❦Chapter 1: { When we first met }

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━"Mommy what does it feel to fall in love?" I tugged her apron lightly as I asked her my question. She raised an eyebrow at me and bent down to my level saying, "Sweetie.. falling in love is a wonderous feeling. It's almost magical." She chuckled.

"Now, where did you get that from?" She put her hands on her waist with a playful smirk on her face. I giggled at her before putting my hands on my chin. "Dad mentioned it last night while telling my bedtime story. So I got curious!"

She picked me up from the kitchen ground with a smile still hanging in her face. "Although..."

I tilted my head in confusion waiting for her to finish her sentence. She booped her nose into mine and laughed. "I think it's too young for you to think of such things. Your baby teeth just started falling off..!" I only gave her a sour look with a frown on my face.

"If a feeling is that amazing why am I not allowed to feel it?!"

"Because falling in love involves boys, and boys are disgusting aren't they?"

"Wha- but why???"

She took out a sigh, and looked straight back at me. "Because.. there's this thing called se-"

"HONEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" My father bursted into the kitchen with his crooked glasses, it almost looked like he rushed just to get here. "Y/n is only 6 years old! We'll tell her soon enough. JUST- don't ruin her childhood!" Mom only gave him a look of disbelief with a smirk on her face. "Fine." She said.

"Hmph! You adults never tell secrets. Mommy~! Put me down!" I huffed and crossed my arms forcing her to do so. When she finally put me back down on the ground, I took my chance of escaping and ran out the door.

"It looks like it was just yesterday she was born wasn't it?" Mom said as she took a defeated sigh and a sad smile.

He looked at her saying and patting her back, "That's how life works M/n. We can't just stop her from growing.. I mean, I don't want paying her school and bills for her for the rest of our lives!"

She laughed with a dry throat, not knowing what else to say. "You're right... I don't think I want that to happen either." She fixed back her apron, with her husband kissing her neck gently. "You worry to much about the past and the future dear.. let's focus on the present for once okay?"

Leaving it at that, she nodded her head in response and continued cooking for dinner.

---------- [ Y/n's POV: ]

I went straight to the playground where I saw my friends hanging out by the slide. I went closer to them but just then, I heard a familiar male voice behind me. "Y/n-chan!!" He shouted.

"Izuku!" I hugged him tightly before letting him go again. I looked at the bandages on his arms with worried eyes, "What happened to you?! Did kacchan hurt you again?" He nodded silently with tears slowly forming in his eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows before patting his back reassuringly. "There there Izu..."
He sniffled and wiped his tears when I took a hold of his hand. "H-huh? Y/n-chan where are we going??"

"To the mighty slide silly!! Iida-kun and Uraraka-chan are there too!" I chimed at him with a gleaming smile.

Not soon after, I could see his tears dry up while going down the slide happily with his arms in air. "Thanks for cheering him up, Y/n-san!" Uraraka gave me a surprise hug behind me making me jump a bit.

"Ehh?? Uraraka-chan don't call me that! Y/n is fine no need for those extra extras!"

"Y/n-san I've always found you mature enough to be well respected even if we're the same age.. But if that's what you want then I'll reconsider." Iida  added to Uraraka's words, putting his hands on his glasses. I turned around towards him since he was behind me.

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