Breaking away

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I finally figured out my password... FINALLY!

Ukraine Pov:

"AAAHHHHH-" Someone screamed. I sat up looking around can-can and I's shared room. It took me a few seconds about what happened yesterday. 'huh, what's that screaming- OH AMERICA!' I got out of bed and rushed to Ame's room and opened their door.

Germany is stroking Ame's hair and Vodka man is getting Ame's clothes. "Come on Ame, I was happing my beauty rest and you screamed me awake." I groan. "Sorry, I was just surprised about-" Ame started blushing and pulled the bed sheets blanket closer to her body. "Yea yea, I know. I saw the whole thing." I giggle. Ame's and vodka man's eyes widen- clearly nervous.

"What happened yesterday?" Germany ask. "I'll tell you later, now get out of the room you two boys. Ame needs some peace." I shove Germany and rus out the door.


"Hi?" Ame starts. "Girl, you were literally moaning last night. I know you like Rus so why aren't you dating him already? Or do you also like Germany? I'm so confused right now. I'm not angry or anything but WHY AREN'T YOU DATING RUS YET?! I AM WAITING FOR IT TO BE OFFICIAL AND IT'S TAKING SO LONG!" I ranted. "Ukraine, shush. They might hear you." Ame nervously laughed. "Well, at least answer my question." I cross my arms. "I..." Ame begins, "I don't think he likes me..."

'This girl...' "Of course he doesn't like you... HE LOVES YOU!" I scream. "Well, I don't believe that until he tells me." Ame starts putting on her shirt. "There's so many signs of him liking you, how can you not see it?" I ask. The door opens and in comes vodka man. "Are you okay?" Rus asks. "Yea, I was just surprised." Ame scratches her head.

"Just date already!" I said annoyed. "Why aren't you dating Maple yet then? You know he loves you." Ame said. "Like you said, "well, I won't believe it until he tells me."" I recalled. "It's oddly interesting how you can remember what I said earlier." Ame giggled. "I'm telling Japan, Israel and Poland about this." I groaned.

I take my phone out and put my earbuds on. I pretend to listen to music but I want to hear what Rus and Ame are talking about. "Ruski, do you need anything?" Ame asked. "Remember that bet we made last night? Well I won so, you have to do the thing." Rus smirked. "No! I won't do it!" Ame pouts. "A bet's a bet." Rus pats Ame's head. 'This is so cute' I smile to myself. "No no no!" Ame sits on the bed and crosses her arms.

Rus pins her to the bed, "You can't say no to me today~" 'What is the bet about? Now I'm curious... What happens if they- no no, that won't happen. Why am I thinking about dirty things?' "Okay okay fine." Ame groans in defeat. "What's the bet about?" I ask. "If Erica screams in the morning then she can't say no to me for the entire day." Rus says. "I wanted you to forget about the bet." Ame pushes Rus off of her.

Rus chuckles. "Anyways, should we get breakfast?" I ask. Ame checks her phone, "It's only 6 in the morning." "Yea, and the cafeteria opens at 6:30." I say. "You don't seem to be in a good mood today, did something happen?" Rus asks. "Ame's scream woke me up." I cross my arms. "AND, you guys aren't dating yet."

"I uh..." Rus looks very nervous. He's blushing madly. 'Maybe he's going to ask her today.' I think. "What is all this ruckus?" Britain barges into the room. "Sorry father..." Ame smiles nervously. "Everyone's waiting..." Britain glares at me and Rus. 'This guy got to be kidding me huh. He really hates me, I DID NOTHING TO HIM!!!!!!'
We walk out the room to the living room. "I'm sorry Lads. My daughter here is in need of discipline." Britain smiles to the папа and Reich. "Haha, sure thing father..." America giggles creepily. Germany hugs her to calm her down. 'That's cute...'


"Deutschland, would you do me a favor by not hugging the stupid American?" Reich smiles creepily earning scares from the other countries. Oddly enough Russia smiles, "Yeah Germany... Why don't you listen to your mom and F*ck off?" Everyone's eyes widen. Russia just said the unthinkable... Germany stares at him with fear and anger in his eyes. "How could you say that?" He breaks the hug.
"That's a good boy! Come give me a hug!" Reich smiles with rejoice. Germany is stumped, 'Why would he say such a thing? I thought... we were the best of friends... Brothers... But here he is taking the side of my mutter...' "That's my son!" Ussr side hugs Russia smiling proudly.
It seems like... This friendship will soon be broken... "Russia...How could you?" Germany's voice sounds of hurt and betrayal.
Russia just stares at him smiling. A fake smile... America is shocked, never in her life has she seen Germany and Russia fight... "What the heck Russia?! He was just trying to comfort me!" America glares. Russia bites his bottom lip as he knew he made a mistake. America isn't calling him 'Ruski' anymore... He took this too far... Out of anger and jealousy he rushed out the front door cursing at himself for making such a stupid mistake.
Reich hugs her son tightly, "Now you can see why we don't trust the Soviets..." Germany nods, understanding his mom. Will he ever trust Russia ever again? "It's okay Ger-man... Just cheer up." America makes a goofy face hoping to make Germany smile. She doesn't succeed as Germany's in deep thought...
"Uhm... Shall we go now?" Britain grins at the friendship breaking. He wanted the two countries to stop bothering America once and for all.
"Haha, come on Deutschland! Let's go." Reich smiles as she takes her son away out the door. More like dragging... What has this day become?

The kids walk in silence as the parents talk about how proud they are if they're sons/daughters. "Nada... I don't think Rus is okay..." Ukraine whispers to the Canadian. Canada is deeply in thought, thinking about what happened. He looks over at his happy dad laughing away with his enemies. It's like they planned all this. These enemies would never in their life work together though. All of them are greedy.
The Canadian sighs, "I guess this is just how it is... Don't worry Uki, I will never do that to you." This makes the Ukrainian face turn all shades of red. "Uki, I know that right now there is tension between our siblings and parents but I will always be with you... I love you Uki." Ukraine cant believe what she heard. Her face becomes hot, super hot. Did Canada just say that he loves her? Are they official?
"I- I love you too Nada..." Ukraine stutters. The two blush madly at what they just said. America turns around and smirks despite all the negatives she still tries to keep a good mood. "Awe~ So you guys are official am I right?" America teases them.
"I- I guess so..." Ukraine stutters still embarrassed. Canada holds Ukraine's hand. They look away from each other. America giggles, "You guys look so red~" "Shut up! Father might here you!" Canada whispers-shouts. America grins, this will be a new way of getting what she wants. "Well, I want you to get food for me or else I tell dad about this... little secret relationship of yours." America grins evilly.
The Canadian growls he has no other choice but to except, "Alright..." "Oh goody! Thanks Maple~" America smirks, laughing. They make it to the cafeteria and get breakfast. America goes sit down at the table waiting for her breakfast. "Aren't you going to get something?" Germany asks. "Hehe, Maple's going to get it for me!" America grins.
Germany rolls his eyes and laughs, clearly he knows what's up. He then leaves the American who's staring out into space. "Why would Russia say that?" She says to herself, "it's not like him..."
America looks around the cafeteria to find Russia with China discussing something. China is clearly smirking while Russia is angry. 'What are they talking about?' America wonders. China then spots America watching and winks at her. America is disgusted.

America POV
'Ew...Doesn't he already have a girlfriend? Why did he wink at me? I'll ask him later...' "Here's your food Amy..." Can-can groans. "Thanks you." I grin. Hehehe. I chow down on my breakfast. Ger-man sits next to me, "You're eating too fast!" "I think it's the perfect pace!" I giggle. "Meri... You might choke..." he says, concerned. 'He's so caring... that's what I like about him... He is boyfriend material- WAIT WHAT DID I JUST THINK ABOUT?!' "Don't worry! It's fine!" I feel my face get a little warm. 'I hope he doesn't notice.'
"Your face is pink, do you have a fever?" Ger-man asks. 'Dang it...' "I'm fine hehe. It's just hot in here." I lie. "If you say so." Ger-man eyes me weirdly. He starts eating.
Russia comes over and sits next to His father and looks down at the ground. He's clearly sad but I won't forgive him for what he did. Germany glares at him. "Son! You've made me so proud." Ussr side hugs Russia. Russia forces a smile, "Thanks Папа..."
"Haha, so you were never proud of him until now?" Reich laughs. Ussr rolls his eyes, "Hypocrite. You've never been proud of your son either." "Says who?" Reich crosses her arms with death glares. "Says the 'almighty' Britain." Ussr grins.
"Excuse me. I don't know what you're talking about." Britain protests. "Just admit it." Russia smirks at my dad. "You're not to speak to me like that." Britain glares. Russia glares back, "Stop changing the subject and answer the d*mn question." "Your son's got some attitude." Reich laughs. I am shocked... I never knew he was like this... "Young man-." "Listen to my son." Ussr grins proudly.
"What the f*ck?" Ger-man whispers to me, "I never saw this side of Russia... I don't like it..." "Me neither... This isn't like him..." I whispered back. "It's fine... He'll probably turn back to his normal self again. I hope..." Ger-man sighs. "Yeah, just think positive!" I grin, trying to hide the sadness inside me. I look at Russia, he's laughing with his father. 'He doesn't act like the Russia I used to know... I want the old him back...'

Yay! Finally another chapter! Sorry for the wait... I finally figured out what Gmail I used for this account. I tried to write this as fast as I can so there may be some grammar and spelling mistake.
Anyways, hope you liked this chapter!

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