Oracles are my Best Friends

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Everyone decided to talk about Percy's prophecy after lunch at the camp fire. I leave the Big house and try to find Alena. She is at Archery, with Kai.

"Hey Alena. Hi Kai. May I join you two" I ask. I needed a friend right now.

"Ya come on, here" Alena picked up a wooden bow.

Kai hit the target every time, in the red ring mostly. Alena did the same.
I spread my legs shoulder width apart. Putting the arrow on my bow, I take a deep breathe. How much money would you give me if I made it? At least five dollars, right? Yeah I don't trust myself with this.
I pull the string back to my cheek. Breathe in and when I breathe out I let go of the arrow.
It flew through the wind. I couldn't see where it went at first, but when I put my bow down it was clear.
I hit the target dead center.

"Beginners luck, go again" Alena was so intrigued.
As I repeated the same motions Alena studied my every motion. This time I hit right next to my last one. I have to say, studying Katniss helped this a lot.
"Can we call you Apollo now" Kai said. I didn't realize I was that good.
To kind of make me stand out less I hit the target less and less. I felt a little embarrassed. No one had ever heard of a good archer that came from Poseidon. I felt a like I was doing something wrong.

After an Hour of laughing with my old friend Alena and Kai, I go over to the horses.
It smells horrid but I have always wanted to ride a horse. I had only rode one once at a camp. Lets just say I should really give it a second try.

They aren't horses, they have wings. Alena told me about this but I wasn't really listening.
'Hey you, new girl, can you get me sugar cubes?' I look around and no one was there.
'Hey Poseidon chick sugar cubes come on' I look behind me again. There was a black Pegasus.
"Oh Hi there Horsey" I stifle a laugh "I have never talk to a horse before so I'm new at animal communication"

'Well, Kirsten, Sugar sounds real good. Sorry for being rude I'm Blackjack'
I step closer to him and he steps back 'What you think rides are free'

"Fine I'll get you sugar after" I say while I step towards him.
Gripping his fur I pulled myself onto Blackjack. He knelt a little so I can get on but once i get on he straitens. I grab ahold of the reins and say "Okay Blackjack let's have a easy ride over the water".
'K boss' he says as he starts forward. The wind flows through my hair. Blackjack runs and then at once he leaps. His long wings stretch out and propel us up into the air.
"Woohoo!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

'Having fun boss' Blackjack asks. I reach down and hug his neck 'The best part is coming up'.
It startles me, Blackjack swoops down. I hold on for dear life. We clear a few trees and then it is open.
The Clear water beneath us shimmers in the sunlight. I squeeze harder with my legs and then let go. My arms rise and spread apart. It feels like I'm flying. Blackjacks hooves skim the water spraying a mist in the air. Naiads below look up at me. I lean forward a little to graze the water too.

We Finish flying after we went over the lake. I saw the stables beneath us, a little wooden building. Blackjack swoops down, I brace for impact.
The ground bumps me out of my seat. I bounce to the side a little. He walks into is stable.
"Thanks Blackjack that was fun"
'Any time boss'
I turn and leave. It was difficult finding my way back to my cabin. I'm still new.

Percy sits on his bunk sitting down. I sit next to him.
"What's wrong?" I ask, he is never this sad.
"It is you, your in it" He turns and hugs me."I don't want you to get hurt"

"What are you talking about I am here I'm fine"
"The prophecy talks about you your in it. I will tell you at the...meeting"

Dinner was silent. Percy was probably thinking about the quest. Why was I in the prophecy? I need to know what he is talking about.
All the directors of the cabins walk to the big house. The same people were there. This time I sat next to Annabeth.

"So Percy what was the prophecy?"Chiron started

"The first line is...The Daughter of the Tide knows where it hides" Percy states

"Hey that is Kirsten, right?" Travis Stoll asks.

"Yes, Kirsten do you know what it's talking about?" Chiron locks his eyes on me.

"No, well? I don't know, why would I, I am new. I need to learn some more" I have ideas, I will ask Alena later.

"Well come on, what is the next line?" Clarisse snaps.
"The warring family is right, to end the Father and sons' fight" Percy exclaims. "I don't know who that is about, but I'm guessing it is an Ares kid because it said the warring family. Also Ares is who we'll need to fight".

"Okay, anything else Percy?" Chiron says.

"Um yeah. The Last line is... But only four will open the door" Percy adds " I think I will give this quest to my sister, she is in the prophecy and dreamt about it. So I give it to her"

"Percy it is ' I WILL give it to her"' Annabeth says as everyone stares "What?"

"Okay. Kirsten do you accept this Quest?" Chiron asks me.

"I do" I say aloud and 'Yes' I say in my head. I got the quest.

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