic asks.

"No I was thinking starbucks" Alena jokes.

"Yeah pick me up a Latte while I go to chipotle" I pitch in.

"Come on you three" Kai starts swimming towards the light.

We all join him and make our way to the mirrors cavern.

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