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Russia POV:

"Russia wake up!" Ukraine screamed jumping around my room, "The field trip is today!" "I know you're excited to see your boyfriend, but let me sleep!" I shouted. "Did I hear boyfriend?" Ïàïà growled walking into my room.

"Ukraine's boyfriend are flowers, sorry if you thought of something else." I said covering a pillow over my face. "Russia, wake up! I don't want to be late because of you." Ukraine whined. "Okay fine now get out of my room." I spat.

"Yay!" Ukraine squealed dragging Ïàïà away. I got up from bed and got ready. Took my suitcase and went downstairs. 'Welp, I hope I don't die during this one week field trip.' I sighed.

I walked into the kitchen and scooped out some porridge and sat down next to my sister. "Aren't you excited to see your America?~" Ukraine whispered to me. "Aren't you excited to see your Canada?~" I whispered back.

I started eating my porridge, Ukraine put her bowl in the sink, a few minutes later I got up from my seat, I looked at the time and it was 6:45, "Should we go now?" I ask washing the dishes. "I don't think Ïàïà is ready." Ukraine said.

After I finished washing the dishes I started walking towards Ukraine looking at her phone. "What are you looking at?" I asked. "Japan's social media." She replied. "Elaborate." I added. "To see if she posted anything about you and your crush." Ukraine shrugged.

"And when did I ever say I have a crush." I snapped. "Since when you first met her." Ukraine smirked, I just rolled my eyes avoiding the truth. "Okay kids, let's go." Ïàïà smiled. We all put our shoes on, took our luggage and started walking towards the school. Ukraine was blabbering about her friends, I really wanted to shut her up sometimes.

Once we arrived at school we got our room, table, and seat numbers. I looked around and found Ger-money sitting besides his mom so I signed to him. "What room number did you get?" I signed. "I got 777." I signed back. "Same." I smiled.

I turned back to my Ïàïà who was talking to Ukraine about safety. I didn't see Erica yet so I just closed my eyes just to relax.

--Time skip--

"Wake up Russia, we are going on the bus." Ukraine shook me, I opened my eyes and started following my sister towards the bus. I didn't see Ger-money or Erica in my bus, 'Oh well' I thought sitting down in my seat. 'Might as well take a nap again.'

I was woken up by a bump and that's when I knew we arrived at our destination. All the countries started heading out the bus, took their luggage and were headed to a court. "Hello parents and students, thank you for coming on this trip. We are able to make this happen because of the donations we have gotten from you guys. You guys will each get a map in case you get lost in the forest. The cabins are on your left and the cafeteria is on your right. The cafeteria opens at 6:30 A.M and no one should be out after 9:00 P.M. Enjoy this field trip!" Mr. Nato greeted.

I looked around for Ger-money and found him, we made eye contact and I started signing "Tell your mom to check out the cafeteria while you take the luggage into the cabin." "Okay, I'll tell Meri too." Ger-money signed. "Erica is in the same cabin as us?" I signed back, Ger-money nodded his head and started looking in another direction.

"Ïàïà, you and Ukraine go check the cafeteria out while I bring the luggage into the cabin, alright?" I suggested. Ïàïà nodded and got dragged away by Ukraine. I started pulling the luggage towards the cabins. '777' I remembered. Soon I found my cabin, used my card to open the door and pulled the luggage inside.

The living room had a TV on the wall and 2 single couches and one big couch. 'It looks very cozy' I thought, soon the door opened and Ger-money came inside. "Hey Rus." "Hey, Ger-money. We should put our parents luggage away in their rooms." I suggested

Ger-money nodded and we started to find our parent's rooms. We walked to the left side of the cabin and found names writen on them. "We should hurry since Meri should be coming at anytime." Ger-money said opening the door of his mother's room. My nana's room was the last room of the hallway, so I opened the door and put his luggage inside.

Closed the door behind me and walked towards the living room again. Ger-money was laughing, 'What's so funny?' I thought looking out the window with him. Outside was a Canada drinking maple syrup and an Erica trying to open the cabin door, she makes a dramatic move each time she fails.

I chuckled, "Should we open the door just in case our parent come?" "Yeah sure." Ger-money giggled opening the door and in came tired out Erica. "Finally Amy, you took forever." Canada cried pulling in the luggage. "You didn't help me, you were just drinking your alchohol filled Maple Syrup!" Erica pouted.

"Anyways, your father's room is the first one in the left hallway. We will be putting our own luggages in our rooms now." Ger-money said pulling a small luggage away. I pulled my luggage to the right hallway. There were only two rooms. Ger-money stopped at the last room, "We are sharing a room with Meri, isn't it suppost to be different genders in different rooms?"

"We could ask Mr.Nato later." I shrugged. We walked into the room to find three seperate beds. "Do you know what I'm thinking." I smirked. Ger-money nodded his head.

No One's POV:

"Papa I'm going to our cabin to see if Russia needs help." Ukraine said leaving her father, USSR. USSR looked around the court and spotted Britain and ThirdReich walking towards him. "Well well well, isn't it USSR and ThirdReich." Britain 'greeted'. "Well hello Britain where are your swine?"ThirdReich grinned.

"Don't bring my kids into this, anyhow, what cabin did you get?" Britain asked. "And why would I tell you?" USSR glared. "To see if we are in the same cabin." Britain shrugged. "My cabin number is 777." ThirdReich said rolling her eyes.

"Why are u guys looking at me like that?" ThirdReich glared. "Let me guess, we are all in the same cabin." USSR snared. "Bloody Heck!" Britain rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Let's see what our kids are up too!" ThirdReich squealed. 'My kid(s) are probably winning the fight...' they all thought.

The three started walking to the cabins. "How is life being single?" Britain grinned. "You're so lucky people are watching..." USSR clentched his fists. "Oh Britain, you're just jealous of us." ThirdReich giggled. "When did you guys team up, ah yes, during world war 2." Britain laughed.

"You know ThirdReich, you are really stupid." USSR said. "Aw, what a pity, you can't think of a better word then 'stupid'?" ThirdReich chuckled while USSR rolled his eyes. "Let me do the honors of opening the door." Britain smiled.

Britianed opened the door...




"I have been waiting for your arrival..."





Need to reedit

-1198 words

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