~Locker up~

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(This part is pretty weird)

America's POV:

"Attention student, attention students." everyone in my homeroom turned to Mr.EU, "I am placing the field trip form on this desk. The field trip form will be due next week Monday. One parent from each family must come on the trip. Once they sign the form they are responsible for your safety during the trip. If you don't have a parent you are to ask another parent who is coming on the trip to sign it. Food will be provided. We, the teachers, will chose which cabin each of you will be in. Thanks to the donations from your parents we are able to make this trip free. Be sure to grab a form before you exit homeroom, the field trip is next Wednesday. You guys can continue talking to your fellow peers."

'Yes! I can get the chance to meet Ruski's and Ger-man's parent. It'll be even cooler if we get the same cabin together!' I hear the school bell ring and get up from my seat, take a field trip form and walked out of the classroom.

I was about to reach the school exit when I heard Israel yelling, "Hey Ame! Come over here I want to show you something!" I turned around and started heading in her direction.

Israel's POV:

"Hey, what's up?" Ame asked. "Follow me!" I dragged her with me then I realized something. " Ame, do you have your phone in your pocket?" "Yeah, why?" "Just asking" I simply replied.

I led her to where the big empty lockers were. "Take off your backpack, please." I said looking at Ame. "Are we going inside the lockers?" she questioned. "No, I just thought that your backpack was heavy. Now let me get my blind fold." I took my backpack off, unzipped it, reached my hand inside and pulled out a blind fold.

"Now let me put this on you, bend down." I commanded, she did as she was told and I put the blind fold on her. "Israel, are you sure what your going to do isn't dangerous?" Ame sounded a little scared. "Why would I hurt my best friend? Do you not trust me?" I said hurt.

"No, it's just every time Japan blind folds me I would always get pranked." Ame said sternly. I started leading Ame to the designated locker unlocked it quietly and I counted.




I opened the locker pushed Ame inside and locked the Locker.

While I pushed Ame she angrily screamed"ISRAEL!"

I don't think she will ever trust me again but at least she will see what Japan set up for her?

America's POV:

Israel started leading me somewhere and then it was quiet. Suddenly I heard a locker door open and I got pushed, "ISRAEL!" I screamed angrily. I fell onto something warm and heard the locker door shut.

I took off my blindfold and saw Ger-man in front of me and slightly blushed then I looked behind me I realized the warm thing was Russia. Blood rushed to my cheeks, but I tried to stay cool. "Umm, how did you guys get in the locker?" I asked.

"Long story short, Ukraine showed me a locker that I can get in and asked me to test it out. So I did and she locked me in here." sighed Ruski.

"Japan told me to use this locker to go under the school. Japan used the locker next this one and when I opened this locker's door I found Rus sleeping. When I was about to wake him up someone pushed me and locked the locker." Ger-man said.

"So there has to be a button somewhere" I said. I tried to stand up put fell back onto Ruski's lap, 'guess like this locker could only fit two people.' "Sorry Ruski." there was silence, "Ruski?" I turned to look at a frozen Ruski. "He's not functioning right now let's keep looking for the button or lever." Germany growl softened as he spoke.

'Probably just zooming out into space.' I kept looking around for any signs of button and lever looking things.

Russia POV:

I looked at Erica as she tries to stand up, but she fell back onto my lap. Her ass was now on my d***! I tried to keep a stone cold face. 'This is normal, this is normal, this is nor- no it is not normal!' I feel my pants tighten so I got to move fast.

I picked Erica up by her hips and she let out a little squeak 'how cu- now is not the time!' I turned her around and placed her on Germany's lap.

I saw Erica give me a confused look and Ger-money has a light shade of blush. 'I don't care, just need to get out of this locker!' "I just wanted to check this side of the locker, that's all." I reassured them. Erica nodded and started to look at the locker again.

I looked to the right corner of the locker and found what seems to be like a string to pull on. I has the colors of Japan's flags, 'Huh, interesting...' "Hey guys, I think I found the thing we need to pull." I said.

"Go ahead and pull it then." Ger-money said. "Should we grab on to each other, just incase the ride is a bit rough?" Erica suggested. "Sure if you want to." I simply replied. Erica grabbed my hand and I started the count down,




I pulled the string then suddenly I was sliding backwards, the tunnel was black with white lights. We were going really fast, I felt Erica's grip on my hand get tighter. Suddenly there was nothing beneath us and we fell into a cushion.

'Japan, you asked for your death sentence...'

Germany POV:




Rus pulled the string and soon enough we were sliding down. I grabbed onto Meri's waist so she won't fly away. Then a moment later we fell onto cushions. I was on top Meri so I sat up and looked around this pastel looking party place?


Author's Note:
-This part is terrible, I don't know what I was thinking.

-1036 words

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