Chapter 14

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I can't help but ogle at the green eyed person sitting right before me_ analyzing everything critically. His scrutinizing gaze moves from the slight dust on our table to the people sitting in the restaurant. I notice how his expressions change when passing through every table_ from 'annoyance' at a table flooded with caked-up amorous girls to 'abashment', when an old happy couple smiling at each other, comes to view. I further notice his gaze soften, when a small adorable girl, sitting on the table beside us giggles while whispering something in a man's ear, which I presume to be her father.

And then finally it comes_ the 'arrogance and smugness'_ right when his eyes stop at me. A knowing smile forms its way on his face.

"What?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"You are interesting." He enumerates staring right into my eyes and there I get again that stupid giddy feeling deep inside the pit of my stomach.

"What is it with the Evan cousins calling me interesting"? I ask slightly annoyed, remembering the same sentence was used before by Ejax.

My assertion ignited his interest, as he gives me his full attention, moving his face a bit forward and boring his eyes into mine.

"Are you talking about Ajax?" He inquires in an icy cold tone.

"Yep. Why do you ask?"

He waits for a minute, looking into me as is exploring something but then shakes his head.

"No reason." He replies with a poker expression turning his face for gesturing the waiter to come.

The waiter reaches our table. He doesn't looks very old; probably around our age. I give him a polite smile which he returns.

"I will have a burger and you?" Xavier's voice breaks in.

"Umm, I will have some fries and a strawberry shake. "

"Noted. Thank you." The waiter replies smiling and leaves.

"Tell me something about you." He continues, now again giving me all of his attention.

"What do you want to know about? I am an open book." I state calmly.

He raise on of his eyebrow and opines with a deep chuckle. "Well that's certainly not true, if anyone is secretive it's you Hailey Parker."

I go silent for a minute. I feel there is a hidden person right there in him_ a person wanting to express himself, but scared. A person who both loves and hates life. A person having a lot of questions and complaints from life. And a person who is too damn proud and rigid to open up to someone.

But there is something different about him, something bizarre, and something cold and terrifying. Not all of him, but yes a part of him.

Maybe I can figure that out. Maybe.

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything." He answers, staring me intently, calculating my every move.

Trying not to look flustered, I reply.

"Okay, you already know my name, so I won't repeat that. Well now after that amazing encounter with my family, I don't think you need their introduction either. And well you also met my friends. I don't really have anything else, well apart from the fact that I am not filthy rich like you and I am actually good in studies." I explain everything, while motioning my hands with every word.

"What does your family does?" Xavier pries, to which I raise my eyebrows giving a sarcastic smile, but continue to answer.

"Well, my dad works at a business agency and my Mom is a teacher."

"Cool." He answers and clears his throat before continuing: "You really care for your friends and family. Yeah?"

"Yeah they are all I have_ my family and friends." I smile looking at table.

The waiter come with our order, and without waiting a minute I grab my fries and shake. Weird combo, I know right. That's how I am.

"You seem hungry." Xavier states amused.

"I just don't like to make my food wait."

He nods in response going into a deep thought. After a minute of silence, he speaks up again.

"So, Lube is your best friend?"


Who the hell is lube?

"I don't know any Lube Xavier. Is that even a name?" I ask scrunching my eyebrow.

"You people are literally glued to each other all day Hailey." He replies in a bored and hard tone.

I try remembering any Lube, but then my mind finally register's what he is trying to say.

I face palm myself.

"That is 'Landon', Xavier." I deadpan.

"Yeah whatever." He replies, moving his hands in his hair, looking extremely breathtaking.

"He is my best friend."

"Doesn't look like just a friend." Xavier answers shaking his head annoyingly, while munching on his burger.

"Okay mister, if I remember this food is an apology. So, you don't get to say shit about my friends. Okay?" I seethe.

"Hmm Okay." Comes his reply, igniting more frustration within me. However, I plan to stay calm as nothing really effects his demeanor.

After some time of him asking me some more questions we decide to leave. I notice that he doesn't opens up, not even a bit. The whole time, I heard nothing about him. Everything was about me. It did make me feel a bit special_ He was listening to me all the time. But I want to know about him and his life.

The abrupt stopping of car takes me out of my thoughts and I notice we reached our house. I move my head face towards Xavier, who already is looking at me, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Thanks Xavier, I enjoyed a lot." I state honesty.

"Yeah me too." He replies deeply, taking my hand in his and kissing it softly.

My breath becomes excessively fast on a mere gesture. Without waiting a second I get out of the car and move inside my house, not looking back. 

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