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No one's POV:

"R.E?! What are you doing here, I thought you said you were going to take care of Belarus." USSR asked. "Don't worry about her, anyways you guys must be wondering why you three enemies are living in the same cabin for 1 week," R.E. grinned, "I made a deal with EU and I hope you can take this time to get a long."

"You really have to watch over us?" ThirdReich groaned. "I'm not watching over you, I'm going back home but I expect you guys to become friends or at least stay neutral with each other." R.E. said walking towards the door.

"By the way, check your kids." R.E closed the door. "Why did dad bring so much tea?" America groaned flopping onto the sofa. "Hello father! Sorry about what Amy said." Canada mumbled the last part.

America looked up from the sofa and started heading in the direction of the kids room. "I knew it! She's still scared of us." ThirdReich smiled. "She doesn't remember you." Britain smirked following America.

"Excuse me, but your rooms are on the other end of the hallway." Canada said. "Why is your child so formal." USSR cringed. "To make you annoyed." Britain simply said and started walking in the direction Canada is pointing to.

Canada started walking towards the direction of the student rooms. "Canada, do you remember us?" Ussr smiled. "Yes, now if you would excuse me I need to see what America is doing." Canada growled walking into the room.

"Amy, what are you-" Canada got shut up by Russia. "We are planning, don't make a noise." Russia glared. "Get back to the planning." America signed to Russia. Germany started to write down some notes while America signed to him. Canada just stood there confused.

A few second later there was a knock on the door. "Germany, I know you're in there!" ThirdReich said. "Hide!" Germany whisper shouted. "What is it mutter(mom)?"Germany asked.

"I was just reading who you're sharing a room with, have you beat them yet?" ThirdReich leaned on the door. "Beat them at wh-" Germany was silenced by the loud opening of the door.

"So, you're saying that you didn't fight them yet?!" ThirdReich screamed, "I didn't raise you like this." "What is all this noise?" Ukraine said entering the room. "Here is your chance to prove yourself, fight Ukraine." Third Reich smiled.

"ThirdReich, your filthy son is not touching my daughter." Ussr shouted running down the hallway. Meanwhile Britian was sipping his tea in the living room. "Oh bloody heck, here we go again." Britain sighed.

Britain started walking down the hallway to find his enemies glaring at each other. "R.E. would probably punish us for getting into a fight, now where is America and Canada." Britain growled the last part of the sentence.

ThirdReich rolled her eyes, "R.E. isn't the boss of me." "You are so stupid..." Ussr said monotone. "I know you are here, I'm not stupid." Britian smiled opening the closet doors.

"America, Canada! Why are you hiding in a closet with that dirty communist! I taught you better than this." Britain growled. "Don't call my son dirty!" Ussr barked. "Can I please speak for a moment?" America sighed getting out of the closet.

ThirdReich raised an eyebrow, "Go on." "To keep this short, Russia, Germany and I are friends, we been friends since pre-k. I'm sorry Father, I really am a disgrace..." America received a slap from Britain. "Germany, I don't know what to say, you're friends with our worst enemy's daughter?!" ThirdReich nearly screamed.

"It's not our, it's yours." Germany said getting up from the floor. "I should of caught this coming, and Russia, I accept your decision." Ussr grinned, "Thanks Ïàïà!" Russia cheered dragging Germany and sad America out the door.

"How will you just except that?" ThirdReich asked, "I'm a good father, unlike you fools." Ussr chuckled. Britain rolled his eyes, "How did you know about this before?"

"Well Britain, I know almost all the secrets R.E. keeps." Ussr smiled. "Ïàïà, does that mean I can be friends with them too?" Ukraine asked. "Of course" Ussr said softly, Ukraine started running down the halls.

"Now that's over with, can you ask R.E. why he allowed a girl to sleep with boys?" Britain fixed his posture. "Why don't you ask yourself?" Ussr snapped, "You know most of the secrets your father keep, you said it yourself." Britain glared.

"You caught me, it was something about friendship and lov-" Ussr got cut off by ThirdReich groaning, "Germany is going to get a beat tonight!" "Excuse me, father, but may I leave? I still need to unpack my belongings." Canada whispered.

"Yes, get your annoying son out." ThirdReich grinned. Britain rolled his eyes, "He isn't annoying he is using proper English, now to answer your question you may go." "Thank you Father." Canada did a little bow and left the room.

"Now that he's gone I'm going to set up a security camera to see what our kids will do." Ussr cheered finding an area to place his camera. "Trying to get my daughter's secrets? No can do mister." Britain growled.

"I knew something like this will happen," Ussr groaned taking out two other cameras, "take one of the cameras and set it up, it will be yours for this week." "You are so prepared." ThirdReich giggled.

Back with the trio...

"I'm sorry for not following the plan." America said looking down at her feet. "It's okay Meri, they had to face the truth sooner or later." Germany sighed. "I'm back with the icepack, does your face still hurt?" Russia asked walking back into the living room.

"It doesn't hurt any more, thanks Ruski." America smiled. "Amy! Are you okay?!" Canada said worried. "I'm fine Maple, thanks for asking." America sighed. "Well, now what?" Ukraine asked.

"We should plan when you should tell Ïàïà that you're friends with Canada." Russia suggested.  "He already knows, but Nada's dad doesn't." Ukraine sighed. "I bet you guys $100 that Britain wouldn't land a finger on Maple when he finds out." America exclaimed.

"Really Amy?" Canada glared. "Of course, after all you are his favorite. He would never hit you!" America snapped. "Germany! Where are you, you are in big trouble!" ThirdReich stormed into the living room.

"H-hey mutter..." Germany stuttered hiding behind Russia. "Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt you but-" America got shut up by ThirdReich. "What is with the English family being so formal?" ThirdReich groaned.

"I don't want to be formal either, jeez la weez, I want to be normal too." America growled. "Same old America..." Third chuckled. "Now to keep this short, what is your name woman?" America eyed ThirdReich.

"I'm hurt!" ThirdReich sarcastically said "After all we been through together, watching you grow up to become a disgusting capitalist, and watching you get tortured by me and your other enemies."




"I'm serious, I don't remember you."





Author's note:

This chapter is trash

-1174 words

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