Oh well

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Ukraine POV

Mr.NATO stands up and rewards us winners with trophies and chocolates. I mean, who doesn't love chocolate! I gobbled it all up on the way back to our dorm.

"Uki, slow down!" Nada chuckles next to me. He wipes the chocolate from my mouth and I blush profoundly.

I shake my head, "it's too good! I love chocolate." I drool at the thought of more, but sadly I ate all of my chocolate. I frown at the empty box.

Nada sees this and hands me his own chocolate. "Have mine. It's maple syrup flavored." He smiles. I hug him, thanking him repeatedly.

"Best boyfriend ever!" I shriek. I'm so lucky to have him.

"Why did I decide to come back to the dorm with you two?" I hear Germany groan behind me.

Nada shrugs, "beats me. You wanted to come."

I open the box of chocolate and start eating it. The flavor melts in my mouth, like literally. "Nada, try some!" I shove a piece into his mouth. He hums and gives me a thumbs up. He's so cute!

We make it to the dorm and Germany starts taking his things out of his conjoined room. Nada and I look at him curiously. "Is something wrong?" Nada asks.

Germany continues taking his stuff out. Then he sighs and wipes his forehead. "I'm going to sleep with mutter. It's best if I leave them alone."

Nada and I look at each other, trying to decide what to do. Nada stop Germany before he exits to the living room. "You can stay in our room. I'll help you bring your bed over." Nada suggests.

Germany refuses. "You can help me bring my bed to my mutters room. I'll appreciate it." He forces a smile and continues his journey to his mom's room.

I frown. What for Germany so mad? Rus only kissed her. And besides, he has Pola. Did Rus and him get into an argument? "Nada, do you know what's going on?" I cling onto Nadia's shoulder, looking at him with confusion. He looks back at me confused as well so I'm sure he doesn't know.

"I speculate that it's because Russia kissed Amy. I'm pretty mad about it too so I understand why he wants to be let alone for now."

I nod my head in agreement. It was rare for Germany to get angry or uncomfortable. I need to talk to Rus later. He must know the answer.

I start making the bed in nada's and my conjoined room while Nada helps Germany move his bed. I wonder when Rus and Ame are coming back. I think they're probably kidnapped by Japan or Israel. Wait a minute... Germany has a crush on Ame. Could that be the reason why when he saw Rus kiss Ame—he got angry? There's no way. Did I just crack the code? I need to tell Nada.

After Nada finishes moving the bed, he flops on our bed next to me. I turn to him and open my mouth to say my idea but I hesitate. It's not possible. There's no way he's jealous. "Uki, you can tell me." Nada smiles softly at me. I blush at his smile. He's so cute and handsome. His angelic smile and his bright maple eyes. I'm so lucky to have him! "Uki," he giggles caressing my cheek. I blush my and I try swatting his hand off.

"Nada!" I squeal when he starts tickling me. I can't stop my laughter! "It's important." I wheeze. Eventually he stops and I'm able to catch my breath.

"What wrong?" Nada asks.

I frown. "I think Germany's jealous of Rus." I mumble. Nada looks at me confused. I continue, "he likes Ame, but now she's dating my brother."

Nada furrows his eyebrows realizing the situation in front of us. "There's nothing for us to do."


"Love is something we can't control. We can't forcibly break up the relationship even though I really want to."

"That's not what I meant" I stutter out. Nada looks at me confused. "I want them to have a happy life, but I feel bad for Germany. He is mad at Rus so we have to somehow resolve the issue; I don't want disputes."

Nada smiles at me, "of course Uki. We'll get to the bottom of this. For now, let's sleep. We can start discussing tomorrow."

I nod and hug him tightly. Clinging onto him like my life depends on it. I feel him wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to him. The smell of his maple cologne soothes me. "Goodnight Nada. I love you." I yawn, stuffing my face into his chest.

"Goodnight my precious Uki."

America POV

Ruski and I are walking back to our dorm, hand in hand. Ger-man left with Ukraine and Can-can. He was emotionless. I wonder what happened that made him mad. I know, Neko was being annoying and I wouldn't like that either but he never got angry. Never...

"Is something on your mind?" I hear Ruski ask.

I nod, "Ger-man. I've never seen him get mad before. He's always so cheerful and polite to others."

Ruski chuckles, "you don't see the Germany I see." I look at him confused. What does he mean by that?

"Care to elaborate?"

Ruski sighs, "when you're not around, he's gotten mad at the simplest things. Once I touched his book and he started screaming at me. All I wanted was to read a book. I was bored!" I know Ger-man is protective of his books, but I don't think he would ever get mad about it. Maybe Ruski is lying. Maybe... no, he never lies to me. He's a sweetheart. I love him. But Ger-man... I don't know!


"Give him some time. He'll be is old self soon." Ruski reassured me with his sweet smile. I flush when he opens the door for me. "Ladies first."

"What a gentleman." I giggle and walk inside the cabin. Ruski comes in after me and closes the door. Our parents are at the bonfire where all the parents all because EU said it's parents night. I open the door to Can-can's room and find him sleep soundly with Ukraine in his arms. I grin and take a picture. I'll send it in the group chat later. I quietly close the door. They're so cute!

I feel Ruski pick me up. "Ruski!" I squeal. "Put me down." I huff.

I hear him laugh. "Of course." He throws me onto the bed and attacks me with kisses. I try pushing him away, laughing nonstop.

"I love you!" I manage to say in between laughs.

"I love you too, Erica."

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