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Ahhhhh so cringgyyyyyyyyyyyyyy- I don't think this chapter makes any sense whatsoever.

Germany POV:

The sunlight shined on my face as I got up from bed. As I sat on the side of the bed I heard a crash. 'Mutter (Mother), what did you do again?' I thought running down stairs in my pajamas.

"Mama, bist du in Ordnung? (Mom, are you okay?)" I asked concerned. When I looked in the direction of my Mama she was pinned to the wall by a man with a hammer and sickle on the top right side of his red flag.

"Not again, what type of shady deal are you doing." I mentally face palmed. The man let go of my angry Mama. "Nothing Deutschland (Germany), you should get ready for school now." ThirdReich reassured. I stared at her and back at the stranger, "Don't hurt my Mama, stranger." I glared and walked back to my room to change.

'*Sigh* Another day of hoping my Mama won't get hurt.' I slipped on my T-shirt and jeans. Once I walked back down stairs I glared at the stranger, took a granola bar for breakfast, and put on my adidas shoes. "Tschüss Mama!" I sang walking out the door and locking it.

I started to walk to school. Once I got to school I saw Rus putting his bike in the bike racks. "Guten tag Rus." I smiled. "Hey Ger-money, do you by any change know Russian Empire?" Rus questioned.

I thought for a moment before replying, "I heard of him." "You should come with me and meet Russian Empire, my grandpa, after school." Rus insisted. "But he would know that I'm friends with you." I faltered.

"He really likes Erica and wants to meet her again so why not bring you too." Rus stated, I chuckled, "I guess it would be cool to meet another Empire."

"We will walk to the elementary play ground after school. See you then." Rus smiled and walked off to his friend China, I just nodded slightly and walked into the school building.

It was weirdly quiet, but soon I found a crowd in the middle of the hallway. I pushed through the crowd and saw Israel getting attacked by Palestine. I looked around and couldn't find Meri, 'weird, she's usually here before me' I thought.

When Palestine was laughing I took the chance to swoop in and pull Israel away, I gave her a piggyback ride to the nurse. "Are you okay?" I asked the bruised country, "Y-yeah." she said weakly. "Where are your friends America, Canada, Ukraine, Japan, and south korea?" I questioned.

"I haven't seen them today." Israel replied, once we reached the nurses office. "Oh my! Did Palestine attack you again?! Poor thing." W.H.O. said worried. "Germany, thank you for bringing her here, you may go now." W.H.O continued.

I waved goodbye and left the nurse's office, 'Where is Meri...? She might be with Rus.' I thought. There's 15 more minutes before class starts so I should hurry. I sped down the hallways and found Meri hugging Rus...

"Hey guys." I tried to sound cheerful. "Hello Ger-man!" Meri exclaimed breaking the hug. "Where were you? Israel got attacked by Palesti-"I got cut off by Meri, "Is she okay?! I knew I should of see if she was okay. I'm such a bad friend. Do you know-"

"She's alright, I took her to the nurses office. So, what were you hugging Russia about?" I asked. "It's about meeting R.E again!" Meri cheered dancing a little dance, 'cute...'. Soon enough I sense Russia glaring at me so I glared back.

Russia POV:

'I shouldn't have invited Germany to come with us.' I thought. "Is something wrong?" Erica asked. "Every things alright." Germany replied smiling, I just mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm heading of to gym class now, see you after school!" Meri said walking away, after she wasn't in sight Germany started talking again, "What the heck was that for?" "I don't know, you were looking at her weird." I growled.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Germany lied, "You know exactly what I'm talking about." I snapped. "Your eyes are making you think I'm staring at her weird, see you later." Germany fumed and walking away.

I felt a tug on my shirt and turned around, "Russia! Don't tell me you aren't jealous." Ukraine teased, "Why would I be jealous?" I glared at her. "You were glaring at Germany-san!" A high pitch voice screeched, I jumped a little.

"Look, I don't know where you got those ideas, bye." I snarled, walking away.

Ukraine POV:

"Hehe, where is the potion?" I asked Jap, "Right here!" Jap grinned. "Let's give it to her during lunch, see you later!" I giggled. "See you!" Jap said.

------Time skip from Lazy author-----

I walked out of the classroom and saw Maple waiting by the door. "Hello Maple Syrup!" I sang, "Hey Uki, let's go to the others." he smiled, 'So handsome'. We started walking outside where the other countries were. I saw Jap sitting next to America.

"Hi love birds~" America smirked, "Why are you my sister, you are weird and you drink oil!" Canada stated. "Your the one who likes to drown everything in maple syrup." America huffed.

"What ever let's just eat." Canada blurted sitting across from his sister "Yeah with tons of Maple Syrup." America giggled. I sat down and we started all sorts of things. "Do you guys want to try my drink out?" Jap asked Maple and America. "What flavor?" America said, "Oil flavored and Maple syrup flavored." Japan cheered.

"Let me taste it!" America beamed, receiving a chuckle from Maple. "Okay here you go." Japan grinned handing the drinks out. "Who drinks the slowest gets a slap in the head!" America cooed, "You're on." Maple agreed.




America and Maple started chugging the drink down. I looked over at Japan who was hooting them on. "I finished first!" America boasted. "Okay world superpower." Maple hesitated, "You know, instead of slapping you why don't you just hug Ukraine?" America suggested.

"That would be much better, your slaps are really hard." Maple cheered. "Go on, hug Ukraine!" Jap squealed. Maple walked over too me and hugged me, I felt my blood rise to my face. "Uki, your face I red do you need to go to the doctor?" Maple asked breaking the hug.

"I- I'm okay." I stuttered, a few seconds later the bell rang. "I will see you guys after school, I need to hurry to my economics class don't want to be late." America said walking away with her tray.

"Well, I should be going to now. See you later Uki!" Maple walked away. "Why did you give one to Maple?" I asked Jap. "I didn't put anything in his, but just not sure how to give it to the other two." Jap sighed.

"We don't have to, when will the potion start working?" I questioned. "During last period, she will have no idea." Jap smirked. "Sometimes I always wonder what you're thinking about." I chuckled.

"I'm keeping that a secret." Jap bubbled, I just rolled my eyes, "I'm going to class now, see you soon." I waved goodbye and started walking to class. 'Jeez la weez Jap is weird.'




'Now time to wait for my brother's reaction, hehe'





Author's note:

I tried...

-1228 words

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