Chapter 22

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"A smart woman never needs a man to count on," I have been teaching this mere quote to myself for a long time. But now I feel like it's fading from my soul.

 My eyes are on Xavier, while he drives the car, his muscles flexing with every turn the car takes and his jaw pressing every time our eyes meet. I couldn't help but feel the desire to have him in my life. My life has always been foretold and known to me before his arrival. He's disturbed the rhythm around me and the weirdest part is that I like this turbulence. Damn, I love it.

 My level of dignity has scooped so low that I've been staring at him, for the past five minutes, constantly. He'd probably think of me as a freak. But believe me, it is not in my hands; I feel an undeniable attraction towards him. 

Suddenly the car stops and Xavier turns his face towards me, giving an amused smile. My cheeks turn pink by the fact that he caught me staring goofily.

 "Am I that interesting?" He asks inching a bit closer, making my heart pound frantically. 

"N-no, I was just looking at how you drive." I manage to respond while stuttering. 

"Yeah, exactly." He answers sarcastically and gives a knowing million-dollar smile. I decide not to answer and turn my sight to my lap.

 This man here is the cause of my nervousness, Hailey Parker used to be a symbol of confidence. I swear, if any of my friends saw me like this, they'd probably deny me. 

Xavier hops out of the car, coming by my side and opening the door, being a total gentleman, not to mention making my heart flutter, I don't know like for about a millionth time. My eyes welcome another very expensive and well-known restaurant in front of me, and I shake my head a little amusingly at how Xavier loves to flex his money. 

He approaches me, and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. My heart jumps a rhythm, and I find him already staring at me with adoration. I've never noticed so far how small I am compared to him. But it feels as if we are made for each other; our hands adapt so well as if they were sculpted to fit in. 

We move into the restaurant, and I realize that a table near the window is reserved for us again. Xavier leaves my hand and I sit down gently. Demureness takes over me whenever I am with him. Xavier also takes a seat as he runs his hands in his hair, looking august as ever. We ask for Mexican food, which he suggests, and I, like a puppet nod to everything he says.

 See, this is how toxic love can become. 

"I'm glad you found time for me," Xavier says huskily.

 "I would've said yes even if I wasn't free." I reciprocate immediately, soon realizing how willing I sound. I gasp, moving hands to my mouth. I just had to say it.

 Dear ground, swallow me. God, this is so humiliating.

 "You're blushing so hard." He states chuckling while pulling out his phone from his pocket. "I'm not," I reply, praying to God to put an end to my misery.

At the very moment, my phone decides to ring and I take in a grateful sigh. I answer instantly, looking at the caller Id.


Where are you? I need to meet you instantly.

"Landon, I am a bit busy right now," I whisper, eyeing Xavier, who seems to be busy on his phone.

Hailey, I need you right now. Just tell me where you are, I'll be there.

"But, list.." The call gets ended before I could answer. I go in deep thought wondering if everything is okay.

"Is everything okay?" Xavier's worrisome voice gives me a slight jerk, making me gaining my senses back.

"um, yes, Landon wants to meet me. I am sorry, but I need to go. He seems in trouble." I reply hesitantly, hoping Xavier doesn't mind.

He seems silent for a moment as if going through an internal battle and then finally answers.

"Hailey, you can call him here, I won't mind."

"Are you sure? I mean you both are not on very good terms."

" I am more than sure Hailey. I am ready to accept everything that comes with you, and I know Landon is one of them." Xavier, answers honestly, making my love for him increasing even more.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot." I smile joyfully and start to type the address to Landon.

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