Chapter 23

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Tremulousness has been taking over my body for the last ten minutes. My hands are sweating badly while my leg is shaking. Xavier made it clear that he has no problem with Landon coming over. However, I am going through an internal breakdown. It's not always that your best friend and crush get to sit side by side. Not to mention both of them hate each other. This meeting already seems a bad omen to my love life. Xavier is way too possessive. At the same time, Landon has always been scaring every boy who shows interest in me.

"Hailey, relax." Xavier comforts me. My face scans his.

"Are you sure you two won't fight?" I ask tensely.

"Even though I don't like how he looks at you, but I wouldn't do something stupid because it would affect you." He answers, looking straight into my eyes, delivering a thousand emotions with a mere sentence. He is so powerful with his words; it's beyond my understanding.

He has his way with his words_ making me fall for him every day.

After about a minute or two, my eyes catch the sight of Landon jogging towards me. My heart starts to beat while I wait for his reaction when he finds out who my date is. Once Landon reaches near, he stops as Xavier comes into his view. Landon looks back and forth with a clenched jaw, while Xavier too stares at him with the same intensity as if challenging Landon about something. Well me _ I sit there like a lost puppy.

Finally, after an eternity, Landon starts taking his steps and reaches our chair.

"Hi." I greet timidly but get no response. Instead, a screeching of chair haunts my ear when Landon decides to sit by making the noise purposefully, clearly indicating he is pissed off.

"You didn't tell 'this' was where you were busy!" Landon whisper yells, causing me to shudder.

Xavier eyes my discomfort and decides to speak.

"Hey, man! what sup?"

Landon turns towards him with a clenched jaw and then takes in a sigh.

"I am good." He replies curtly and then turns his attention towards me. I could perfectly judge that Landon was tensed, and not because of this but some other reason.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly while taking his hand in mine.

"I am breaking up with Hazel", He announces with fury, making me go pale.

"You are kidding, right?" I leave his hand, praying this wasn't true.

"I am damn serious, Hailey! She doesn't deserve us." Landon seethes.

I eye Xavier carefully, noticing he is engrossed in his phone, clearly not wanting to feel awkward.

I move my chair close to Landon's," There has to be a reason. You cannot just announce to call it off. You people have dated for a handsome amount of time."

"You don't need to know the reason. Hazel isn't worth it." Landon barks coldly, making me see red.

"What do you mean she doesn't deserve? Everyone deserves Landon. And I don't get how within a night you have changed your opinion about her!" I speak with clenched teeth. To be honest, Landon is getting on my nerves. I never expected such an abrupt decision from him.

"We were together just because of you, Hailey!" He yells, making me go all numb.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter, not wanting to hear the answer. My reaction causes him to cool down while regret takes over his face. He takes my face in his hands and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

"Hailey", he says and takes a deep sigh in, "How can you be so naïve? Can't you see Hazel was never your friend? She never acknowledged you. She indeed attracted me for a while, but slowly I started to get the real her. She isn't your friend Hailey; Hazel never was. You don't even know how jealous she is of you. But still, I was with her, because I knew how happy it makes you." Landon sums up slowly, calculating each of his words as if scared to say so.

I don't realize I have been staring at him for the past five minutes. My mind seems compelled with questions right now. I can never imagine Hazel getting jealous of me. She has everything a girl could ever dream of. Maybe Landon took it wrong, maybe there is a misunderstanding.

"No." I manage to utter a single word.

"What do you mean by no?" I could sense Landon was losing his patience.

"No, you—you cannot do this; you cannot break up with her. Landon, she will be devastated. Please, she loves you a lot." I beg, crying, not caring that people may be staring at us. Landon doesn't seem to like my answer as he abruptly gets up.

"I have always been listening to you Hailey, but not this time. I am sorry. I have been always there for you in all of your decisions and now, you need to be there for me. Hailey, you need to decide it's either her or me." He announces and storms out, leaving me all perplexed. I couldn't control the number of tears falling from my eyes. I never imagined Landon could go this hyper.

Soon, I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to find Xavier staring at me with worry. I almost forgot about him.

"Are you okay Hailey?" He asks while rubbing my shoulder gently.

I let out a humorless laugh," I am nothing close to okay. Please take me home." I request.

I didn't need to say another word; Xavier takes my hand in his and walks towards the car. Within the drive, none of us speaks a word, but I could feel Xavier glancing at me off and on. Soon, we reach my house and Xavier hops out of the car with me.

"Thank you for driving me home, and sorry for ruining your day," I say, not meeting his eyes.

He tilts my chin up and I meet his eyes, feeling an unexpected surge of calmness within me.

"You don't need to be sorry Hailey. I am glad you can share your life with me. Your every problem is mine from today." Xavier answers, making my heart swell.

I decide this is the time; I will throw my ego aside and confess my feelings. He has been there for me throughout, and I cannot punish myself by keeping my feeling buried anymore.

Gathering up all my courage, I take a step closer to him, taking his hand in mine and speak the four words I have always dreaded, "Xavier, I love you."

His face remains expressionless for a moment. But I know he feels something for me. Maybe not love but a likeness. I know he cannot deny the attraction we feel towards each other. I know, he cannot go away from the sparks that erupt whenever we touch each other.

Soon, I see a flicker of contentment and victory on his face. He knows he won the game_ I fell hard for him.

"I am so fucking happy right now. I cannot even explain Hailey. You made me the happiest person in the world." Xavier whispers with joy, touching his forehead with mine. I feel a little upset, as he didn't reply with the words I wanted to hear. But, I let it aside; I just wanted to feel the moment.

Xavier kisses one of my cheeks, making his lips linger a little longer than I expected, then he moves towards the other cheek and repeats. His eyes flicker to my eyes and I lean in, but he jerks back. I clear my throat embarrassed at my eagerness.

"You are too pure for it right now Hailey. Let's leave it for another time." He whispers huskily.

"Bye Xavier." The words come out of my mouth forcefully.

"Bye beautiful." He replies and watches me enter my house.

I feel a heavyweight lift off my shoulders. I don't care if he didn't reciprocate my feelings today. I know one day he will. I was never a patient person but Xavier made me patient, he made me realize there are certain decisions in life you need to wait for. If loving him means waiting, I will wait for him. Even if it means forever.

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