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This is so cringe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No One's POV:

"That was very weird." Germany whispered to Russia, "Agreed." Russia nodded his head. "So, I heard that German Empire is your grandfather, how is he doing?" Britain questioned.

"Well, he moved out and I never heard from him." Germany sighed. "He must of been sick of your mother," Britian smiled then continued, "she isn't the best at social skills."

"Don't talk about my mom that way! Having her means everything to me." German growled. "Ah, I should of said 'no offence'" Britian grinned. There was silence as they walked to the cafeteria.

They entered the cafeteria and searched for their table, they found Canada and Ukraine sitting next to each other. "Hello Father, Germany and Russia." Canada smiled.

Britian's eyed Canada while Russia and Germany sat down next to each other. "Where is America, ThirdReich and Ussr?" Canada replied, "Ussr and ThirdReich are getting food when America is frantically looking for Israel."

"That stupid America, Israel is always fine." Britian grumbled while sitting down. " "Hello Britian, it's good to know you didn't kill my son. What were you guys talking about?" ThirdReich mocked.

"I just had some questions about their friendship, nothing special." Britain stared at ThirdReich. Germany and Russia sighed in relief and ThirdReich sat down in her seat and ate her food.

America POV:

'Israel where are you.' I thought as I scurried around the cafeteria. Soon enough I felt someone pull my arm, it was China. "Sorry about yesterday, I got a dare to kiss you." China rubbed his neck. "It's fine, did you see Israel anywhere?" I gave a soft smile.

"Come with me," China said pulling my arm, "we found a secret hide out and it got all sorts of stuff." China led me down a dusty hallway and opened a door with the label 49. "Hello guys, America was worried about Israel is she still here?" China asked.

"Ame we just needed you! Here try this on." I got shoved in the bathroom with some clothing. "Japan, I'm not going to wear it unless you bring me food from the cafeteria!" I screamed at the door.

"Okay fine." Japan shouted and I heard the door shut. I looked at the clothing Japan gave me, 'Does she want me to dress up for a Halloween party?'. "Israel, are you still there?" I asked hoping she can hear me. "Yep!" Israel cheered.

I started slipping off my clothing and put the maid costume on. 'Great, do I really want to impress people- nah.' After I was dressed I took my jacket and slipped it on.  "Israel, can you unlock the door now, I'm done changing." I sighed.

The door opened and I see Japan ready with her phone, "Ame, take your jacket off." Japan whined. "I won't, I know what you're going to do with my jacket, burn it up again." I stared at her. "I'll hold onto it." Israel suggested.

"Thank you." I smiled handing her my jacket. "Now do a kawaii pose!" Japan smirked. I stared at her, "You better not post this on the internet." "I won't." she screeched. I rolled my eyes and got into a very weird pose.

Japan POV:
I took a picture of Ame and opened my contacts.


New Chat

J: Hello Germany and Russia

R: who dis

G: idk

J: I'm Japan!

Russia left the chat-

Japan added Russia...

J: Just hear me out

G: How did u get my phone number?

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