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Part 2 of Cutie

Japan POV:

"Let's go!" I squeaked running towards the cafeteria's door. "Japan wait up! Germany is talking to Poland." Israel giggled. 'The other ship! Oooo~' "Germany is hugging her! What?!" Ukraine gasped, shocked at Germany's actions. "That's cute." I purred. "So Germany doesn't like America anymore right?" Ukraine asked. "It seems like he likes both?" I answered more like a question. "Poland's growing up!" Israel squeaked. 'I need to make this ship official' I smirked.

We walked out of the cafeteria. I looked over at Ukraine. "Are you still thinking of the Canadian" I grinned. Ukraine blushed more. "I'll take the blushing as a yes." I giggled. "Don't target me! Target Japan!" Ukraine cried out. "Oh yeah, are you in a relationship yet?" Israel asked. "Maybe?" I stuttered. "I know who it is! South Korea right?" Israel guessed. "How did you know?!" I blurted out. "The way you looked at him gave it away." Israel smirked.

"OooOOo~" Ukraine teased. I feel like I'm melting. "Pay back." Ukraine grinned. I laughed it off. "Anyways, we're almost at my cabin." Ukraine pointed at her cabin. "I think they're still drinking." I analyzed. "It makes sense since Germany dared America to drink Vodka and Russia wouldn't let her not do the dare." Israel said.

"Let's check the windows, I want to see what Vodka man is doing." Ukraine giggled. "Aw man." Ukraine gasped. "What is it?" I asked. "He's kissing Ame!" Israel screamed. "Shhh, don't let them hear you." I laughed softly. "Oops, I forgot." Israel giggled.

I looked through the window to see Ame sitting on Russia's lap kissing him, 'She seems to be really drunk.' "I will never understand Ame again." Israel cried. "They're getting up, duck." Ukraine warned. "I'm going back to the cafe just in case their parents come to the cabin in search of their kids." Israel suggested.

"Japan, remember to take pics and send them to me." Israel added. "I will never forget to take pictures." I smirked. "See you guys later! I'll text you guys if their parents are coming." Israel waved goodbye.

"We can go in now, the coast is clear." Ukraine grinned. We walked up to the door and Ukraine unlocked it. We quietly went inside and there were unholy noise coming from the right side of the hall. "I-" was all Ukraine could say.

"Ruski s-stop. I want to sleep." Ame panted. silence. "S-stop~" Ame gasped. I looked over at Ukraine, she got a nose bleed. "My brother is growing up." Ukraine cried. "He's older than you?" I said more like a question. "Yeah, I know but I like to be little him." Ukraine beamed. I laughed.


I looked down at my phone, Israel sent me that their parents are coming. "Ukraine, their parents are coming, what should we do?" I asked. I usually plan things ahead but today my mind wasn't working. "Let's quickly check on them, they aren't making any noises." Ukraine walked quietly to the room and opened the door to have a sneak peek. I followed suit and took a picture of Ame sleeping on Russia's bare chest in her bra and undies. 'I hope they didn't do anything serious' I thought. "I'm going to go now, see you tomorrow morning." I waved goodbye.

No one's POV:

"Bloody Heck, why did you tell Canada about the maple alcohol?" Britian growled. "I think he deserves it for being to formal." Third Reich shrugged. "Anyways, where are my children." Ussr wondered. "Israel said that Ukraine is walking back towards the cabin, maybe she already arrived." Britain noted.

"Where's my son then?" Ussr asked. "I'm not saying unless you help me carry Canada." Britain grinned. "Ok." Ussr replied. "All righty then." Britain handed the drunk Canadian to his enemy. "He's in the cabin, possibly sleeping." Britain smiled.

"What did doing before then?" Ussr glared. "Drinking Vodka, my daughter wouldn't drink any cause she can't handle alcohol." Britain observed, proud of his daughter for not drinking. "She DrAnK somE wInE *hic*" Canada chimed in. "ANd sOmE VodKa" Germany added. "Your daughter doesn't drink alcohol huh." Third Reich laughed.

"You know what, nevermind." Britain opened the door to the cabin. "Welcome back!" Ukraine smiled. "Uki!" Canada exclaimed hugging Ukraine. "Get your filthy hands off my daughter." User growled. "No! SHe's mInE." Can-can dragged her to their room. "Get back here!" Ussr yelled. "You guys deal with your kids, I'm going to sleep." Third reich yawned.

"GoOd niGhT mUtteR." Germany drunkly walked towards his room. "I'm going to check on my daughter." Britain said, "Her drunk self shouldn't of did anything disgraceful." Britain added. "I'm coming too." Ussr sighed. "Why is that?" Britain stared at Ussr. "Have your forgotten? My son sleeps in the same room as your daughter." Ussr said annoyed. "Ah yes." Britain recalled.

They walked over to the room passing slow drunk Germany. Ussr opened the door to find America in her bra and undies sleeping on Russia's bare chest. "What on F name- " Britain was about to scream when Ussr stopped him. "We have security cameras, remember?" Ussr said in a monotone voice. "ExCuse mE, I neEd tO sLeEp." Germany shoved himself into the room and flopped onto the bed.

"America is such a disgrace." Britain mumbled to himself. "You're such a bad father." Ussr face palmed. "I never asked for your opinion." Britain glared. Ussr just shrugged. "Anyways, from my security camera it seems to show Russia kissing America-" Britain boiled with anger. "Russia's touching her inappropriately!" Britain cursed.

"They're drunk, they won't know what happened in the morning." Ussr replied. "How do you not care?!" Britain growled. "Unlike you, I approve my son's decisions." Ussr walked to his room.

Britain walked to living room couch and sat down, "I will not let America date our enemies." Britain groaned, "I need to remove Russia and Germany from her life."

Flashback to Poland and Germany:

Poland POV:
I sat at the pool's edge thinking about life when Germany sat next to me. "HelLo cUtiE." Germany chirped. No one has ever called me cutie before, I blushed. "Hi Ger!" I replied. "CaN cUtIe bE mY gIrLfrIenD?" Germany hugged me. I blushed at the thought but he has America and right now he's drunk. "You have America." I pulled away from the hug. "You're also drunk." I added.

"RuS stoLe MeRi aWaY fRoM mE." Ger cried, "anD I dOn'T caRe iF iM drUnK, You hAvE to bE mY gIrLfRiEnD." Ger commanded. "I don't even know you that well yet." I sighed. "WeLl tHen, I liKe cUte pOl anD I lIkE dRinKinG beEr." Ger slurred. I blushed at the nickname he gave me. "I-I like to fly and write books." I smile.

"YoU sHoUlD smIlE mOrE. It lOoKs cUtE." Ger purred. My face is red and I know it. My face is burning so I splashed some pool water on it. "CuTiE, dOn't bE ShY." Ger hugged me. I looked at Ger, he's so cute. But I can't like him yet because America might still like him.

"Deutschland! We need to go back to the cabin" Third reich paused. I'm scared now because she almost killed my mom and I. "Isn't it the little Poland." Third reich smiled, her smile quickly turned into a frown when she saw Ger hugging me. "Deutschland, let the rat go." Third reich hissed.

"No! ShE to CutE!" Ger hugged me tighter. I feel safe in his arms. "I can't believe that I'm saying this but I would rather you hug America instead of this pest." Third reich groaned. "ShE's nOt a PeSt mUtTeR!" Ger screamed pulling me into his lap. "I can't argue with you right now, we have to go back to the cabin." Third reich sighed in defeat.

"Can I bRinG pOl wiTh mE?" Ger pleaded. "Nein." Third reich pushed me off of Germany's lap and I fell into the pool. Then she dragged Germany out the cafeteria doors.

"Oooo~" Japan smirked holding her phone. Israel giggled, "I didn't know you like Germany~" "do you like the picture I took?" Japan showed me a picture of me on Ger's lap. I blush, "I guess?" "Awe, Poland found love!" Israel screeched. "Now we're waiting for you to catch one." Japan smirked turning to Israel.

"No one catches my eye." Israel sighed.  "You'll find your man soon." Japan winked. "Let's work on getting you guys with your crushes, worry about me later." Israel smirked. "Poland is so quiet." Israel giggled. "I'm listening, that's why I'm quiet." I smiled.

"Come on, let's go back to the cabin! I want to show you something." Israel dragged me away. "Bye Japan!" I waved. "Bye, see you tomorrow!" Japan smiled.

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