Chapter 12

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"You are beautiful in all your ways."

It was the best statement I could relate to you. 

Will pick you up sharp at 7:00pm beautiful!

Just some enemies struggling to be friends. (wink)


From the past half an hour I am constantly staring at these messages. I won't even imagine of how Xavier got my number. The man really has some sources.

 I am pretty sure till now you all are cognizant to my personality_ I am not a typical teenage girl. But I will lie if I say Xavier's recent actions and  seemliness didn't have an affect on me. I can feel those cheap and flabby butterflies in my stomach, giving me an uneasy feeling, whenever I think about him.

I don't know why is it him out of all. His presence is alluring to all around him, and the fact that  he knows it, irritates the hell out of me. A part of me is still not convinced about his intentions and is stopping me from going with him.

However, I am an extremely intrusive and impatient person. The other part of me really wants to figure him out. He is a puzzle that I aim to solve, even knowing how dangerous it can be for me. This is why I have decided to keep this thing with Xavier, a secret_ I haven't discussed it with my friends yet. I know Hazel won't mind. Well about Lily, we all know how she is_ She will scream and all but that's just it. It is Landon about whom I am a bit worried. It's the first thing I am hiding from him. I don't think he will take it easily. 

I know you may think that I am making a lot of fuss out of this situation_ It's not like I have a date with Xavier, we are literally just grabbing a bite. Well, I just don't go out with any boy to grab a bite. Landon is literally the only boy I ever went out with alone. And Landon can definitely not be considered in  a romantic way.

"Hey Hailey do you know where is my red shirt!" The sudden irritated voice of James takes me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I reply flabbergasted.

"Why are you blushing?" He asks with raised eyebrows.

"I am not blushing." I reply, pretty sure I look like a red tomato.

"Are you thinking about a boy?"

What? puffffh no!" I squelch not looking into his eyes.

The ringing of his phone, saves me from further investigation, and I sigh thankfully. I notice his expressions turning into a smile.

Well that's a new.

"Yeah babe, sorry. Will be there in 10 mins." He replies to whoever is on the phone, and then cuts the call, shaking his head chuckling to himself.

"Babe?" I raise my eyebrows.

"What?" He roll his eyes.

"You have a babe?" I repeat again. causing to have a reaction out of him.

"Of course I have a girlfriend Hailey. I don't plan on staying a single for my life like you." He deadpans.

"I...I" I think for an answer, but he cuts me off.

"Now please tell me where is my red shirt, I have a date to attend with my babe." He asks stressing on the word, "babe".

Irritation and fury takes over me, and like always I kick him out of my room, not bothering to give him a reply.

"Never come before knocking again, or else I will chop your head off and shut up for the rest of your life." I scream on the top of my lungs. 

I hate boys. I hate unorganized shitty boys. And all boys are the same. So I hate all the boys.

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