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"Awe, you want to say something?" X chuckles at the angry American kicking in her seat. Never in her life has she ever thought about her twin being alive. America always thought she killed her. Guess not. X rips the gag off America's mouth harshly. Wasting no time, America immediately starts bombarding her twin with questions.

"—why are you alive Confederate?!" America growls, glaring at her sister who chuckles maniacally.

"You thought you finished me off, but remember I will always be alive as long as you are alive. I want to take back what's mine." X, now called Confederate, grins smugly and teasingly slap the American hard on the cheek causing a red hand mark to appear.

America grits her teeth, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. Her head is then forcefully turned towards Confederate. "I'm going to have so much fun playing with you~"


The alarm goes off in Russia's room. He groans and turns it off. Yesterday was hell. But it's alright because America's by his side. Russia rolls to his side and feels around for the American who isn't in her usual spot on the bed. He sighs. She probably woke up before me. She is a morning person after all. The door to his room barges open and in comes a cheerful Ukrainian grinning from ear to ear. "Morning love birds!" She greets. Her eyes then land on the empty spot on the bed. She frowns. America would usually be there. Well, she isn't too sure about the American's habits so she can't say much. "Where's Ame?" Ukraine asks.

Russia shrugs and gets off the bed. "Probably taking her usual morning stroll. She loves those walks." He chuckles remember how America would drag him up just to go walk around for a few minutes before becoming one with the bed again.

"Okay, Nada and I are waiting for you in the living room!" Ukraine smiles and leaves. She rushes to Canada and hug him tightly. Canada hugs back, patting her back. Ukraine stuff her face in Canada's chest and relaxes in his embrace. "I love you Nada." She whispers, looking up at her boyfriend with loving eyes. Canada pecks her on the forehead before replying, "I love you too my beloved Uki." Ukraine giggles, blushing bright red. She loves it when he calls her his beloved. Add the pet name and she'll cling onto him for the rest of the day.

"Guten tag." Germany yawns, stretching his arms. Ukraine and Canada greet him, still hugging each other. Gosh they make Germany feel lonely. "Have you seen my muter? She wasn't in her bed." He says, not with the slightest care. It's only because he finds it weird. He knows she loves her sleep and would never get up unless an event has happened. Now what did happen is his question.

Canada hums, "I haven't seen her this morning." Ukraine nods.

"Soviet isn't in his room either." Germany mumbles. "What happens if they—"

"You're thinking too much." Ukraine breaks his train of thought. She smiles softly, "they should be eating breakfast right now. I know my Папа doesn't like waiting for others."

Germany sighs in defeat, "you're right. I'm thinking too much."

"Bloody hell. I had the worst sleep in my life!" Britain exclaims, coming out of his room wearing his pjs. "There was banging, muffled voices, and most importantly the cold breeze coming from the AC!"

The teenagers just stare at him, not wanting to anger him. Well, they don't even know what to say because they slept fine. "Pardon my language." Britain clears his throat. "Good morning children." He smiles in a cheerful mood. Ukraine smiles back brighter than the sun. She loves it when other countries smile! It makes the day less gloomy.

Russia comes out of his room. He sneaks a glare at Germany before heading over to the door. "Let's go." He says.

"Where's my daughter?" Britain asks, looking at Russia skeptically.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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