Two roads...

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Ukraine POV
"Get into groups of seven. We are going to have a scavenger hunt!" Mr.Nato announces. America starts jumping around and I giggle.
"Oh yes. I've been waiting for this my ENTIRE life!" America squeaks. "You two in my group." She commands with a smile. Nada rolls his eyes.
"You're not the team leader Amy..." Canada growls. America just shrugs. She then gets Germany and Poland over. Poland looks really nervous around Germany. I wonder how this love story will go~
"We still need one more person." Poland analysis. America looks around. She stares at Israel then Russia. That must be a hard choice to make. Russia is about to join Iran and his group.
"Russia! Over here!" America calls to my brother. He looks over at us, not sure which group to go to.
"F*ck off! Russia's with us." Iran growls. While they're doing their thing Israel makes her way to Japan's group.
"Uki, I don't want Russia to join us. I don't trust him anymore." Nada whispers to me. I frown, Rus is still my brother but Nada cares for his sister's well being. I don't know anymore.
"I'm sure he will change back." I give Nada a small smile. He smiles back. HE'S SO CUTE!!! I feel my cheeks getting warmer.
"Ukraine! Hello? Stop fantasizing about my brother, we need to make a group name." Ame giggles. I scratch my head, embarrassed at myself.
"How about number 1?" Poland suggests. Ame thinks about it.
"Arc Pug? The first letter of our names together." Rus suggested.
"Sure..." Germany eyes him suspiciously. Rus looks down at the ground. I feel bad for my brother...
"What is your team's name America?" Mr.Nato asks her. There's something cool about her. She always steals the show.
"Arc pug. Ruski created it!" Ame cheers. I can see a a blush spread on my brother's face. I nudge him teasingly. He turns away from me, clearly flustered. I hope my boyfriend will trust him again.
"We should split up in groups of two so we have a better chance of winning." America suggests. I link my arm with Canada. "I'm going with Nada."
"Niemcy, want to be my partner?" Poland asks Germany. I can see a small tint of pink on his face. He nods his head in approval.
"Poland. You chose Ger instead of me?" Ame cries sarcastically. Poland and I laugh.
"Alright student! Take a map and go find those treasures! If you win, we'll give you a prize." Mr.UN cheers. Nada and I take the first map to find two silver acorns and the ultimate golden maple leaf. We have to get there first or else other people will take it. We say farewell to the rest of the group and journey on into the forest.
"Are there bears here?" I hug Nada's arm. "There won't be any if we keep talking. Bears are scared of humans so we shouldn't be scared of them." He smiles at me and pats my head. He's so cute! I can't believe I'm his girlfriend. This is almost like a dream! Because he is so dreamy. I see some students run to the right side of the forest.
"We should follow them." I point at the students. Nada shakes his head and points at the map. "That way is the end of the road. We have to go towards the waterfall. The maple leaf is there. When we get there we can take all the golden Maple leaf and get the other students to give us their silver acorns."
"Isn't that a little mean?" I stutter. Nada pats my head. "It's what you have to do to win. America taught me." So we have to take the resources away to get what we want.
"Okay." I smile at him. He turns his head away and mumbles something. "Is something wrong?" I ask. He turns around and kisses me. My eyes widen in shock. I just freeze. That was unexpected. He breaks the kiss.
"Sorry, you're cuteness is irresistible." I blush at that and burry my face into his chest. "You're cuter." I mumble. He chuckles, "Uki, you're the cutest." He kisses my forehead. I'm so lucky that he's my boyfriend.
Poland POV
Niemcy and I reach a river. We rushed here. I am panting like crazy. I take my inhaler out and use it. Niemcy looks at me concerned. His black eyes, sparkling in the sunlight. Oh how he looks so cute and hot at the same time. I wish he will like me back. But everything is just in my fantasies.
"We should rest. Sit here." Niemcy sits down on the dirty road and pats the ground for me to sit. I shake my head. "I don't want to get my dress dirty." He frowns and looks around for something.
"Uh... You can sit on my lap if you like..." He suggests. I blush. I shouldn't though... What happens if my friends see this?
"No, no..." I stutter.
"I insist." Niemcy says sternly. I don't know why, but it's so hot. "I'm not tired anymore, let's just go." I smile. He shrugs, gets up from the ground and dusts himself off. We make our way to the bridge and continue on.
No one POV
America and Russia make their way to a lake. There's an awkward silence that flows when they reach it. They don't know what to say to each other after what happened. America starts playing with her fingers. She wants to ask him why he got mad at Germany, but didn't want it to sound awkward.
"May I ask you two questions, Ruski?" America asks. He nods slowly, unsure of what she's going to say.
"Isn't this view lovely?" She smiles at the Russian. He could feel his cheeks rise in heat.
"Yeah, it is." He says, cautiously. He is worried about the next question America's going to ask.
"Now the second question..." America looks down at her feet, not sure if she should ask or not. He is her friend and she cares for him so she should ask. "Why did you, ya know, side with Ger's mom? Aren't we supposed to rebel against our parents? We were doing so great, they almost accepted it. Until, ya know, today..."
Different emotions flash across Russia's face. He just can't take it anymore. He just want America to himself and not to anyone else... I guess you can call this jealousy. His heart beats faster at the thought of America with Germany. He doesn't want that to happen. Ever.
"Look, I said that because I was jealous." Russia starts. America looks at him in shock. "Jealous of what?" Is all that she can think about. There is nothing to be jealous of. Everyone's friends with each other and their families aren't very different in terms of child discipline. "When Germany hugs you, it makes my blood boil."
Russia curses in Russian at what he's saying. America just stand there, frozen. Russia likes her? No no no, that can't be.
"I admit it, I like you. Actually no... I love you. I can't stand it when someone else hugs or kisses you. You're the brightness that shines in my dark life. I don't want someone else to take you away from me. I'm admitting it right now. You can hate me all you want, but I still will love you." Russia finishes his little confession. America stares at him with a clear blush on her face. She likes him too but... She also likes Germany. And because of what happened earlier, she's not sure if she should say that she likes him back. She just stands there, dumbfounded. Unable to do anything. This has never happened to her before. She always thinks of something.

"Hey America!"

🤔 what will happen?
Also, who likes mushroom? I certainly don't-

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