Chapter 26

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You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option. I never was the girl who got influenced or intimidated by people or things easily, but, sometimes in life, you come across a novelty- a person or an event that diversifies you completely. For me, that change was Xavier. Little did I know, the person I gave my heart to would mislead me in the abdominal way ever.

There is no lie in the fact that I am broken and ravaged. My mind still can not grasp the reason behind Xavier's actions. Did I do something wrong to him? I remember our first encounters were not so friendly, but I am sure no one could go this far for revenge. Then why did he do this?

There must be a reason, and I am willing to find it. I know facing Xavier is the worst nightmare of my life; the smugness, the villainous look, and the pure hatred his eyes shower with are too much to take. The way he looked at me in the cafeteria still traumatizes me. 

Is he the same person who took me on dates, and had family dinners with my family, and used to look at me with adoration?

It is just hard to believe.

"Hey, how are you feeling now?" A voice takes me out of my trance. I notice it's the same girl who was here with me before.

I smile at her, "I am feeling much better now."

I was about to ask her who she was, but she beats me on this, "You probably will be wondering who I am?"

"Yes, I am sorry but I don't recognize you," I answer truthfully.

"Yeah, I figured that out." She chuckles.

"So, what is your name?" I ask, feeling interested.

"It's Eleanor Carter and, you do not seem to know me because I am from the business group, plus to be honest, I am not a social person at all." She explains while I nod in understanding.

A comfortable silence takes over us and, my mind drifts back to the haunted scenario of today. I don't realize it, but soon I start shedding out tears.

"Hey, hey look at me," Eleanor takes my hand in her in a comforting manner, "You are so strong Hailey, if it were me in your place, I would have died. But, I respect how you are even able to speak after such a traumatic event. I can feel how devastating it must be for you. But, Hailey, you have nothing to worry about, you did nothing wrong."

"Thank you so much, Eleanor, it means a lot."

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask hesitantly.


"Why did you help me, I mean, don't take me wrong but, you don't even know me."

She gives a small smile, "Hailey, anyone sane would have helped you. I see how beautiful you are inside out, and I, for starters, know that Xavier played you."

I can't believe good souls like her exist.

"So, I am free to go now right?" I ask her hoping to get an affirmative answer.

"You think you can face everyone outside?"

"I have to face them, Eleanor, it's the consequences of my decisions."

As I said before, showing braveness is my only option now. Even a moment of weakness will let people crumble me even more.

She seems unsure about it but, I nod my head in approval.

"Okay then," Eleanor speaks and comes forward to help me stand.

To be honest, whenever I recall the judgmental and disgusted looks that everyone gave me, my heart tears up. I don't know if I can take it all, but again I have no choice. It is better to put a robust upfront than posing the victim.

With every step, I feel the stares and hear the whispers giving me goosebumps;

cheat, liar,

God, she is disgusting!

How can someone be so two-faced?

I begin to feel nauseous; my hands tremble. Noticing this, Eleanor takes my hand in hers and gives me a reassuring squeeze.

I decide not to look up and pass the corridor without being subjected to stares. But fate always has different and bestial plans for me.

"So she decides to face the world." The heartless voice of a certain person causes my steps to freeze.

Eleanor keeps on nudging me to move forward, but I couldn't. I could not give him the satisfaction of being victorious.

Soon I feel steps approaching near me.

"Hailey, please just let's leave, "Eleanor pleas.

"I can handle it," I assure her.

"Hailey my love! How was the surprise?" Xavier asks relentlessly.

"Leave her alone." It was Eleanor.

"I just can not leave her alone, you don't even know how long I have waited to see her shattering like this."

My soul can not take in the venom his mouth is bombarding. I have a lot of questions from him, but right now there is just one prevailing in my mind and body.

Why did he do this to me?

And so gathering up all the energy and dignity I have left, I ask.

"Wh-y, why did you do this to me?" It was a whisper, full of pain and wretchedness.

He goes quiet and balls his fists. He looks cold and empty, like nothing in the world matters for him, like he hates me the most, and let me tell you, that is very devastating and heartbreaking. I may stand myself after every fall, but watching the eyes of a person you love shimmer with hatred for you is mortifying.

Xaver comes forward until we are an inch apart. His rugged breathing gives me chills, not the ones with pleasure but the ones promising misery and hatred.

"Because of you, Ajax threatened to leave me. Because of you! And let me tell you something Hailey Parker, I will not let some desperate middle-class girl come between me and my family. I vowed to destroy you and I will, till you beg to be free from the agony." He snarls coldly, making me go pale and weak.

I try to regain myself, I try to come with some comeback but, I could not. All my body could give me were tears.

Without any other word, Xavier leaves, leaving me mortally perplexed.

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