Everyone at camp loves me (For once)

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Alena had a slow pulse but at least there was a pulse. Deep down inside I thought it would be better not to have one.
Kai pulled out a small vile of nectar and trickled some into Alena's mouth. We both waited for what felt like an eternity for any sign of life.

Luckily, she immediately started coughing and inhaling the thick air. Her body flung up sitting up strait. I think she might have had a concussion but I am no child of Apollo.

"You ok Wisey, you were a little dead there" Kai says.

"Thanks" note her sarcasm. Honestly I taught her well, your hearing this from the queen of sass "Where is Dominic?"

My heart sank even lower. My lip quivered as I lowered my head and allowed words to flow. "He is taking a detour on his life, so yeah".

It's hard not crying. Scientists said that tears are only meant to moisten the eyes. So why do we cry? Tears have nothing to do with our emotions. I think we cry to let out our inner beast in the most civilized way.
Alena sees the beast in me. She always has, so she wraps her hands around me. It felt so much safer here, with my best friend. Then again bad things happened here, we can never change that.

"When you guys are done doing your girl thing. Alena what are we going to do with the mirror?" Kai asks.

"Well first we need to cover up the glass, then we need to throw it into Tartarus. Nothing that powerful should be in this realm." Alena states.

"How do we get it there? Isn't that like in the underworld? That's really far right?" I ask.

"Well we can always get Nico to bring it there." Alena says.

"Ya and who is this Nico, underworld mail deliverer" I ask.

"Oh he wanders around. He is a son of Hades, also known as the ghost king. He might be at camp." Kai says.

"Cool? That's the plan, we will grab the mirror, take it to dead guy and then we are done." I say.

"I hope your okay Wet head..." Alena says.
"Don't call me that, he..." I couldn't finish "just don't"

"Well I hope your feeling ok Kirsten. Maybe we should camp somewhere around here. It's a long journey as you know" Alena concluded.

"No need to" A voice comes from behind all us. It is deep but not evil.

"Please don't fight us. I'm not feeling it, I need my mojo back first. I kinda just had a break up" I say.

I turn to see a kid about my age. He wears all black all gothy and a brown coat. His hair is black, skin pail, and eyes dark and puffy.

"Nico! You are a life saver, thanks bro for being on time" Kai says.

"It's cool. You stopped aphro lady so now I can repay you from ending world pretty." Says Nico.

"Dude I totally agree, I did not want to live in a world controlled by pink aphro lady. I would have said it any better" I compliment his style.

"Gods Kirsten you are exactly like your brother" she face palms herself.

"Is that a bad thing?" I say.

In unison that all repeat "YES!"
I don't know how Nico did it but all we did was hold hands and jump through walls. We traveled to Camp in about an hour.
We stand now in front of the big house. Nico collapsed once we appeared here. I knew how he felt.
"With great power, comes a great need to take a nap is my motto" he said.
That pretty much sums it up.

"Kirsten! Alena! Kai! Your back!" A kid with blonde hair runs up behind me with a girl that looks Native American.
The girl man handles, no woman handles Alena.

"Piper! It's great to be back" the girl named Piper turns to me and pulls me in.
From all the hair and limbs I say
"Um Hi?"

"Your right Alena she is just like Percy"
The blonde one says.

Piper releases me and says "Sorry. I'm piper, that's Jason. Looks like Nico needed a break."

"Yeah death breathe over here looks like he had an overdose on ZzQuil" I say.
"Oh great another one" Jason says.

After them, a mob came up to us. Percy hugged me, a boy named Leo introduced himself (our humor connected immediately), but one person stood out.
A girl in the back of the crowd looked down after looking at us. She wore black and was punk. The thing that caught me was her face. The black hair, the blue shimmering eyes, tears came to me.

I pushed through the horde to get to her. Tears crawl down her cheek just like me. I pull her in and we cry together. No words were needed, we feel the same.
"I'm sorry, it was what he wanted."
I say.

"I know, he will live. I can feel it." she said.
Thalia I remember him telling me about his sister. He said she was a hunter of Artemis but is taking a break because of the war.
"He loved you, Ya know. You were his sister." I say. I release her from my grasp.

I wasn't prepared, but everyone lifts me up and all three of us crowd surf.
So much fun.

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